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A little prick tease gets her just desserts.
"Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex.
This smart assed little thirteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped.
Truth be told, she was pretty good at gaugeing how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out.
The little tease got off on it.
She'd go home, and masterbate after leaving these men all hot, and bothered. She'd think about the bulges she was able to cause in these grown men, as she started rubbing her fingers over the top of her vagina. She imagened how horny they must be, and how they were probably jaking off right now thinking about her, as she flicked her fingers on either side of her tender clitoris.
She'd rub her thumb over, and around her clit, stroking her lips with her fingers, as she thought about what that man's hard, naked cock must look like.
As she rubbed, and the penitrated her virginal hole with her middle finger, she'd think about how bad the must want to fuck her.
Still working her clit with her tumb, as she got to fingering herself real good, she'd think about how magical it would be when she met the right boy, who would gently take her virginity, because they were in love.
She would bring herself to orgasm while imagining that all the older men that teased could see her making love to her perfect boy friend, and how jealous they'd be.
As the last shudder would run through her, she'd picture them jaking off, and crying.
Afterword, she would giggle at how easy it was to get away with teasing these men.
The day she knocked on thirty year old Ryan Rynolds door, Ginger had every reason to think that she was about to get away with it again, but what she didn't know was that Ryan knew all about her little hijinx, and he was ready to teach her a lesson she'd never forget.
**** **** ****
"What do you need Ginger?" Ryan asked in a smooth, and friendly manner, as he stood behind the door, opening it just enough to poke his head out.
"Well," Ginger began sheepishly, bitting her lip, "I left my key at home, and my mother won't be home til about six, or so, and I was wondering if maybe I could just hang out with you."
Ryan pretended to think about it for a second, before finally saying, "Sure, why not?" as non-chalantly as he could.
He stepped back, and opened the door wide enough to admit his nubile little nabour, and she crossed the threshhold boldly, unaware that she was entering the lion's den.
Her mid-length red hair was in pigtails, and she was wearing a pair of little patant leather flats, a black, and white plaid skirt, and a cute little white shot sleeve button up, with all the buttons undone, and tied just under her perky little titties.
That would have been more then enough, but to top it all off, she wore a pair of thigh high white stockings with liitle black ribbons around the top.
'She's just beggin' to be fucked.' Ryan thought to himself, as she skipped over to the couch where she'd indicated she should sit.
She didn't notice Ryan lock the door, and it wasn't until she sat down that she noticed what he was wearing. The only thing he seemed to have on was red silk robe which hung about mid-thigh, and was tied at the waist.
Ginger's mouth dropped open in surprise.
"Oh yeah," Ryan said, acting as if he too had just noticed how he was dressed, "since I work from home, sometimes I like to sit on my leather chair in my silk robe with my laptop. It makes it seem a little less like work."
He smiled sheepishly adding, seemingly sincerly, "I can change if it makes you uncomfortable."
She shrugged indiffirently, "Oh I don't care." she said, fighting to keep the exitment out of her voice, as she tought, 'I hope he's not wearing underwear, then I'll really be able to see his dick get hard. I bet it will embaress the hell out of him.'
Ryan sat down on his leather cair, opened his laptop, and started typing away.
Meanwhile, Ginger placed her little black purse on the coffee table, and started getting to work herself.
She began wit some mildly flirty converstion, and Ryan talked with her, but he didn't seem to notice her flirtations. He hardly looked up from his laptop.
She kept trying to get his attention, but the more flirty she got, the coy, and disinterested he seemed.
Frustration was getting the better of her.
With that computer in his lap, she couldn't even see his crotch.
She abandaned all prudence, and said, "I wish I could see a real cock." putting the tip of her finger inthe side of her mouth.
He just smiled, and said, "I'm sure you will one day sweetie." seemingly oblivieous to her come on.
'Son of a bitch!' she thought, momentaily dumbfounded. 'Is this mother fucker gay?'
She resolved to find out. One way, or another.
It was time to get serious.
She slid her ass to the edge of the couch, hiking up her skirt.
"Mr. Rynolds?" she asked, as she lay back on the couch, and spread her legs, "Could you look at this? I want your opinion."
As he looked up from his work, she went on.
"My mom got me these panties, and I think they're really cute."
She ran her hand down her tummy, and started rubbing her pubic mound throu the thin fabaric.
"They're white cotten, and the little black flowers are stitched in silk." she continued, "It feels really nice."
Ryan smiled politely. "Yeah, they're cute." he said casualy, then turned back to his laptop.
"But, but," she stuttered, sitting up. "I wanted her to get me the matching bra, but she said my titties wern't big enough."
As he watched, she untied, and opened her shirt.
"Do you think my boobs are big enough for a bra?" she asked, cupping a budding busom in each hand.
He piched his lip, and furrowed his brow, as if closely studying her perky little breasts.
Finnaly he said, "You could probably use a bra, but no use spending a lot of money on one that's only going to fit for a couple of months. I reckon by next year those are gonna be C cups, easy."
Ginger blinked in surprise.
His blunt assesiment really threw her, and the strait forword, nonsexual manner in which he'd said it made it even more disarming.
She was speechless.
"Well, that's enough of that." Ryan sighed, setting his laptop on the table, and standing up.
He opened his robe, revealing his hard pulsing cock. Ginger was so surprised that she could only stare at his thick meat, as he picked up her purse.
"Wh-wh-what?" she stammered, trying to recover her senses.
She was still staring at his hard naked cock when she heard her keys rattle. She looked up to see Ryan holding her keys next to his head
"That's right, up here." he said, shaking them.
Her eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open.
"Oh gee Mr. Rynolds," he began, mocking a teen aged girls voice. "looks like I've got my keys aftr all." He gave a comical giggle, putting his fingers to his mouth, and batting his eyes.
"I gues now that I've shown you mt titties, and rubbed my pussy in front of you, I'll go home. Bye."
a chill went up her spine as he went on in his natural voice. "Yeah, I know all about your little antics."
She tried to muster up some kind of lame denile, but he just laughed at her.
"I've been living here a long time, and I know a lot of the guys here real well." he explained. "Well enough, in fact, that they tell me about crazy shit, like, this little Ginger girl that came over, and teased the fuck out of 'em, then ran off, and left them holding their dicks."
