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Girl leaves Children's Home for University
Bright Sparks Prodigy - Hannah’s New Life

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

By then we were outside the front of the hotel and Charles was right, it was windy. I could feel the fabric of my dress floating out. I just knew that there were times when the front of the skirt part of my dress was blowing up or sideways and exposing my legs right up to my belly button but I didn’t react to the exposure at all. I just hung on to Charles’ arm as we talked and walked.

I kept casually turning my head to look at the people around us and I saw a few surprised looks, and I sniggered as I saw one guy bang his shoulder on a lamp post when he was looking at me instead of where he was going.

I said nothing about other people being able to see my goodies and just hoped that Charles was right when he told me that he wouldn’t let me get arrested.

Although I usually hate long dresses and skirts I was actually enjoying being out in public in that dress. The only part that I wasn’t happy about was the lack of light. It was late at night and the street lights weren’t as bright as the sun.

As we walked, we talked and we were both telling little stories from our lives and I realised that I really liked him. He definitely was like the father that wished I had had.

I saw the front of the hotel and realised that somehow we’d managed to go round in a circle. Charles guided me in and through the lobby. Okay, the staff there were looking at us but I was, like I had been for most of the evening, acting as though my dress wasn’t see-through.

Charles led me to the elevator and as the doors closed I saw Charles insert a card below the floor buttons, then he said,

“Please take you dress off Hannah.”

As I carefully lifted it up and off I was wondering how long it would be before I put it back on.

I backed up to the mirrored wall, spread my feet a little and said,

“Does this meet your approval Charles?”

“Hannah, sweet Hannah, your body is perfect. I saw that when you first walked into the restaurant. You taking that dress off so easily just proves that you are not ashamed of your body and I’m hoping that the next few hours will convince me that you have no hang-ups and you will submit your entire body to my desires.“

“I will do my best Charles. I like everything that I have seen and heard about you and will willingly do everything that you ask.”

The lift stopped and when the doors opened we weren’t on a floor with a corridor, we were in what looked like a very plush apartment.

“Welcome to my humble abode Hannah.”

“This is a hotel room?” I asked.

“Not quite Hannah, this is my apartment. I live here.”

“Is this part of the hotel?”

“Sort of, it’s an apartment on the top of my hotel.”

“You own the hotel?”

“Yes I do.”

“No wonder we had amazing service in the restaurant.”

“One of the perks.”

“It’s huge, and view must be amazing when it’s light out there.”

“Never mind that for now Hannah, do you need to shower before we go to bed?”

“Only if you will shower with me Charles.”

“It will be my pleasure.”

Charles led me to the bathroom which was bigger than my whole flat that had 5 people living in it. The shower was amazing with multiple shower heads, 2 of which were directed at waist height.

I stepped in and was instantly hit with warm water, I didn’t even have to turn a tap on.

As I luxuriated in the warm water I watched Charles get undressed. For a man who was probably twice my age, he looked quite fit. When he turned to face me I was pleased with what was sticking out in front of him. His cock was bigger than any that I’d seen since I came to the university.

“May I soap your body Hannah?”

“You don’t need to ask Charles, you can do anything that you want to my body whenever you want.”

“Be careful what you offer Hannah, I might just take you up on it sometime.”

Before we left the shower our tongues had invaded the other’s mouth and my pussy had been invaded by a very hard cock, bringing me to a very pleasant orgasm.

We dried each other then Charles lifted me up, lowered me onto his cock then carried me to the bedroom where he lowered me onto silk sheets on a bed that looked to be bigger than my room at the flat.

Charles fucking me wasn’t like it was with most of the students, a wham-bang-thank you-ma’am, it was long and slow and very passionate. We fucked in positions that I had never even imagined. Charles made me cum 3 times, and after I’d recovered from the third time he got me to lay on my back and spread my legs wider than they already were.

Charles then proceeded to us his hands and fingers on my whole pussy area to bring to me a huge, very intense orgasm that left my body shaking and jerking minutes after he had removed his hands.

“Oh my gawd Charles, who taught you how to do that to a girl?” I finally asked when my body finally retuned to normal.

“An old Spanish guy in one of my London hotels Hannah, I take it that you enjoyed it.”

“Charles, that was like a million orgasms all rolled into one, but you’ve made me cum 3 plus a million times but you haven’t even cum once yet. With you having had the drought that you told me about, I’d have thought that you would have cum quite quickly.”

“Little blue pills Hannah. I suspected that I’d have the problem that you just described so I popped a viagra. I didn’t want to disappoint you Hannah.”

“I’ve never spoken to anyone about viagra, will it keep you hard for days?”

“I don’t know, but I hope so.”

