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This is part of a longer story about me and my sisters flatmate.

In this chapter I will teach Liz the basics of fucking.

This story is based on a real setting. The names and details are changed. I might add something here and there or leave out other things. But the core of the story is true.

I'm not a native speaker so please excuse my bad English.

Please give me feedback how I can improve.

Chapter 03 - Teaching Liz how to fuck

To my surprise I woke up in exactly the same position I felt asleep. I wasn't awake half of the night and felt energized and refreshed. I also felt Liz's breast pressed against my back and her hand slowly stroking my chest.

"Good morning Liz"

"Finally, I have been stroking your chest for minutes."

"You should have stroke something else" I joked.

"Ha. Ha." she didn't sound amused "I have a question for you and you have to promise that you will be honest."


"No, you have to promise, say it."

"I promise, now ask your question."

"Did you enjoy yesterday evening?"

"Of course I did!" I answered honestly

"But you haven't had an orgasm!"

"No I haven't, that's correct. In fact it even hurt from time to time. But nevertheless I enjoyed it. You are super hot Liz. And when you become horny you are even hotter.

"I hurt you?" she asked shocked.

"Only a little, don't worry. We will work on it."

"Show me how you would do it!"


"You know what I mean. She me how you would stroke your dick. I want to learn it."

"I'm not a machine. I can't just start masturbating."

She stood up and kneeled next to me on the bed. Then she removed her shirt and exposed her breasts.

"What about now?" she asked and smiled at me.

I already felt my dick harden but I wanted to test how far she would go.

"I don't know if that is enough. Maybe if you play with your breasts."

She looked at me for a few seconds and then she started to knead her breast.

"Don't forget your nipples!"

"Idiot!" she said but started to play with her nipples.

I moved my hand in my shorts and started to slowly stroke my dick. I felt weird to masturbate in front of someone else. I never did that before.

"Hey! Don't do it in your shorts. That way I can't learn anything." Liz complained and pulled down my shorts down revealing my hard dick. I closed my eyes to pretend to be alone and started to stroke my cock again. I started slowly and got faster and faster over time. When I got horny enough I dared to open my eyes. Liz was still playing with her nipples. Her mouth was slightly opened and her eyes were glued to my cock.

"Can I try it now?"

"The stage is yours"

She carefully grabbed my cock.

"Say stop when the pressure is perfect."

I waited a few seconds while she was increasing her grip strength.

"Stop, that's perfect"

She smiled and started to slowly stroke me.

"Slow is only good for the beginning."

She got my hint and increased the speed. It was not perfect but way better compared to the evening before. I was closing my eyes again and enjoying the sensation. I liked how she varied the pressure and speed. She pulled down my foreskin and ran her finger over my glans. She circled my head and distributed my precum. I moaned quietly until I felt something else on my dick.

"Oh fuck" I said and my eyes shot open. She grinned at me.

"What did you do? It felt great. Can you do it again?"

"Only if you say please." She grinned at me while teasing my dick with her hand.


She still grinned at me and stuck out her tongue.

"Please please please?" I begged.

With her tongue out she leaned forward until her tongue touched my cock head. She looked me in the eyes and moved her tongue around the head and down to the underside of my dick.

"Oh fuck this feels so good. Don't stop it!"

She increased the speed of her tongue and was tickling the underside of my cock. My toes curled up and I got ready to shoot my load. She still had her tits out which were swinging in the rhythm of her licks. Her right hand was holding tight on the base of my cock while her tongue was attacking my head.

"Oh shit. Be careful. I'm gonna cum." I moaned.

She pointed my dick in the direction of my face and continued her movements. I was getting closer and closer and needed all my will power to not just push her whole head over my cock. And then I finally came and three big spurts of my juices landed on my chest. Liz stopped licking me and laid herself next to me. I turned my head in her direction. Her beautiful tits were pressing against my arm. I could feel her nipples. They were still stiff. And my cock was still in her hand. She slowly pressed the last drops of cum out of it. Her eyes traveled from those drops, to the pool of cum on my chest, to my face. She grinned at me again so I prepared myself for some mocking. But instead she just kissed me. Our tongues were meeting in my mouth and playing with each other. After a few moments she broke the kiss.

