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A girl meets a man in a pub, he tells her to be back there the next night and so starts an unusual relationship.
So this man asked me out

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

Where was I going to go, I was in heaven, that is until I saw that David was working his way towards us, he must have seen, and heard, what we were doing, but strangely, I wasn’t upset of even embarrassed, I was actually liking the idea of him watching what we were doing.

John came back over and I said,

“Is that an egg shaped vibrator that goes right inside me?”

“Yes, and this little thing is the control.”

“How will I get it out when I’ve had enough?”

“You’ll probably never have enough of it but you can either squeeze it out or I can dive in and get it out, your pussy is as wet as a swimming pool most of the time. Hey, didn’t you say that you did Kegel exercises, the same muscles will help you squeeze it out.”

“I only started doing Kegel exercises when Adam showed me how to do them and he watched me practise, but I’ll try.”

“Here Jade, push this up your hole.”

“Will you do it for me please John.”

He did and it felt nice as it went in but it left me feeling a little full.

“Are you ready Jade?”

“What will it feel like?”

“I have no idea, I’m a man. Do you want to control it?”

“You do it please John, I’m a bit nervous.”

“Here goes, low vibrations.”

“AARRRGGGGHH. Blankety blank John, what did you just do to me? I didn’t know what to expect but it certainly wasn’t that.”

“What was it like?”

“Nothing I’ve ever felt before. I don’t know how to describe it.”

“So have you had enough or do you want some more?”

“More please.”

“Okay, I’ll take it easy until you get used to it.”

“I don’t think that I’ll ever get used to that but okay, hit me.”

“AARRRGGGGHH John, look what it’s doing to me. I cant keep still.”

I could see my whole body shaking and my pelvis going up and down like John was fucking me and my hips were going up to meet his thrusts. What’s more my right hand had gone to my pussy and was rubbing my clit like crazy, and I couldn’t stop doing it.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see David. It looked like he had finally decided to come over to see what was going on.

My body relaxed when John turned the vibrations off but I just said,

“More, more please John.”

And he did, my body reacting like it had before. After a lifetime the vibrations increased and so did my body’s shaking jerking, thrusting and rubbing.

Everything increased in speed again and I realised that my head was rolling from side to side. Then everything increased again, and on top of all that I was cumming – again.

Then the next thing that I remember was John leaning over me with two finger held against the side of my neck.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Your body couldn’t copy and it switched off, but you’re okay now Jade.”

“Can we do that again please, I missed the end bit.”

John laughed and said not, that I had to have a short rest first. Feeling frustrated I moved my hand from my pussy, it having been there all through the ‘event’. I looked around and saw that David was still looking between my legs that were still wide open. I should have been embarrassed, closed my legs and covered my tits and pussy but I didn’t, I smiled and said,

“Hi David, did you enjoy that?”

“Not as much as you obviously did but yes, thank you.”

“Well I’m sure that there will be plenty of repeat performances before the summer ends David,” John said, “feel free to enjoy them all.”

“Cheers mate, I think that I will.”

Again I should have been embarrassed or even annoyed that John was planning my masturbation displays but I wasn’t, I was looking forward to them, and I wanted another one right then.

“John, can I look at that control for a minute please?”

As John was passing it to me he said,

“Keep it in your left hand and be careful.”

“Yes boss.” I replied, “I will.

With my legs still wide apart I pressed the button on the control, unfortunately I got it wrong and the vibrator went straight to full power causing me to scream out and my body to nearly take off before I managed to press the button and take it down to low power. I sighed at the relief but it wasn’t total my body, right hand as well, responded in the same way as it had the last time and I was glad that John had told me to hold the control in my left hand.

I let the vibrator and my right hand take me right to the edge then I switched it off.

“Oh my gawd, that is so awesome.” I said to whoever was listening.

Then I turned it back on and did the same, getting a little too close to the edge before managing to turn it off.

“Next time.” I said then turned it back on.

Shaking with my butt up I the air and my right hand going so fast that it was blur, I shouted,


And my body stopped shaking and went rigid, my right hand put a death grip on my pubic bone and I stopped breathing for at least ten seconds before I gasped for air and my body went limp.

“Oh my gawd, that was the best ever, I’m going to do that every day for the rest of my life.”

John smiled, leant over me and kissed me then said, you stay there lover, I’ll get you a drink.