Ginger Wrapped her head around the situation enough to ask, "Well, what are you gonna do?"
He laughed, and said, "I'm going to teach you a lesson. First of all, don't try to get a man hot, unless you're ready to see a hard cock." At this he stroked the shaft of his member, which was at about eye level with Ginger.
"Well," she said thinking fast, "maybe I'l just tell my mom that you showed me your penis."
He laughed again. "When Chet, and Dave tell her what you did, it'll be easy to deny this shit." he said, waving his cock at her face.
"Well, I'll just say that you gave me beer." she began, defiently, "They gave me beer, and then they showed me their penises, and then tried to touch me in my private area." she went on, pretending to cry. "And my mom will believe me, 'cause I'm her sweet, innocent little girl."
Ryan seemed to think about this for a moment, and then he said, "You might be right about that, but check this out."
He dropped her keys back in her purse, and sat down on the couch next to her.His robe was still open, and she was having a difficult time not staring at his hard cock.
He pulled his laptop over to face him, and then turned on the television, setting it to AV 1 with a remote control on the table.
Between trying not to look at his dick, trying to figure out what he was doing, and trying to fight this weird horny felling she was getting, her head was spinning. Which is probably way it took a second to register when he said, "I have this laptop linked to my camera by wireless, and I can move the video player from the computer to the T.V. like so." As he said this Ginger could see him slide the video off the laptop screen, while at the same time it slid up onto the television screen.
"Oh neat," she said, genuinly impressed. Then what he had said sank in, and she asked, "What, what camera?"
He pointed to just over the television, and said, "That one right there."
Ginger saw the lens mounted just above the screen, staring back at her. Her cheeks flushed hot, as she started to get an inkling of what she was about to see.
Just then the video started, and sure enough, there she was up on the screen.
Not her as she was now. Sitting on the edge of the couch, skirt hiked up so far that you could see her panties, and top undone. No, this was her just after she'd arrived. She had just watched herself set her purse down, and start talking when Ryan turned to her, and said, "I just love the cinema, don't you?"
Sitting in his chair Ryan was off camera, but you could hear him well enough, and as she watched the sceen replayed, thinking how it might look to somebody else, another chill ran up her spine.
She would try to flirt, and he would politly push it aside, so she would get even more firty, and he'd respond with yet another polite rebuff.
By the time it got to the "I wish I could see a real cock." comment, she'd realised exactly what it looked like.
It looked like a polite older man trying valiantly to ignore the fact that this little girl was acting like a total slut.
She sat stock still with her mouth hanging open, saring wide eyed, as her doppleganger on the screen lay back on the couch, rubbing herself.
She was so distracted by the shock, fear, and confussion, that she barely noticed when Ryan picked up her leg, and pulled it accross his lap, spreading her wide.
It was only after the video ended that felt his cock against her leg, and his slidding up her inner thigh tword her tender young vagina.
"What are you doing?" she asked astounded, as she tried to close her legs, and push his hand away.
He was holding her leg accross his lap firmly, however, as his free hand reached over, and grasped her other thigh, forcing her legs open wider.
The video had started again, and Ryan jerked his head tword the tword the screen, saying, "It'd be a shame if I had to burn a copy of that, and give it to your mother, wouldn't it?"
At that, all the resistance drained from her body.
Her arms went limp, as she lay back on the couch with her legs spread open.
"Lesson two," he began, slidding his hand up her thigh, comming to rest over her tiny pubic mound.
"Oh these do feel nice." he quipped, rubbing her through her soft little panties, momentarily distracted by the smooth feeling of the matireal under his fingers. He rubbed the little silk flowers, seemingly fascinated by them. "These must feel nice to have on all day." he said casualy, gently stroking her.
"Okay where were we?" He said, suddenly getting back on track.
"oh yeah, lesson two." he went on, slipping his fingers down to rub her virginal pussy through her panties.
"Don't rub your pussy in front of a man, unless you're ready to let him rub it."
Ginger wimpered, turning her head as she felt the hot tears welling in her eyes.
"Shhh, shh, shh, it's okay." he soothed, his strong fingers gently, yet firmly rubbing the tender flesh between her legs.
"Ssss, ooo, what a sweet lttle pussy." he cooed, as she just lay there, and took it, sobbing quietly.
She was crying more out of anger wiyh herself then anything else. How could she have been so stupid?
'You were sure that you were such a clever little prick tease,' she thought to herself ruefully, 'Well now you're caught you dumb little cunt.'
"Aah, aah." she gasped involentarily, as Ryan played with her pussy through the thine fabric of her panties.
In the midst of her self recrimmination, and fear, she suddenly became aware of Ryans fingers rubbing tight little circles over her aroused clitoris.
As she felt the pressure biulding in her pussy, she thought, 'No, not like this." but the more she fought it, the stronger it became.
She grasped hold of her other thigh, trying desperatly to stop her hips from rolling to the rhythm that Ryan was rubbing on her tender young vagina.
"Ooooo," she moaned loudly, "Noooo, nooo!" but it was to late.
Waves of pleasure swept over her, as her kagels clenched rhythmicly, forcing the juice out of her tight slit, and soaking her panties.
"Oh yeah," Ryan said breathily, "cum for me little girl." as he kept rubbing her now wet pussy.
She shut her eyes tight, clenching the fist of her free hand, and grasping her thigh harder with the other as the orgasm rocketed through her, sending a shudder down her body.
She lay gasping as the last of of her cum dripped out of her wet, swollen pussy, and Ryan's fingers played in a wider circle, rubbing her all over her little vagina.
"Oooo yeah, that's nice." he said as his hand stroked the tender flesh through her soaking wet panties.
His hand suddenly withdrew, and she looked up to see him sucking his fingers.
"Now that's what I call finger lickin' good." he sighed, and then winked at her.
He looked at her for a moment, laying there with her legs spread, and her top open.
Finnaly he said, "I think you've learned your lesson." pushing her leg off of his lap, "You can go."
She quickly sat up, and tied her top closed, trying hard not to look at him as she reached for her purse on the floor at his feet.
She stood up, and pulled her skirt down, and as she made for the door, he stood up, and followed, causing her to quicken her pace.
'I've got to get out of here.' she thought, nearly in a panic, as she reached for the doorknob.
Just then, she felt his strong hands grasp her by the hips, stopping her in her tracks.
'Oh no!' she thought, as she let out a little wimper, 'Now what?'