Charles rammed his cock into me again and the build-up to my fourth orgasm started.

Recovering from my fourth orgasm, Charles asked.

“Have you ever been spanked Hannah?”

“Not seriously.”

“Restrained, tied up, maybe to the corners of a bed?”


“Would you mind if I did both those things to you Hannah.”

“Same answer as before Charles. I’ll try anything.”

“Have you got a magic wand Hannah?”

“I’m a student Charles, so no, but now that there’s some money in my bank account I’m probably going to buy one.”

“Don’t buy one Hannah, one will arrive the same time as your new phone.”

“Charles, buying me new things is not part of our deal, you don’t have to buy me anything.”

“Perhaps I just want to buy you things.”

“Well I’m certainly not going to refuse them, thank you.”

“Hannah, can I tie your wrists and ankles to the corners of this bed?”

“My arms and legs will need to double in length to reach the corners Charles.”

“Turn over and spread your arms and legs as far as they will go Hannah, I’ll take care of the rest.”

And he did. First he put very soft cuffs on my ankles and wrists, then lengths of soft, white rope appeared and he got to work. It took a little longer than it could have because he kept stopping and kissing and fondling my little butt.

“Are you going to spank me Charles, have I been a naughty little girl?”

“The only thing that you’ve been naughty about Hannah, is not coming into my life sooner. If I’d ever got married and had a daughter I would have liked her to turn out like you have.”

“Maybe you should call me daughter then Charles.”

“Would you mind if I did?”

“Only if I can call you daddy, are you ready to spank me?”

“Yes I am, are you ready daughter? I’ve read that it’s less painful if the girl relaxes.”

“That’s easier said than done Charles. I don’t know how hard you’ll spank me and how much it will hurt. Ouch, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. One, thank you daddy, please can I have some more.”


“Two, thank you daddy, please can I have some more.”

“You must have seen the one of the same videos that I have Hanna.”

“Maybe, one of my flatmates was watching a BDSM video and I heard a girl counting like that.”

“I like that you do Hannah.”


“Three, thank you daddy, please can I have some more.”

And so it went on. Okay, it was hurting and my butt felt like it was on fire, but I was kind of enjoying it as well. After the tenth swat three things happened, firstly, I realised that my pussy was leaking quite a bit. Secondly, my arousal level was rising. And fourthly, Charles asked me if I wanted him to stop.

“I can take more daddy.”

After another 10 swats I was getting quite aroused and thought that maybe, just maybe, I would cum. However, Charles stopped after the twentieth swat and said,

“That’s it Hanna, I just can’t inflict any more pain on you but I’m going to give you something different to think about.”

With that I felt Charles’ breath on my inner thighs as he slid up my body.

“Oh, ooooohh. That’s nice Charles, sorry, daddy. Please don’t stop.”

Charles’ tongue was lapping up and down my slit. It was a slow process as each time it got to my clit it rolled around my clit a couple of times, and when it moved up to my vagina it tongue fucked me a couple of times before starting all over again.

After I’d cum - again, I realised that whilst I was up there, Charles had released the ankle and wrist cuffs. Charles rolled me over onto my back and lifted my legs up. Just as he was about to enter me again, I said,

“Wait daddy, push my legs right over so that my toes touch the bed.”

As he did so, I lifted my arms between my legs and locked them down with my arms over my calves.

“Jeez Hannah, is that comfortable?”

“Yes daddy, I’m presenting my pussy to you for you to do what you like with it.”

Charles smiled and leant over, his tongue finding my pussy again.

After yet another orgasm (I’d lost count by then), Charles spun me around, with my legs still locked under my arms, so that we could we could have an unusual (probably) 69.

And still Charles didn’t cum.

Then Charles had an idea. He released my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed so that my head was hanging over the edge.

Then he deep throated me. I’d read about that but never experienced it, until then. OMG. Thankfully, Charles was very considerate as he gave me time to breathe, but wow, saliva was all over my face as his cock pounded my throat.

At one point I realised that my brain had been concentrating on my throat and I was missing the activity of Charles’ fingers. He was bent over me and finger fucking me at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, I orgasmed again, but Charles finally orgasmed as well, his cum going straight down my throat.

Charles pulled my legs so that my head was on the bed then he flopped down beside me.

After we’d both recovered we went and had another shower, without the fucking, then we both collapsed on the bed and I was asleep in seconds.


“I hope that you didn’t mind me fucking you whilst you slept Hannah, I was looking at your body and I just couldn’t resist it.” Charles said when he saw that I was waking up,

“That’s okay daddy, I said that you could use my body however you wished, and that includes whenever you want, even if I am asleep. It’s a wonderful feeling waking up to a cock sliding in and out of my pussy.”