I did stay there, looking up at the sky and seeing David move away in my peripheral vision.

When John came back with some water he sat beside me and said,

“There’s another remote controlled vibrator in the box but we’ll leave that until you’ve got a new phone and we can setup both our phones to control it.”

“Why is it dependant on me getting a new phone?”

“Because it needs internet access so that I can control it from anywhere in the world.”

“Okay, my phone is a bit old but where are you going, I thought that you worked from home?”

“I do but occasionally I have to go places and even more occasionally I won’t be able to take you with me.”

“Okay, I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too sweetheart, now what are we going to have to eat, I fancy fried chicken.”

“Hmm, that sounds nice, are you going to phone Harry, I’m sure that he’d like to see me again.”

“You mean that you want him to see you, well sorry, Harry doesn’t do fried chicken, we’ll have to go and get some.”

“But, but what about clothes, I can’t go.”

“You were naked in my car the other night.”

“That was just from the pub to here and it was dark, I can’t go into a KFC or whatever like this.”

“We’ll just do drive-thru. You’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to get arrested.”

“You’ll be fine Jade.”

We stayed outside until the sun went down then went and had a shower, even though I’d recently had some powerful orgasms I still wanted John’s cock inside me so when we got in the shower I tried to squeeze the egg vibrator out. With my feet well apart and me sightly squatting I squeezed my internal muscles and low and behold the egg started to come out. John caught it and told me that me doing all those Kegel exercises had paid off.

We were in the shower for quite some time doing some really nice things, before getting out and getting dried. John put some clothes on we went out to the car.

I was still nervous going out the front naked but I made it to the car okay, then John pressed a button to lower the roof.

“What are you doing John?”

“Relax Jade, it’s a warm night you’ll be fine.”

“It’s not the temperature that I’m worried about.

We sped off down the road and I was nice having the warm air rushing around my body although the nice feeling could have been something to do with John’s hand between my thighs.

Anyway, we made it to the restaurant without incident but the place was busy and people were coming and going, and that included people walking passed the drive-thru queue. I’m sure that some of those people saw that I was naked in the passenger seat of John’s car. I know that it’s okay for men to see girls naked but I’m still not totally comfortable with it. I’m with John for life now so I guess that I’ll get used to it.

Anyway, we got to the ordering window and this guy looks down to John, then over to me. Our eyes met so I smiled. John gave the order then when the guy asked if that was all I turned to face him and said,

“Can we have some tomato ketchup as well please?”

I’d completely forgotten that the guy had only seen the sides of my tits but right then he got to see all of them. I think that I was more happy than disappointed that the guy hadn’t been able to see my pussy because I was sat with my legs closed.

As we slowly moved on to the collection window John said,

“You do know that these places take photographs of every person who places an order don’t you Jade?”

“I didn’t know that, does that mean that that guy has a photo of me like this?”

“Probably. He’ll probably print it and pin it up somewhere for all his mates to see.”

“I don’t know if I like that, but why do they take photographs of all the customers?”

“Only the drive-thru ones and that’s so that the guy at the collection window can look at it and make sure that he’s handing the right order to the right customer.”

“Oh, I guess that that makes sense. Shall I turn and face the guy who gives us our order?”

“I think that he’ll like that, your tits will make his day.”

“Unless some other girl with bigger tits does what I’m going to do.”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with your tits Jade, I love them and these guys might be like me and prefer girls with small tits.”

I did turn and face the collection guy and he was staring at them all the time that he was handing us our food. It wasn’t only the smell of the fried chicken that made me feel good on the drive home.

Thankfully, we didn’t get stopped by the police on the way back home and I got out of the car and stood in the drive watching the roof go up then down into it’s locked position. I like that car.

As we were eating our chicken John asked me if I was getting more comfortable living without clothes on and after a quick think I told him that I was,

“It certainly makes life easier and I’m not getting as embarrassed as I did at first.”

“That’s true Jade, you had a smile on your face when that guy was passing us our chicken order.”

“Yes I did, didn’t I, and my pussy was tingling a bit all the time that we were there.”

“Yes, and on that subject, we need to take a towel out to the car for you to sit on so that you juices don’t stain the seat.”

“Oh, oh yes I wish that I could just turn my tap on an off whenever I wanted to.”

