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Member since 2010/07/17

This bird has flown the coop.

Texts of Cheltenham

Title Genre Read Rating Themes
House Party_(1) True Story 257883 times. 95.4 % Consensual Sex, Incest
Caitlyn; Returning Home - A CAW 7 Entry - Cheltenham Fiction 22374 times. 91.2 % Drug, Reluctance
Alicia's Lesson (CAW8 entrant) [All 5 Chapters] Fantasm 21456 times. 85.7 % Anal, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Murder, Non-consensual sex, Reluctance
The Darkness is Calling [revised version] Fantasm 15126 times. 84.2 % Alien, Reluctance
Leaving Home: The Story of Candy Lane - CAW7 Fiction 26256 times. 80.9 % Coercion, Cruelty, Interracial, Rape, Reluctance, Teen
Dreaming of Yesterday [complete] Fiction 8937 times. 78.3 % Consensual Sex, Male/Female
The Darkness is Calling Fantasm 22980 times. 75.4 % Alien, Male/Teen Female, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance
Baxter Savage: A Trilogy CAW 8.5 "Halloween" Fantasm 17751 times. 73.3 % Cannibalism, Cruelty, Male / Females, Murder, Rape
Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 Fantasm 16686 times. 72.4 % Cannibalism, Murder, Non-Erotic
A Home Away From The Home I Knew Science-Fiction 19482 times. 69.2 % Non-Erotic

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