Seconds later I felt a familiar warm blast inside me then Charles rolled onto his back.

“Sorry that I didn’t last very long this time, maybe I should have taken another viagra as soon as I woke up.”

“That’s okay daddy, would you like me to suck you to get some life back into your amazing cock? You’re body is probably just getting used to you needing a hard-on more often.”

“Thank you for the offer Hannah, but duty calls. I didn’t think that you would be so amazing, giving, taking and not at all ashamed of your body. All the other girls that Harry and Sherry have sent me have gone home after I fucked them.”

“It has been my pleasure Charles, I’ve enjoyed every second of it and I have no idea how many times you made me cum.”

“Well next time we’ll both count them.”

“So there will be a next time then Charles?”

“Most definitely Hannah, I’ll talk to Harry or Sherry later today. It would be good if you could send me your class schedule so that I can plan around it.”

“Wow daddy, you are serious, I’ll email it to you later.”

“Thank you Hannah, I have so many friends and colleagues that I want to present my new daughter to.”

“Do you mean ‘present’ as in my legs behind my arms, or ‘present’ as in at parties or business events?”

“Both Hannah. You have an amazing body and, if you are happy to show it to the world then I am happy give you the opportunities, whilst furthering my own agenda.”

“With you by my side daddy, you can show my Body to whoever you want. Hell, you can even fuck me in front of them if you want.”

“I might just do that sometime, but don’t worry Hannah, you’ll get paid every time that I show you or fuck you.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the money Charles. After last night I’d do it a million times, all for free.”

“I doubt that it will be a million times Hannah, but you will get handsomely rewarded, financially that is.”

“Both my body and my brain would get rewarded by you displaying my body Charles.”

Charles was getting dressed – into a suit, whilst we were talking, whilst I was still totally naked on his bed. When he was ready, I said,

“Very handsome and suave Charles.”

“Thank you Hannah. I should look good, this suit cost me nearly £5,000 Now, whenever you are ready, no rush, have a shower and phone down for some room service breakfast. Then, when you are ready, phone for James to drive you home. Let yourself out by just pressing the down button at the lift.”

Charles came over to me, put his left hand on my right tit, then caressed it for a couple of seconds whilst he kissed me on my lips.

“Thank you Hannah, and I hope to see you soon.”

With that Charles turned and walked over to the lift. When it arrived he got in, turned to face me and smiled before the doors closed.


I let out a long sigh then thought,

“Bloody hell girl, that was a totally awesome night, what a man, what a way to give a girl a million orgasms rolled into one, and what a place.”

After a couple of minutes doing nothing other than enjoying the opulence of the place, I got off the bed and wandered around. I opened each door that I could see and noted that Charles had a mini gym and a room with lots of computer monitors. A few were switched on and were flashing different numbers all the time. Not understanding them I closed the door and kept wandering.

I was right about the view out the huge windows and sliding doors. I could see right across the city and the sea beyond. I tried one of the sliding doors and discovered that it opened so I stepped out, still totally naked and not caring if anyone in any of the nearby tall buildings could see me.

The air was a little fresh but I could see the sun high in the sky.

Then I looked to my left and saw what I guessed to be a covered jacuzzi.

“It would be really nice to relax in that with a glass of champagne in my hand.” I thought.

Talking a couple of deep breaths, I stepped back into the flat, no apartment, no mansion, and headed to the bathroom to do my daily routine. I skipped the shaving my pussy part as I thought that it would be rude to use Charles’ razor. I did find a bunch of toothbrushes still in their packs so I used one of those on my teeth.

The shower was as luxurious as it was the previous night and as I showered I remembered Charles picking me up and lowering me onto his cock. My right hand went to my pussy and made me cum whilst the endless supply of warm water was still cascading down on me.

As I was coming down from my high I started thinking about what I could stand on to get one of the waist high jets to pound on my pussy. I gave up when I couldn’t think of anything, reminding myself that I may never get the opportunity to use that shower again.

When I got out I dried myself then used the hair dryer to do the best that I could with my hair. I dropped the towel as I left the bathroom and remembered what Charles had said about room service.

I searched for a house phone then ordered. The guy on the other end of the line not sounding surprised that a girl was ordering from a single man’s (their boss) apartment.

I didn’t even think about being naked when the lift pinged and out came a young man pushing a trolley. All credit (or not) to the guy as he emptied the trolley onto a table then left, because I never saw him take even a glance at me.

Not knowing when I would get a decent meal again I stuffed my face then took a coffee out onto the balcony to relax in the late morning sun.