“I don’t, I love you just the way you are, but that will probably change tomorrow, there should be a few deliveries tomorrow and they should include the clothes that we ordered for you.”

“Do I have to wear clothes when I’m here?”

“Not if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t think that I do.”

“Well then we’ll just keep the clothes that we’ve ordered for when you go out anywhere.”

“Okay, but I’ll need to try them on when they arrive.”

“Of course, I want a little fashion show, I want to see you walking up and down like models do.”

“You mean with my tits hanging out?”

“They definitely wouldn’t be hanging, leading the way maybe, but yes I’d like to see that. Maybe we could cut two circles out of the front of one of the dresses and have your tits sticking out all the time that you’re wearing it.”

“That depends on where we go.”

“Okay, you’re right. Hey, I’ve been thinking, we’ve had sex lots of ways so far, blowjobs, me eating your pussy, 69s, but what do you think of anal Jade?”

“I’ve never tried that, I always thought that it would be very messy, I wouldn’t want you pulling your cock out of me and us finding that it was all covered in shit.”

“What if we could find a way to avoid that problem?”

“Like how?”

“Like washing you out beforehand.”

“Like an enema”

“Sort of, but less dramatic. You know that the bidet has a hose attached to it?”

“Squirt the water up my butt like you did with my pussy in the shower.”

“Exactly, doing that a few times should flush you out so that I don’t get any shit on my cock.”

“Hmm, then you could ram it straight into my pussy after it’s been up my bum.”

“Yes I could.”

“Shall we try it and see how it goes John? If we don’t like it we won’t do it again.”

“Deal, but you may just like it, I’ve read about girls who cum when they are being fucked up their butt.”

“That would be nice, you could ram those dildos up my bum and fuck my pussy at the same time.”

“Or we could put one of your remote controlled vibrators up your bum and the other up your pussy.”

“I think that that would kill me.”

“We’d take it slow.”

“Okay then, do it it stages, when do we do stage one?”

“When we go to bed, but after we’ve finished eating I need to go and do some work, should only take me an hour or so.”

“Okay, I’m sure that I can find something to do.”

I did, I found my egg vibrator, the one that made me pass out, and laying on the bed I eased it inside me then switched it on to low vibrations. My lower body reacted the same as before and somehow, I managed to take myself to the edge four times before John came to bed. When I squeezed the egg out I jumped on John and rode him through two orgasms before I felt him pumping warm liquid inside me.

Then we went to the bathroom and I sat on the bidet. John got the hose and took the head off then ran it until lukewarm water came out.

“Do you want to do it or shall I?” John asked me.

“You do it please.”

“Tell me when to stop.” John said as I felt the water, then the end of the hose press on my butt hole.”

“That’s nice.” I said, then “Oh, that makes me feel so full. Stop, stop, I don’t think that I can take any more, I’ll burst.”

“Hold it Jade, try to do some Kegels.”

I did, then I just had to slide over to the toilet and let rip.

“Gawd John, you’re seeing me shitting it and it’s all over the bowl.”

“That’s okay Jade, when we get old we’ll both probably be shitting all over the place and cleaning up after each other.”

“I don’t want to get old.”

“Neither do I.”

We repeated that exercise three more times until just clear water came out of my butt then John put his hand under me and started playing with my clit. It wasn’t long before all thoughts of me shitting were gone and all I could concentrate on was reaching my next orgasm. John lifted me up, carried me to the bed, bent me right over so that my knees were by my ears, and rammed his cock into my pussy.

He thrust in and out until I was getting close again then he pulled out and I could feel his cock at my butt hole. But by that time I was desperate to cum so I told him to get on with it. Yes it hurt at first, and I screamed and swore but I wanted that cock inside me so I kept saying,

“More, more.”

When I felt his balls hit my butt I said,

“Now fuck me please John, hard.”

He did, and I have to say that it was different, but still nice. I moved my right hand to my pussy and started rubbing my clit and finger fucking my pussy. It felt strange feeling his cock through the inside walls of my pussy and my butt, but that didn’t stop me from cumming, and me cumming triggered John cumming.

We both agreed that anal sex was going on to our list of favourite positions, although not at the top of the list.

We lay there for a while then I spun round and used my mouth to get him hard again before enjoying a position that is higher on that list.


I woke the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. I didn’t even think about putting anything on and I ran down the stairs and opened the front door.

