#but thanks for this lmao i'm glad my ask box isn't eating asks anymore – @tamberrio on Tumblr

Tamber Rio

@tamberrio /

Call me Tamber! : She/her : Ace/Aro : MULTI fandom, like, really multi, although currently I'm leaning more toward KH stuff : Don't ask me about ships if I haven't tagged them in my art and don't steal or repost my art, please and thank you NOT SPOILER FREE
Anonymous asked:

Any antiform au tidbits 👀? The designs look so cool I’m curious!

oh ho HO I am so glad you asked

For the au I had sort of two branching ideas. The first was to keep it mostly canon compliant with the exception that everyone now has access to antiforms

The second, which was the original idea, was to have this be a full on au in a completely different world where the antiforms are actually everyone's main forms and they all just Look Like That.

Since it was the original idea, here are things I've been thinking for the latter:

  • Org XIII (which is actually 13 this time since Roxas isn't in it) are these wanderers with dark cloaks and glowy eyes, and they basically travel across the world doing... something. Very mysterious (absolutely not the creator drawing a blank, of course not, why--why would you even think--)
  • To those who caught the reference, yes! Xion is based off of *deep sigh* Anti Black Coat Nightmare (aka boss with long name, aka the one that took me hours to beat in ddd (still a wicked design tho))
  • My idea with the nobodies and their somebodies (Sora and Roxas, and Namine and Kairi) was that twins can sometimes take extra light or darkness from one another before they're born, possibly leaving one side with more concentrated power while the other is left as an unstable malleable wisp. This is why Sora has more concentrated darkness on his arms while Roxas' are more like a ghost (which can sometimes change size and still hold things)
  • Kairi took basically ALL of Namine's light, which left Namine a frail ghost. She has to be kept in a tower so that she doesn't float away or whatever Ansem the Wise believes (Kairi feels guilty about this) (Also I like to make Ansem the Wise a terrible person in all of my aus <3)
  • I like to think that Ventus and Vanitas each had perfectly even halves of light and dark, both of which were already incredibly strong, but Ven got both lights and Van got both darks
  • To this end I also like to think that Van ran away and is just this being of pure darkness that hides in the woods and Sora sometimes brings him lunch because beings of darkness still have to eat ya know and befriending the feral creature in the woods seems like something Sora would do

As for the former I have NO clue how things would go down in that one, like how everyone would discover their antiforms, but if you guys have any ideas for either take lemme know!

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