As I sat there feeling the warm sun on my pussy and the rest of my front, I thought about my life, how it had changed from a horrible time before Bright Sparks, to a happy rest of my childhood, then to finally, for now, to my new life base at the university. Okay, the accommodation wasn’t up to much but I’d made new friends, some with benefits, and outside university I was earning good money with options on another lucrative source of income (stripping).

I knew that I’d become an exhibitionist and borderline slut, but it was giving me a lot of pleasure. Pleasure that I never wanted to give up.

Okay, I’d had a totally awesome time with Charles and if he wanted my services again I would happily give them, but if Charles never asked for me again I was sure that Sherry and Harry could get me other assignments, maybe not as good but still quite lucrative.

I laughed at a stupid thought that I would be able to retire when I finished university, but maybe I’d be able to afford a comfortable life, maybe go back and help Bright Sparks in some way.

My daydreaming ended when the skies clouded over so I went back inside to look for my dress, shoes and bag. After I’d put the dress on I looked at myself in a mirror and wondered how I hadn’t been arrested for indecency, then I got my ancient phone out and called James.

Ten minutes later I was walking out of the lift and through the lobby where there were quite a few people.

“It’s not see-through, no one can see my slit or nipples, I’m doing nothing wrong.” I told myself as I confidently walked straight through and out the front doors where I saw James waiting by the car and looking at me.

“Good afternoon ma’am, straight back to your university accommodation is it?” James asked as he still stared at me as the skirt part of the dress got caught in a breeze uncovering all my legs right up to my navel.

“Yes please James.” I replied as I got into the back of the car with James holding the door open and looking down at my legs.

As the car approached my university digs I thought,

“Maybe this is the walk of shame. What will the straight-laced, boring students think of me coming back after lunch still wearing a long dress and heels. Sod ‘em, what do I care?”

As it turned out, the handful of students that did see me never gave me a second glance.

“HANNAH’s BACK.” Millie shouted as soon as she saw me.

Doors opened and soon, all 5 of us were sat on the sofas with me recounting my night, well not all the details.

Both Millie and Olivia said that they were jealous and both Logan and Ethan said that I was lucky being a girl. I couldn’t disagree with them.

Then Millie asked me if it would be okay for her to borrow my dress sometime and I said that it would.

Logan said that I should take it off and check that it was still in one piece. So I did, not caring that I was naked whilst the other 4 had some clothes on, although Millie’s top and skirt did very little to cover any of her girly parts.

After us 3 girls checked the dress for any damage I took it to my room, telling everyone that I was going to hang it up then check on my uni assignments.

Back in my room I did what I’d said I would, then logged onto my laptop and then my bank. Imagine my surprise when I saw deposits from the agency that were what I expected, but also deposits from Charles that were double what I had expected.

Logging off then back on to check that I wasn’t dreaming, I was over the moon. So much so that I ran back to the others and told them that I was rich, and why.

“Party time.” Logan shouted.

I agreed, phoned for pizzas then gave my debit card to Logan and Ethan to go and get a shed full of beers.

Forty five minutes later we heard knocking on the door and, assuming that it was Logan and Ethan who were carrying so much beer that they couldn’t open the door, I ran to it and was surprised to see the pizza delivery guy staring at me.

The poor bloke couldn’t even remember to ask if he was at the right flat.

“Come in, come in, take them to the kitchen please.” I said.

I followed him in and he got another surprise when he saw that Millie and Olivia were also as naked as the day they were born.

“What?” Millie asked as they both stood to face the poor guy. “I thought that we could play the dare game but with us 3 girls getting a head start.”

Then Olivia looked at the pizza guy and said,

“You don’t mind that us girls are naked do you?”

“Err, err, no, I guess not. Where do you want it, err, them.”

“Just on the side please. Sorry, we haven’t got any cash for a tip.” Millie replied.

“That’s okay, I know what it’s like being a student.” The guy replied as he shuffled out sideways so that he could keep looking at us for as long as he could.

“That was funny.” Olivia said when we heard the door shut.

“Ladies,” Millie said, “I know that Hannah is now rich and that you, Olivia, and me will soon be earning some money stripping, but how about we brainstorm some ideas to earn a bit more money, and have tons of fun.”

“I’m up for that.” Olivia replied.

“Me too,” I replied, “we are here to have tons of fun, so who’s got some ideas.”

“Well,” Millie replied, “how about renting out flexible dolls?”

“What, how would that work?” Olivia asked.

Before Millie could answer we heard banging on the door but before we could get to it we heard Ethan shouting,

“It’s okay, we got it.”

The 2 of them staggered in carrying more cans and bottle than I though the beer shop near us had.

We all got busy either stashing the beer in the fridge or cutting the pizzas. Why is it that pizza shops never make a good job of cutting the pizzas?

Armed with plates full of pizza slices and bottles of beer we all went and sat on the sofas.