“Wow, John Douglas?”

“Yes, well not me, look at me, do I look like a John?”

“No luv, sorry, you caught me off guard, we don’t often get confronted by a totally naked, hot girl. So John Douglas lives here?”

“Yes he does, is that for him?” I asked looking at the big box.

“It is, where would you like it?”

“A very good question, come in, I’ll just go and find out.”

I turned and ran to and up the stairs, not even thinking about the two men who, no doubt, would be watching me.

Because I didn’t know what it was that was being delivered, John followed me down and I saw the two men looking at me.

“Hi there,” John said, “what is it that you’ve got for me?”

“A massage table is what the delivery note says.” One man said.

“Good, I need it by the pool, can you follow me please?”

John turned and started walking so I followed and the two men followed me. John showed the two men where he wanted it, then he stood back near me to let the men unpack it and set it up. John did his usual thing of standing half behind me and then reaching round and holding one of my tits. I’d got so used to it by then that I thought nothing if it, but the two men obviously like watching John play with my nipple, the whole scenario making me tingle and wet.

When they were finished we showed them to the door where John gave each man a £20 note as a tip. After he’d closed the door Jon gave me a few £20 notes and told me that there would probably be two more deliveries that needed setting up and those were the tips for the men.

“Where al I supposed to keep these?” I asked, “in my pussy?”

“That’s a great idea, then you can invite the men to get them out.”

“Yeah right.” I replied then took them to the kitchen and put them under the edge of the coffee machine which I switched on.

While it was brewing we went and had a shower, complete with the compulsory joint sex acts then John got dressed while I went and poured the coffee and put the bread in the toaster.

Over breakfast John told me that he really did have to do a lot of work so I’d be on my own most of the day. He told me that there were two workout machines to go in the gym and a table to go in the games room. All should arrive sometime that day and I now knew where they needed to go, the rest of the deliveries would be smaller and self explanatory.

John also asked me about our first anal sex and if I still wanted to add it to our list. I said that I did, in spite of the messing about beforehand.

“I’ll just have to keep playing with your clit or I could put that egg vibrator in your pussy, that should take your mind off the shitty mess.”

“It will probably vibrate all the shit out of me with very little water.”

“Hmm, I’ll look forward to seeing if that works.” John jokingly replied.

I was happy that I’d charged up that egg vibrator because it wasn’t long before it was inside me and I was having some fun.

I brought myself to the edge twice and had just switched it off to have a short rest before going for a third time when the damned doorbell rang again. Leaving the egg inside me I went to answer the door and gave another delivery guy a shock when he saw that I was naked.

I took the large plastic bag off of him and thanked him before closing the door and taking the bag up to the bedroom because it was obviously clothes that were inside. I was just about to flop on the bed and turn the egg on again when that damned doorbell rang again.

This time it was two very surprised middle-aged men who saw the naked me. I looked passed them and saw that their van was from a medical equipment supplier. Puzzled at what John would be buying from a medical equipment supplier I looked back at the two men and saw some large boxes.

“Gynaecological table for John Douglas.” One of the men finally said after I’d seen both pairs of eyes go up and down my body.

I was already highly aroused from my fun with the egg, those two men staring at me and the word gynaecological nearly had me cumming right there and then.

“Is John going to get doctors to come here and examine me?” I thought.

Then I remembered that John had said that a doctor’s table would be arriving and it was to go in the games room.

“Oh yes, please follow me.”

I led the men to the games room and asked them to set it up in the middle of the room.

“We don’t normally set things up,” One of the men said, “just drop and run.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t know where to start, could you do it for me please? I’ll make it worth your while.”

The men looked at each other then one of them said,

“For you darling, I’m sure that we can find the time. We’ll just go and get the other boxes.”

As they left to get the boxes I remembered the words that I’d used to ask them and had a sudden thought that they might be expecting to fuck me.

“Well they’ll be in for a hell of a shock when their cocks hit my egg vibrator.” I thought and smiled.

The men came back with more boxes and got on with setting it up and watching them I thought that maybe I could have done it. They even unpacked the stirrups and slotted them into the corner sockets.

“What are those for, I’ve never seen those before.” I asked.

“Never had a gyno exam before darling?”

“No, I’ve never needed one.” I lied. “Can you show me how it works?”

“Sure thing darling, hop up and we’ll show you.”