"Aren't you disgusted?"

"Why should I?"

"Am I not tasting like your..." She pointed with her finger to the lake on my chest.

"You are. But just a little bit. But no I don't think it's disgusting. If I found it disgusting, I couldn't let you do what you just did." I answered honestly and started to kiss her again to prove my point.

"You are sweet." she flushed while still holding my cock, "And you are still hard. How is that even possible?"

"Because you are so hot!" I got out of my shirt and tossed it to her chair of clothes.

"This needs a washing" I laughed while laying down again. I turned on my side and faced her again. I left some room between us to be able to inspect her body. My cock was pointing at her thighs. I ran my hand over her leg and up to her breasts. She was also laying on her side and her perky breasts were pointing towards me. I ran a finger along the underside of them, leaned forward and kissed her. I parted her legs with my knee and moved it upwards until I touched her thong. I felt the wetness against my knee and slightly increased the pressure. I continued kissing her and grabbed her upper tit. I kneaded it until she started to grind her pussy against my knee. It was super hot to see that something as simple as a knee could turn her on that much. I When she started to moan into my mouth I removed my knee and pulled her upper leg closer to me. My cock was now resting on her lower leg not far away from her pulsing wet pussy.

"Hey, I wasn't done with that." She complained right away.

"I have something better for you." I reached down with my hand and reached into her thong. Inside it was way wetter than what I could feel at my knee. I played a little bit with her clit until she was moaning again. When that was the case I clamped her thong behind her outer labida. I ran my hand over her exposed sex a couple of times. I reached for my dick and moved my head a few times between her pussy lips until I found her hot entry. I positioned it there and waited a couple of seconds for her to protest. Then I moved it all the way in. I waited another couple of seconds to let her adjust to it. Then I started fucking her slowly. All this time we continued kissing. I wanted to give her the feeling of being loved and desired while I pumped into her. Something her Ex wasn't capable of. Our bodies were melting together. One moment I was fucking her on high speed, the next moment I hold still to allow her to grind against my pubic bone. I reached for her nipples and let my fingers move over them in the same rhythm she was grinding against me. I could feel how sweaty her tits were and was sure she would reach the peak soon. I slowly moved my hip. Just a little bit to get some friction at my dick and to give her the feeling of being penetrated. Her grinding speed increased and she stopped kissing me. She closed her eyes and breathed heavily.

"Oh fuck. Oooh fuck. Oooooh" and with that she came on my dick. Her pussy was clamping and kneading my cock. While she slowly came down from her orgasm I started to move again inside of her. It felt so tight and good around my cock. I was pumping in and out of her. But she didn't just lay there and look at how I enjoyed myself. She sat up her leg to allow me easier fucking. And she started to moan a bit and started to play with her tits. It was obviously not for her but just for my eyes and ears. And this fact pushed me over the edge. With one big moan I emptied my balls inside of her.

"You are so hot Liz" I screamed, grabbed her tits and started to kiss her again. I was cooling down but had my cock still buried in her. We hugged each other like this and laid still. Every couple of minutes I could feel how some of my semen was leaving her pussy. It was slowly flowing down my cock, along my balls and onto her leg. But we both didn't care. After what felt like an hour Liz broke the silence.

"That was the best sex I ever had. Thank you so much. It was the first time that it felt like someone respected me and wanted to make me happy."

"You are more than welcome Liz. Happy to repeat it."

"I will come back to that offer. But maybe we should have breakfast first." I rolled from my side to my back and pulled my half stiff cock out of her.

"Feels kind of empty now." I looked down at my cum covered dick and the pool of cum that had formed right next to her leg.

"Do you have a tissue?" I laughed at her.

"Sure, in the top drawer of the nightstand." I opened the drawer and took some tissues out. For now I ignored the pink vibrator and cleaned myself up. I passed some to her and watched her clean her pussy.