As we stuffed our faces Logan said,

“Dare I ask why you 3 girls are naked, not that I’m complaining.”

Olivia and Millie had just taken a bite of pizza so I said,

“We thought that you’d like to play Millie’s dare game when we’ve finished eating, and we’d like a brainstorming session about how we can earn some more money.”

“Bloody hell girls,” Ethan replied, “2 of you are about to become strippers which will earn you tons of money, and you Hannah, you’re already on your way to your first million, and you want more?”

“Hey,” I replied, “one escort job is hardly a million and I may never get another one, but a girl can never have enough money. Guys, we were thinking of ways that will give us tons of fun and money, but we’d need some help getting organised, and we’d need managers. And managers would need to be paid, a share of the profits.”

“So what do you have in mind girls?” Ethan asked.

Millie continued for me and I took another bite of pizza.

“Well so far we’ve only thought of one idea, flexible dolls. No, not making and selling kids dolls, renting one of us 3 out for an hour or so and we’d have to pretend to be like a Barbie doll.”

“I’ve seen some of those FlexiDoll videos,” Logan replied, “I wouldn’t mind having a FlexiDoll of my own. Yes, that would work, just so long as you girls don’t mind what potentially could happen.”

“You mean we could get fucked?” Olivia replied.

“Exactly,” Logan replied, “but we could give strict rules about what can and can’t be done to you and one of us could be outside the room so that we’d hear you if you shouted ‘fowl’ or something. We can sort out the details later. Any other ideas?”

For the next going on for an hour, we brainstormed ideas and came up with: -

1. FlexiDoll

2. Naked Housework.

3. An Auction to ‘sell’ one of us for an hour,

4. Our own little Dating Agency for shy students.

5. Party Strippers.

6. Bottle Race. Ethan had to explain that one to all of us.

7. Who can survive the longest on a Sybian.

8. Catfights, 2 or 3 way.

9. Nude Wrestling with a guy.

10. Who can take the biggest Dildo or other object..

The last 5 being games that students could bet on, but we’d have to make sure that the odds were on our side.

We stopped when we’d got 10 ideas, partially because we were running out of ideas and partially because we were all keen to get on with the dare game.

Of course, the first 2 dares that us girls gave the guys was for then to strip naked. From then on things went downhill, or maybe uphill, dependant upon your point of view.

Whatever that is, we all enjoyed the mini orgy that ensued and all of us orgasmed at least twice.

The room looked one hell of a mess when we all finally went to bed.


The Monday started slowly for those of us who had classes that morning. There were promises to clean-up that evening then I hit the shower only to find Ethan already there.

“Boys’ showers not fixed yet?” I asked as I stepped in beside him.

“Nope, not in a rush to get rid of us boys are you Hannah?”

“Nope.” I replied as I dropped to my knees.

“Last night not enough for you Hannah? Oh, that’s nice, keep doing that.”

I did, but before he came I stopped and bent over in front of him. As he fucked me I played with my clit and we came at about the same time.

When he started wilting I remembered something,

“Shit, I’ve got that medical for the pill after my first class, I might still have your cum running out of me.”

“I thought that you were already on the pill Hannah?”

“Arm implant actually, but we thought that it could be fun to be examined by Med students then not bother getting the pills.”

“Jeez, you 3 are nymphomaniacs.”

“We’re students, we’re enjoying ourselves.”

“Good for you, keep up the good work. I could flush you out with the shower hose.”

“Ow, that sounds like fun, go on then.”

And he did. It didn’t make me cum again but it left me all horny. It wasn’t the first time that a shower hose had been up my vagina, but this time it wasn’t for pleasure.


It was the usual very short skirt, tank top, with the obligatory 2 bulges, trainers and no underwear of any variety, then off to my first class to tease, flash and learn a little.

In spite of the fun, the class dragged but was finally over and I headed off to the medical wing.

I got the expected mini lecture about unprotected sex and helped myself to a couple of handfuls of free condoms (you never know). Then I was led into the examination room where I was met by an older guy, who appeared to be in charge, and 4 young guys.

The older guy explained that the young guys were year 4 students and that they would be performing the consultation and examination whilst he observed. He never asked me if it was okay for me to be examined by 4 students. If he had of asked I would have replied,

“That’s okay, I guess that they all have to learn how to do these things.”

“I would also have thought,

“Oow, yes please.”

The students obviously had a *********** to follow and they each did parts of it until it got to the physical examination. Then all 4 of them did the full examination one at a time.

I had trouble suppressing my smiles as the hands poked and prodded my little tits and abdomen then opened me up with a speculum with my ankles up on the stirrups. I was grateful that each one did the full physical examination before the next guy did the same.