I jumped up onto the table and put my legs out straight in front of me.

“Right darling, you need to lift your legs and put your ankles in these stirrups.”

“But that will mean that you will see me, all of me?” I teased.

“It is a gyno table darling, come on, we’ve got seven more drops to do.”

I lifted my ankles up into the stirrups not even trying to hide my spread and still very wet pussy.

“That’s it, now the whole thing is very adjustable, whoever paid for this model spent a fortune. Lay back and enjoy the ride. Well the table had a remote control and the man made the table go up, down, angled so that my head was higher than my body, then my head was lower than my body. Then my legs went together then really wide apart where the man left them.

“Wow, I said, it’s a bit like my dentist’s chair. Oh, this is so embarrassing, do doctors really need the girls kegs to be spread this wide?”

“They do if they want to examine them properly.”

“Well I hope that I never need one of those gynolog whatsit exams. Thank you gentlemen, could you adjust those things so that I can get off here, my boyfriend left me some money to tip the delivery guys.”

Both guys lifted my legs off the stirrups then I got off the table and said,

“Hang on a minute please guys, I’ll be back in a minute.”

“I went and got two £20 notes and gave them one each, thanking them and asked them to take all the empty boxes, which they did. As I was showing them to the door I had a thought and when I closed the door I got the vibrator controller and went back to the games room where I saw some straps on the floor under the table. I picked one up and thought,

“Do doctors really need to strap girls to these things to examine them?”

Then I discarded the straps and got on the table, put my legs up into the stirrups and pressed the button on the egg vibrator control.

As the whole of my body started to shake I wondered what it would be like to be strapped onto that table and not be able to get off, and the vibrator driving me crazy for hours. I was sure that I’d pass out.

I brought myself to the edge again and was just resting before starting again when John walked in.

“So it was this table that arrived. You look good sat there like that Jade. Wait until I strap you down and fuck your brains out.”

“What do you mean John, this is for doctors to use isn’t it?”

“I doubt that any doctor will ever use this one Jade. This is for you and me to have some fun on.”

“Oh thank you John, I was just using the vibrator to take me to the edge then backing off, see how many times I can do that before I just have to cum.”

“Good idea Jade, keep up the good work. Now that the massage table has arrived I’ll book the beautician and the masseur, probably for Tuesday, your personal trainer will be here on Monday.”

“A beautician sound nice but why do I need one, it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere posh to be seen?”

John cupped my pubis, bending his middle finger so that it entered me and said,

“You’re getting a bit of a stubble, it’s time to laser it all off.”

“Oh goody, I’ll be like I was ten years ago,.”

“Not quite, I’m sorting that out for the following week.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember me asking you what you disliked about your pussy and you said that your lips were too big, well we’re going somewhere to get that problem resolved.”

“You’re going to get these cut off?” I said using both hands to pull my inner labia out and apart. “But that will cost a fortune.”

“A labiaplasty procedure, but you let me worry about the money. I thought that we could get some more minor surgery done whilst we’re at it.”

“Like what?”

“Well, you said that your clit hides away too much so we could get a hoodectomy procedure done and you said that you didn’t like all the fatty flab around your pussy so we could get a monsplasty procedure done as well. May as well get them all done at the same time and reduce the overall time that you’re going to be sore down here.”

John’s hand was still cupping my pubis and he gently squeezed it.

“I’ll look more than ten years younger, you’d do all that for me? And what about all my pussy downtime, you won’t be able to fuck me.”

“You’re not having anything done to your mouth Jade and I’m sure that you can survive a week or two without being fucked in your pussy, but it will mean postponing your training.”

“I can live with that for a couple of weeks, and it will give David a new pussy to look at.”

“Yes, one that everyone will be proud of. Hey, that was some of your new clothes arriving earlier wasn’t it? I can take you to my pub later.”

“That will be nice, I can give you a fashion show when you’ve finished work.”

“Yes, I can show you to Ken, the manager, all the staff and locals, show them how proud I am of you.”

“Sounds nice John.”

“They’ll like you Jade. Now finish yourself off then can you make me a coffee please.”

“Sure thing boss.”

“What, oh yes, you’re my employee now aren’t you?”

“Yes boss. Do you want anything with your coffee sir, me maybe?”

“Nice idea but I’d better not, I need to concentrate on my work.”