"I guess we have to do laundry today." she laughed and stood up.

We showered and had breakfast afterwards. Liz prepared some amazing pancakes while I prepared the table and cooked some coffee. It was typical later summer Saturday. The weather was still nice enough to do some outdoor activities so we did a nice bicycle tour. When we came back we were both exhausted.

"We still need to get groceries and cook lunch." Liz pointed out the obvious. "I need to sit down first."

"You need a shower!" I mocked her and held my nose.

"Idiot!" she laughed and slapped me. "You are smelling equally bad. But yes, I should take a shower. Can you make a plan for what we need to buy for dinner?"

"Sure." While Liz got into the bathroom I thought about what to cook but quickly realized that I'm also too lazy and hungry to do groceries and cook afterwards. I grabbed my phone and did some research. I just finished it when Liz came into the room. She wore nothing more than a towel. I instantly felt my dick harden in my trousers. I watched her moving to her wardrobe and pulling out a bra and a thong. I stood up and moved towards her when she dropped her towel. She was standing in front of me showing me her full beauty.

"Stay where you are!" Liz said dead serious. "Ah no. Don't stay where you are. Go take a shower! You are not touching me like this."

"Okay okay, I'm on my way!" I laughed but got the hint and started to search for some new clothes.

"What have you chosen for dinner?"

"We are not cooking, we are going out. So better be ready when I will have finished my shower!"

"You know that I don't have the money to go out."

"Don't worry it's on me."

"But I don't want to be invited by you."

"Liz it's totally fine. I earn enough money to buy a second pizza every now and then. But if you insist you can pay your debts back as afterwards." I said, winked at her and left the room to end the conversation.

When I finished my shower Liz was already waiting in the hallway. She looked stunning. She wore a nice snug fitting white trouser that showed off her nice butt. Around her neck was a gold necklace. It ended right between her breasts with a nice looking pendant. Her breasts were in a beige knitted long sleeve shirt with a big v neckline. The neckline ended at the underside of her breasts and gave her a wonderful cleavage.

"Wow. Liz. You look amazing." I grabbed into my trousers to rearrange my stiffening cock.

"I know" she laughed and winked at me. "And I'm super hungry so let's leave. Where are you taking me by the way?"

"It's a surprise, but I feel underdressed now."

"You look gorgeous, let's go."

We grabbed our jackets since it was getting cold and left.

I took Liz to her favorite Italian restaurant. We ate some very good pizzas, enjoyed some glasses of wine and at least I also enjoyed the view Liz was giving me.

"Let's get home and on the couch." Liz said a while after we finished our meal.

"We could do that or we can go to the cinema and watch this one movie you've wanted to see for weeks. I booked us two seats and it will start in half an hour."

"Oh that's a wonderful idea. Thank you so much! It's the last weekend they are showing it. I planned to see it next Monday but now it is way better. Let's go." She was sweet when she was excited for something.

The movie was a fantasy movie and we two definitely were the best dressed people in the short queue. Especially Liz and her cleavage got a lot of attention from the mostly male visitors. The movie was shown in one of the biggest theaters. While the queue looked big when standing outside we quickly figured out that the movie was not so well visited. Instead of our booked seats we chose a less crowded row further up. They had those double chairs for couples. We sat down, I laid my arm around Liz and we cuddled up. Her head was resting against my chest and she had her feet on the chair. I slightly hugged her and let my hand rest on her hip. Over the duration of the film I moved my hand from time to time. Starting at her hip I traveled upwards to her back, her upper arm, her shoulder, her neck and then finally her right breast. At first I was only letting my hand rest on it, but I quickly became more daring and slightly grabbed it.

"What are you doing?" Liz whispered.

"Nothing" I replied innocently.

"Doesn't feel like nothing."