Having each of them check my response to physical stimulation one straight after the other, would have been totally awesome but it would have meant that I had one long high instead of 4 separate ones.

I tried, and failed, to keep my face and voice of satisfaction in check during the first stimulation, and after it I even apologised for not being able to control myself but the student reassured me that it was a normal reaction and proved that I was a healthy young woman.

I wondered if the older guy would tell the next young guy to examine me to skip the stimulation part but he didn’t and during each one I just let myself go.

After the fourth guy had examined me meaning that it was all over, the older guy told me that I could get dressed. No one commented on the lack of underwear going on me.

The older guy wrote and gave me a pre***********ion and as I was leaving he said,

“I’m sure that you will have a very enjoyable time at the university.”

His smile and expression told me that he knew that I’d be fucking like a rabbit for the next 3 years at least.


That evening I got a phone call from Sherry asking me how my assignment had gone. I didn’t tell her how much Charles had paid me. She then asked me if I was happy to accept another assignment, which I was, and she said that she’d get back to me.

That phone call was in the middle of the 5 of us discussing our ideas for making money. Some of those ideas involved a place with space, some needed equipment, and all of them needed advertising, a phone number and an email address. The cost of a Sybian was obviously an issue so that was shelved for a while, but we all really liked the idea.

Fortunately, Ethan’s uni course was I something like ‘Arts and design’ and he volunteered to do the art work for leaflets that we intended to put on noticeboard all around the university. He also told us that he could get a studio for an hour or two where he could take some photographs of all of us that he could use in the advertising material. Of course they were all nude photographs, even the guys, but he promised that our faces wouldn’t be on the posters.

Because I’d come into some money I volunteered to get a burner phone and all 3 of us girls volunteered to document the rules that were needed for any of the ideas.

Logan told us that he was sure that he could get one of his mates who was doing an engineering course to make a sort of plank that we could attach a row of dildos to. Logan told us that we’d need a ***********ion of dildos and Millie volunteered 2 of hers, which none of the rest of us knew about, Olivia and me saying that we didn’t (yet) own any.

I said that I’d go online and purchase a few.

Satisfied that we’d got the ball rolling as much as we could at this stage, we all got a beer and went to our rooms to do whatever. After I’d made a few notes about rules, whilst drinking my beer, I decided to experiment for entering the Bottle Race.

As I walked across my small room, trying to hold the beer bottle in. I decided that as well as some dildos, I would get some Ben Wa balls and take up doing Kegel exercises whenever I was bored.

Whilst I was walking across my room with the bottle between my legs, I looked out of my window and spotted at least one guy looking my way. I waved and he suddenly disappeared making me laugh because if he’d asked he could have come over and watched close-up.

Then I went on my laptop and searched for dildos. I bookmarked the pages to show them to Millie and Olivia the next day. Whilst I was online and searching, I came across a Hitachi Magic Wand and ordered one.

Then I lay on my bed, spread my legs and played with my clit until I fell asleep.


The Tuesday started out being quite boring. I did my usual teasing etc. then met Millie on the steps outside the main entrance. We sat on the steps talking and ‘accidentally’ displaying our pussies for a while then we headed to the main shopping area to buy a burner phone. It was only a cheap smart phone but that was all it needed to be.

As we walked into our building we, as usual, checked on our mailboxes and I was surprised to see a package addressed to me.

“It can’t be can it?” I thought as we continued up to our flat where I opened it and was very happy to see that it was a top of the range smart phone.

“Your sugar daddy come good?” Millie asked when she saw it.

“It looks like it,” I replied as I opened a note with it. It just said,

“My number is in the Contacts. Call me when you get this - C -.

I did, but just got an answering machine – ‘Leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.’ So I did.

When Olivia got home we got together and I showed them the webpages of the dildos that I thought we could use.

“Bloody hell Hannah,” Olivia said, “you expect me to lower myself onto that monster. You may as well screw a baseball bat to the plank.”

“Now that’s an idea that might save us some money.” I replied.

“Stop it Hannah, I don’t want a pussy that you can drive a bus through.” Olivia said.

“I’m getting myself some Ben Wa balls Olivia, I’ll get some for both of you as well and we can do Kegel exercise every day to keep our pussies nice and tight.”

“We can do them in classes.” Millie said.

“That was my plan,” I replied, “do them when my teacher or professor are looking up my skirt.”

“You’re a naughty girl Hannah.” Olivia said.

“I know, and I love it.”

The three of us then looked at each of the proposed games in turn and made a list of the rules that we wanted applied to that game. We knew that it wouldn’t be the final list but it was a good starting point.