“Okay, but you will fuck me later won’t you John,

“Try and stop me.”

I went and made the coffee and took it to him. Whilst I was there I had a quick look at some of his monitors and hadn’t a clue what any of it was so I left him to it. I’d just got back on the medical table when the doorbell rang again.

“This is getting silly.” I thought, “Can’t a girl get a bit of peace to bring herself off?”

It was another delivery guy and he too just stared at me when he saw me. This one though seemed to be in either a trance or a shocked state because he didn’t say anything, just stared so I took the parcel off him, checked that that it was addressed to John then shut the door.

“Sod him.” I thought, “I need to cum.”

Luckily, this time, the gap before the next delivery was enough to get the egg vibrator to finish the job, I couldn’t be bothered with edging myself again. And it was a good cum.

It was about an hour before the next delivery arrived and I managed to prepare some food for John and me and he came down to the kitchen to eat. I was just about to start eating when he reminded me that one of my dildos has a suction pad on the base. He didn’t need to say anything else, I ran to get it, licked the base and slammed it down onto the chair that I was about to sit on.

“Oh that’s nice.” I said as I bottomed out. “They should have these in all restaurants and kitchens.”

John laughed at that idea but it gave him an idea of his own,

“Can you ride a proper bike Jade?”


“I’m going to buy you a special bike, one that has a dildo in the saddle that goes up and down as you pedal, and we can go for bike rides when the weather is nice.”

“That sounds fun, but you’ll have to ride behind me to make sure that I concentrate on staying on the road. Maybe we could get a tandem so that you can do the steering John?”

“That’s practical but I wouldn’t be able to watch as the dildo fucked you. Something to think about some other time, I haven’t got long before I have to get back to work.”

“Don’t work too hard John, I need you to have lots of energy for later.”

There were three more deliveries that day and if it hadn’t been for the fact that they were all directly, or indirectly for me I could have got a bit annoyed with it all. Two of the deliveries were easy. I say that because opening the front door whist naked had got so easy, not the slightest bit of embarrassment any more. The third delivery was time consuming and embarrassing. It was some more equipment for the workout room and the two men that brought it had to assemble and test it before they left. I say that they had to test it but that wasn’t true, they got me to test it.

I’d been with them all the time apart from when I went and made a cup of tea for them and I’d noticed that they spent a lot of time either just looking at me or talking to me so that they could openly look at me. That no longer bothers me and I’ve even started teasing the men in situations like that. You know how, an imaginary itch next to my pussy, sitting lazily, that sort of thing, but testing one of those machines in particular was embarrassing.

It’s a leg spreader machine, they did tell me its proper name but I prefer to just call it a leg spreader because that’s exactly what it is. Have it set one way and it forces your legs very wide apart and you have to strain your muscles to close your legs, and set it the other way and you have to force your legs apart.

It seemed to take the guys ages to get it set so that it took some effort on my part to either open or close my legs. And, so they said, they had to take a video of me using the machine to prove that they had set it up right. Well that’s what they said.

The other machine was a multi-purpose machine designed to strengthen all sorts of muscles and for some reason that was much easier to setup and adjust, or so they said, and their video was much shorter. They said that it was because the machine was much easier to setup but I suspect it had something to do with the fact that my legs were close together all the time.

Those guys also brought a big mat for me to do floor exercises on if it was cold or wet outside. They also brought a couple of yoga mats and I wondered if John was going to join my lessons with David watching both of us.

John appeared just as the guys were finishing and he again stood half behind me with one hand cupping one of my tits. It would appear that John knew one of the guys because he had delivered and setup a couple of machines at John’s gym and the man asked John if I was going to be working out at the gym. John told him that I would be going with him whenever he went and he couldn’t see any reason why I couldn’t work out just the same as I did at the home gym.

Not only was John still holding one of my tits but both guys were staring at me and John was talking about me working out at the gym naked, presumably with all the other gym members there. John’s hand was making sure that my nipples were hard and the thought of me working out with lots of other men looking at me really did make my pussy tingle and leak.

When the two men finally left I asked John if he was really going to let me workout naked at his gym with other members there?

“Yes, why not, it’s a private gym and the boss isn’t going to complain, besides it will be a treat for the guys there and word will get out that they let girls workout naked so membership should increase which means more money for me, why, do you want a cut of that extra money Jade?”