I stopped grabbing for a couple of minutes and slowly moved my fingertips along the fabric towards her cleavage until I felt her flesh. I caressed the bare flesh of her right breast with my fingertips. I let my fingertips slide under the material from time to time. Each time I let it slide a little bit further until I could feel her bra. I straightened my hand and thereby moved my whole hand into her bra. Liz breathed in heavily when I touched her nipple. I adjusted my grip a little bit to allow her nipple to poke between two of my fingers. I was now able to stimulate her nipple by squeezing it between my fingers. And of course I did that while I was slightly fondling her breast. After a while I could hear Liz breathing a little bit heavier. I would have loved to feel how wet her pussy already was. But that would have been a bit too much.

"Stop it" she whispered, but I just ignored it.

A few moments later I suddenly felt her hand in my crotch. She felt along my crotch until she found my cock head. She started to massage just the head with her thumb. Luckily for me the movie was over a couple of minutes later so she hadn't had that much time to tease me. Unfortunately this also meant that I had to stand up and leave the theater with a giant boner in my jeans. I tried to adjust it a little bit without being too obvious. The fabric of Liz's pullover was thick enough to hide her stiff nipples.

"Lucky you" I heard a foreign voice whisper in my ear when we left the cinema as part of a bigger crowd. I turned around and saw a good looking guy, who quickly winked at me before he turned around and left together with a girl. It seemed like we hadn't been as unseen as I thought.

On the way home we mainly talked about the movie, which we both really liked. However both of us could feel the heat and tension. As soon as we closed the door of her flat we started kissing. After one or two kisses I moved my hand back into her cleavage. But this time I pulled her pullover to the side and the underlaying bra down to exposed her left tit. While I was doing so she opened my belt and my fly. She pulled at my trousers and they fell to floor. Before I could step out of them she did the same with my underwear. She grabbed my rock hard dick and pulled me a couple of steps towards her room. I stopped her by holding her arm. After I gave he a quick kiss, during which she started to stroke my cock, I also exposed her other tit by pulling the pullover to the other side and bra down again. Her boob's were now on full display and got pressed together nicely by her pullover while still being slightly pushed up by her bra. It looked super hot seeing her tits being pushed together like this. I picked her up and started to carry her. Her hands were around my neck and her tits were right in front of my eyes now. I pushed her against the next wall and kissed her on her right nipple. I sucked it in my mouth and played with it. I slightly bit into them and let my tongue dance around them to the sound of Liz's moans.

"Please fuck me finally" she muffled between two moans.

I didn't want to disappoint and also couldn't wait anymore. I carried her to her bed and threw her onto it. She opened her fly and I quickly pulled at the bottom ends of her trousers to remove it. Her matching white thong was gone seconds later. I moved her butt to the edge of the bed and spread her legs. Her wet hairy pussy greeted me. I didn't lose any time, grabbed my dick, pointed it at her inviting entry and pushed myself completely in her. We both moaned loudly and I leaned forward to give her a quick kiss. I stood up again and grabbed her legs. I moved them to either side of my body. She got the hint, moved her feet behind my back and pulled herself onto my dick. While she braced herself to me I started to fuck her wet whole.

In the morning we made love. We were cuddling and I was carefully penetrating her. It was hard to get into a good rhythm while laying on the side. This time we were actually fucking. Standing enabled me to thrust how deep, hard and fast I want. And this evening I wanted it hard, fast and deep. Each clapping sound was followed by an moaning sound from Liz.

clap - eow - clap - ough - clap - aaah

She was enjoying it maybe even more than I. One of her hands moved down and was playing with her clit. I didn't know where I should look. Her pleased face, her bouncing tits or her hand? Seeing all of that, hearing her moans and feeling her wet pussy pulsing around my cock gave me the rest and I came in her. Everything that was left in my balls after our morning fuck was now pumped in her. I didn't dare to pull my cock out of here and tried to maintain an erection. She opened her eyes, grinned at me and continued to play with her clit. It only took her a couple more seconds until she also came. I could feel her pussy contracting around my cock. It felt so good that I already became a bit harder. When she came down from her orgasm she spread her arms and made a kissing face. I got the hint and slowly lowered myself onto her. We kissed and cuddled and did some after care.

We both were super exhausted so nothing more happened and we fell asleep shortly after.
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