What that exercise did highlight was that we would need a big room for some of the games, and we would need someone to with reasonable computer skills to keep track of the poor, shy students who need some help to find a partner. We didn’t expect many takers, but we needed more than prints of emails. When Olivia volunteered for that I remembered that she was on some I.T. course.

When Logan returned we showed him what we’d got and we added a couple of his suggestions. He came to the same conclusion as us about a location and he told us that the University had recently built a new sports centre and that the old one was still there but all locked up. He said that he’d make some enquiries and hopefully get his hands on some keys.

Then Logan surprised me and asked if he could wrestle me.

“You did see the word ‘nude’ before the word wrestling Logan?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“And you do realise that we’ll probably end up giving and receiving oral to each other, and probably fucking.”

“I hope so.”

“With, hopefully, lots of students watching us.”

“I can’t have everything but putting up with an audience will be well worth it.”

“But we’ve already fucked Logan.”

“And I want to fuck you a million times more Hannah.”

“We can knock that count down by one later Logan.”

“Bloody hell Logan,” Millie said, “have you got a score card or do you put notches in your bed’s headboard.”

“No, not that, I’d have to pay for a new headboard next summer.”

None of us bothered to take that conversation any further.

We talked some more about the rules and Ethan gave his penny’s worth when he got back, then we got some food and went to our rooms to do some uni work and anything else that we wanted to.

For me that meant trying to call Charles again, but he still wasn’t answering.

I also got a call from Sherry, and after I’d given her my new number she sent me a photo of my next proposed assignment, he didn’t look too bad, not as handsome as Charles, but I could survive a night with him.

When I asked Sherry if she’d sent him my photos she told me that she’d just sent the one where I had clothes on. Sherry told me that she’d booked an appointment with Willow for the Friday morning.

I guessed that Willow had used all the measurements that she’d taken the last time.

Then I switched all my lights on and had another session with my new magic wand.


The next day when I was coming home I found another package addressed to me and when I opened it I saw that it was another Hitachi Magic Wand. Then I remembered that Charles had said that he’d get me one.

“Shit,” I thought, then “oh well, one for a nipple and one for my clit.”

Then I thought,

“Game number 11 – Two guys racing to make 2 girls cum using the wands.”

I smiled as I went up the stairs.

Millie was there and I told her that I now had 2 magic wands.

“Can I borrow one of them please?”

I gave her the new one and told her to share it with Olivia.


The Friday came and my trip to see Willow revealed a much more modest dress. It was short, but none of my goodies were on display. I was sort of disappointed but I did realise that not all assignments would be as good as my first.

The Friday night was Millie’s and Olivia’s first night at the strip club which left me alone with Logan and Ethan.

After we’d talked about the games some more, and we’d caught up with all the interesting gossip, Ethan said,

“Sod it, I wasn’t going to go, but there’s a party that I got an invite to, I’m going, do you 2 want to come with me?”

“Can I do a strip there while you guys tell everyone that 3 strippers will soon be available for hire and that the strippers are young students not older women. Tell them to keep looking at the notice boards because the details will be up there soon.”

“Do you want us to charge them for you stripping tonight?” Ethan asked.

“No, this can be an advertising taster to wet their appetite.”

“And their pants,” Logan said, “If the first time that I saw you naked was when you were doing a striptease Hannah, I’d have probably cum in my jeans.”

“Me too.” Ethan added.

“Aw, that’s real nice of you to say guys, You do remember that you can fuck me anytime that you want, I get lonely in my bed on my own you know.”

“I’ll hold you to that Sam.” Logan replied, “That’s if you don’t get gang-banged at this party.”

“Oh no, that will not happen, no fucking at this party, this is going to be a teaser to wet their appetite, and maybe their pants. You can give people the burner phone number if you want, see if we get any bookings.”

I decided to have a shower as part of my getting ready which pissed-off the guys a little but I reminded them of the rewards and we eventually left with me wearing just shoes, a skirt and a top.

On the way there I asked Ethan and Logan to stand closer to where I was stripping so that I could throw my top and skirt to them and they’d actually catch them and not disappear. I’d already lost one of each and I didn’t want to lose more.

The party was again in one of the students flats communal area and was just as crowded as the last party where us 3 girls had stripped. The difference being that there were other girls at this party.

Logan tracked down one of the guys who lived there and he was over the moon that a girl was going to strip.

Logan, Ethan and that guy organised a table and some appropriate music then the guy called for quiet then told everyone that there was a stripper in the room. When the cheering died down Logan shouted,

“Guys, our stripper tonight is called Emerald and after tonight, Emerald and 2 other just as attractive girls will be available to strip at parties like this and other such events. Their rates will be much more favourable than those of the old hags that you can get from the town’s agencies. Keep your eyes on the notice boards for how you can contact them or ask me for their phone number. DJ, music please.”