“Why would I want more money, you’re going to look after me for the rest of my life and as it is you’re going to pay me 90,000 which I have no idea how or when I will spend. Well there is one thing that I’ve wanted for while now, a car but I made myself broke just having the driving lessons. I can get one out of the 90,000.”

“No you won’t Jade, my company will buy you a car, a PA needs a car so it will go on the books as a taxable deduction.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, how can I ever repay you?”

“Just by being here and being you Jade. Now. I’ve finished work for today so can you do a little fashion parade?”

“Anything for you John, a guess that a good PA always does as she’s told.”

I went and got all the unopened parcels that had been delivered and started with the ones that I thought contained clothes, and wow, I thought that the clothes that I saw John order looked sexy. There was three dresses that went down to my ankles, all of them are backless with just dental floss holding the tops up, and possibly the whole dresses but they are so thin and light that if it wasn’t for the silky touch I wouldn’t know they were there. And all three have slits up the sides to my waist and two if them have slits up the middle front, right up to my pubis. I’m really going to have to be careful wearing those three, but there again I wasn’t sure if I would ever go anywhere where I needed such a formal dress.

The four other dresses are summer dresses and all only just long enough to cover my butt. Again they are all very light and these four are made of different types of cotton. What’s more, three of them are see-through in bright light, like a sunny day.

I asked John if he minded me going out in public wearing a see-through dress and all he said was,

“I thought that I’d only ordered see-through dresses from that shop.”

So I took that as him not minding. Having said that, the bulge in his jeans led me to believe that he liked the idea of me wearing see-through clothes, and of course, to the best of my knowledge he hasn’t ordered me and bras or knickers so I guess that the people around me when we go anywhere are in for a treat.

The next package that I opened was big and I quickly discovered that it contained ten boxed pairs of shoes ranging from heels to trainers. When I saw the two pairs of trainers I said,

“Oh good, Adam can take me for a run in the forest on Monday.”

“I’m sure that he’ll enjoy following behind you, if I can find the time some days I might just come along with you to watch you cute little round butt as you run.”

“I’d like that.” I replied.

The next package that I opened was small, a new mobile phone.

“We’ll move your sim from your old phone later then get both our phones linked up to that vibrator that I said needed a new phone for you.”

“There’s no rush is there, you’re not planning and going and leaving me alone here quite soon are you?

“Nothing planned, but sometimes these trips come up quite quickly.”

“When you do have to go away John, can I invite my two best friends, Jenny and Rose over? They are the two girls that were in the pub that first night.”

“Of course you can Jade, you don’t have to wait until I go away, they can come over and we can have a nude girls party. Treat this place like you did your own.”

“I doubt that either of them would want to get naked here or anywhere for that matter.”

“Well if they do they can do it here, if I remember them correctly they are nearly as cute as you.”

“Thanks but I can’t see it happening.”

The last package that I opened made my pussy get instantly very wet. Inside were a couple of butt plugs, some ankle and wrist cuffs, some soft rope, a ball gag and something called a magic wand. I had to ask John what that was for and when he told me I asked him when he was going to use it on me. John just told me to take them all to the games room and that he’d surprise me.

“I can’t wait.” I replied.

“Is that it Jade? Is that all the packages?”


“It looks like not everything that I ordered hasn’t arrived, maybe the rest will arrive tomorrow”

“Another day of surprising delivery men. I like doing that.”

“You really are coming out of the closet Jade, I suspected that you would be a bit of an exhibitionist and a nymphomaniac but you’ve exceeded my widest dreams, I can see that I’m going to have to magic up some real challenges for you.”

“What do you mean John?”

“I think that I’ll keep then as surprises. Now go and put your new clothes in the wardrobe then I’m going to give you your first medical examination.”

I put my new clothes and shoes in the wardrobe in double quick time then went looking for John. I found him in the games room playing with the controls of the gyno table.

“Are you going to strap me on to that thing and examine me?”

“Would you like me to do that?”

“Yes, and can you put that egg vibrator in me and drive me crazy before you fuck me please? Oh the top end of that thing lowers right down so you will be able to fuck my mouth while I’m strapped down.”

“Got it all worked out I see Jade.”

“A good PA works out what her boss wants then delivers it for him.”

“I can see that you are going to be worth every one of those 100,000 Cayman Island dollars, and I’m going to show you what you can do with your new magic wand as well?”