To be continued...

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-11-18 14:14:37
Good job nailing it on not being written by a woman... there are a few dead giveaways(things not quite spot-on about women and more focused on the feelings of the man during the sex scenes, mostly) even without the fact that he's added "hey I'm a man" to his profile now.

That being said, the stories are entertaining, though I hate the way they cut off in almost cliffhanger style... that's NOT what you want in a jerkoff story, sorry. Having to hit back and find the next part too soon kinda ruins the moment. And yes, spellcheck would help a lot. OpenOffice is a free word processing program and you'd have a spell/grammar check; you should go get it. =)

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-09-03 05:11:46
I don't think this person hates women, I think she's either writing this cause she doesn't like someone and this girl reminds her of her, or maybe she hates redheads or Gingers. I sure do

Rebeca LewisReport 

2009-08-29 01:58:31
Does it ever get lonely up there on your pedestal?
Get some therapy to figure out why you feel the need to moralize to people who write pornography, or hey, here's a whacky idea, read part two, so that you know what the stories REALLY about before you make such retarded comments.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-08-24 23:23:25
1. Buy/use a dictionary.
2. Use spellcheck.
3. Double-space between paragraphs.
4. Get some therapy to figure out why you hate women so much (and yes, women can hate women -- if this really was written by a woman, which I doubt). Only woman-haters equate a girl's, or woman's, burgeoning sense of her own sexuality with being a prick tease. You are a sick, nasty shit.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-07-26 11:44:32
I agree with jofjlkc
, I need to relieve myself too.

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