The music started and Logan lifted me up onto the table.

“Just do what you did last time Hannah.” I said to myself as I started swaying.

And I did, all of it. The only real different was that it wasn’t only guys hands that were groping me, I saw at least 2 hands that obviously belonged to girls, not that that bothered me, I’ll get my jollies from wherever I can.

When it was over I jumped off the table and Ethan offered me my clothes but I was still on a high and didn’t want to get dressed yet so I went to the kitchen for a drink.

Unsurprisingly, lots of guys wanted to talk to the naked girl who they had just watched strip and bring herself off. Some were trying to hit on me and some where asking if I was really stripping to earn some money.

Again, unsurprisingly, I fended them all off and had a couple of drinks in the kitchen, enjoying all the male eyes checking me out.

One girl there asked me how I became a stripper and when I told her that I’d gone to a club and entered their amateur night she asked me for the name of the club saying that she’d go and check it out.

After a good 30 minutes I went and found Logan and Ethan who told me that they’d had 3 enquiries about hiring a stripper.

I dressed and we went back to the flat where Logan joined me in the shower. You can guess when Logan left my room to go back to his.


At breakfast Millie and Olivia were full of stories of their first night as strippers making me wish that I’d gone with them.

My assignment that night was no more than okay. The guy was ‘dull’, the conversation all about his work. He took me to his room and he did fuck me, and pay me, but I left shortly afterwards.


I was just idly toying with my clit before getting up on the Monday morning when my new phone rang. My clit tingled a lot more when I realised that it was Charles calling me.

“Good evening daughter of mine. How are you?”

“It’s 7 o’clock in the morning Charles, and I’m fine thank you.”

“Oh sorry Hannah, I forgot the time difference, it’s only about 1 a.m. here.”

“Where are you Charles?”


“What on earth are you doing there?”

“Checking up on my hotel here.”

“You’ve own a hotel in Jamaica, wow, aren’t you the lucky one.”

“Not so much luck Hannah, more hard work, that’s why I’m not married with with a family. I was actually phoning you to ask what you are doing this coming Saturday.”

“I can’t get over to Jamaica Charles.”

“No, no, I’ll be back in the UK by then.”

“Shouldn’t you be directing that question to Harry or Sherry at the agency?”

“I thought that I’d bypass them and phone you direct. If it’s the money that you’re worried about I will make it worth your while.”

“You did that more than adequately the last time Charles. Thank you.”

“So what did you have in mind Charles?”

“I was thinking about taking you to this club that I know.”

“I haven’t got any club wear Charles.”

“You won’t need any, it’s a CMNF club.”

“Err, oooh, you mean Clothed Male, Naked Female club, I didn’t know that they existed.”

“They do if you know where to look, are you Interested Hannah?”

“Of course I am. Do the girls just have to be naked or do they have to provide other services?”

“That’s up to them and their Masters.”

“Oh, so it’s a Slaves club as well?”

“That’s only a small part of it, I’m not for one minute suggesting that you be my slave for the night Hannah, I want to treat you right.”

“How do you know that I don’t want to be treated as a slave Charles?”

“Do you Hannah?”

“Maybe, but only to you Charles, I trust you.”

“So are you up for it Hannah?”

“Most definitely Charles, just so long as you take one of those little blue tablets, I want you to fuck me for hours non-stop.”

“I think that that can be arranged Hannah, pick you up at 7 p.m. on Saturday. Oh, wear whatever you like except for that that dress from the last time, I want you to keep that forever to remind you of our first time.”

“It’s a date Charles, see you on Saturday, bye.”

As you can imagine, I was wide awake by then and all thoughts of idly playing with my clit were gone, instead I was going to torture my clit with my magic wand.


The rest of the week dragged. Okay, I’d flashed a few people but my mind was mainly on Charles and this CMNF club. My imagination ran wild with images of it being one big orgy to girls putting on a show on a stage, to tied-up girls getting spanked. All of which were just in my imagination.

Millie and Olivia went stripping on the Friday evening and Ethan showed Logan and me mock-ups of the posters that he was proposing. He had carefully cropped or blurred Millie, Olivia’s and my faces and pussies but he’d left our tits in their full glory.

Logan and I were happy with them but Ethan still had to run them by Millie and Olivia.

Ethan and Logan then went to the pub but I stayed at the flat to get an early and sober night, but that didn’t stop me playing with my new toys. I took a couple of photos of my pussy and sent them to Charles who then texted me with,

“Naughty girl, I’ll have to spank you. Enjoy the wand. I’ll get you some more toys.”

I’d cum twice before I finally dropped off.

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