“Bring it on boss.” I replied as I jumped up onto the gyno table and put my ankles up on he stirrups ready for John to do whatever he wanted to do to me.

The first thing that John did was to strap my ankles to the stirrups, then he flicked my clit just once. Next he put the wrist cuffs on and attached one of the lengths of rope to the cuffs then raised my arms over my head and finally tied the rope to somewhere on the gyno table.

“I need to have a pee.” I said.

John looked at me as if to sat “Really!”

I laughed and said,

“Just joking, this thing doesn’t have a way of getting longer so you can’t stretch me like on a rack?”

“Want to be a bit taller do you Jade?”

“No not really, I’m just a bit nervous.”

“Okay, I’ll get a move on then I can guarantee that being nervous will be the last thing on your mind.”

“Hmm, nice.”

John quickly finished tying me down then got the egg vibrator and eased it inside me, it going in easily because of all my natural lubrication. I was just thinking how lucky I was when John turned the egg on and I gasped.

Oh my gawd, my lower body reacted the same as before, shaking, my butt lifting up trying to get away from the source of what felt like something trying to turn my insides into soup. I couldn’t move my legs to squeeze them together and I couldn’t move my hands to either hold my pussy or squeeze my tits. The feeling of helplessness adding to the sexual euphoria that was engulfing my body.

I just knew that I was going to cum quickly but John denied that for me, switching the vibe off just before it happened.

“What did you do that for? Switch it back on.” I almost demanded.

With a big grin on his face John did, taking me right back up there. It seemed like seconds before I was on the edge again and John went and ruined it for me again.

“It’s coming out Jade.” John said.

“No, no, please let it finish me.”

“No Jade, I have other plans.”

John put the control down and I saw his right hand go to my pussy.

“What are you doing? No, let it finish me, ohhhhhhh, what are you doing?”

“Taking it out, help me Jade, squeeze it out.”

I felt John’s fingers invade my hole but I doubted that he’s be able to get them behind the egg, something to experiment with some other time, I needed to cum soon, so I squeezed and out popped the egg.

“Please John, make me cum.”

I saw John put the egg down then pick up the control for the gyno table and I felt my legs stretch even further apart then my upper body started to rise up as he put me in the reclining position.

“What are you doing John?” I asked.

He smiled and I saw him unfasten his jeans.

“Yes, fuck me, fuck me hard.”

And he did. It seemed like only seconds before I orgasmed but John kept on ramming his cock into me over and over. I orgasmed again then just as I was coming down from my high I felt John cumming inside me.

We both came down from our highs together and I felt John’s cock going soft then sliding out of me.

John turned and went to the table then came back to between my legs with the new remote controlled vibrator in his hand.

“Is that thing going to be as good as the egg?” I asked.

“I don’t know, you can tell me in a few minutes.”

It felt the same as the egg going into me but the antenna was sticking out of me and I could feel it in my vagina, especially when John waggled it about a bit.

Then he picked up his phone and I shrieked.

“That is as good.” I said.

“And it’s got lots of option to vary the vibrations.”

John replied as he played with the control on his phone. The vibrations went up and down, stopping for a few seconds, giving me short bursts at irregular intervals. My body reacted the same as the egg vibrator, when the Lush was on, options making me try to anticipate what was coming next. Again, my inability to squeeze my legs together or grab my crotch or my tits was making it worse, no, better, and John brought me to the edge again, then switched it off.

“What are you doing John, you can’t take me to the edge then just stop, that’s cruel.”

“No, it’s a way of keeping you wanting more of that or my cock, and we are going to have a shower, then we are going out.”

“What!? I want to stay here and you to switch that thing back on.”

“Sorry Jade, not going to happen. We’re going to shower, without soaping each other’s bits, then you are going to put one of your new dresses and shoes on then we are going out.”

“Where to?”

“A surprise.”

John unfastened my wrist and ankles and I reluctantly went to the shower followed by John.

“What about this vibrator?” I asked.

“Leave it in Jade, I might just give you a quick blast sometime when we’re out.”

“But people will be able to see what it’s doing to me.”

“They might, but won’t that be a turn on for you?”


“And with the vibe doing its job that will be a double turn on.”

“I guess so.”

“So a winner all round.”

“I guess so.”
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