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I set a little trap for my wife to fall into thinking she'd just end up having sex with one of our neighbours, little did I know he had dominant tendencies and she was developing submissive desires
So I know I promised to keep you up to date with your wife’s submission and slut training.

I still think back to that first time when you chatted to me about Lisa, I mean I had spotted her many times before and had lustful thoughts, I’d seen you two head out on your woodland walks, I’d glimpsed her exposure and then that day In September 2009, you saw me and I knew I’d been seen, I had gotten too close. Yet knowing I was there, I clearly heard you tell her to remove her top and skirt, which was all she wore – lovely, because she did so without hesitation and neither did there seem to be any reluctance I her movements, nor any intimidation from you. I was wondering if she knew I was there, if she had that would have made it ultra-special. I was not more than 10 feet from you both. Of course I didn’t know it was your intention that I ‘catch’ her in the following moments. However I didn’t and I watched her stay naked for another 20 minutes or so, at no time did she look distressed, maybe a bit nervous.

Then you came over the following day and explained things and I kicked myself for mot stepping out of cover to confront you both. Especially when you told me, that she had promised, she’d have full sex with any stranger who caught her out like that and that had become a big thing’ for you both as she got more aroused and bolder, during your walks out there. And then came those fantastic invitations to take her in your bed with her blindfolded. I must admit I thought you were really winding me up that first time, but there she was and totally ‘hot for it’ – Man was she wet! You gave me that note saying it was up to me if I wanted to wear a condom, that all three holes were open to me, including anal without lube and ATM, I was in heaven to play with such an attractive wife, later you said she’d pee drink (if careful) and arse rim (true but not very well at that time).

And then you gave me a ‘head’s up’ about ‘THAT’ Saturday evening. Sure enough while slowly masturbating my cock I saw you drive in and she got out in just stockings and high heels, when the security light flashed on it was brilliant, she just took it in her stride and went into your house, I came as I watched her climb up the windowed stairwell now back lit by the lights inside the house; still lovely and naked. I was amazed at how poised and calm she was.

I phoned her 2 days later just as you suggested. I expected the phone to be slammed down, but no. The next time I got her to undress and stand exposed to me naked, but for heels and stockings; framed in the front doorway of your home. It was wholly my idea to dare her to walk across to me like that, I had no hope that she would do that, but she did the next time I called her. When I saw she was starting to walk, I had to bite hard to stop myself shooting cum. She was nervous, excited and totally aroused, but she was totally calm, wasn’t walking fast or hesitant, not looking around or back.

Do you wonder why your wife, such an attractive wife and mother, who we both know is being fucked by other men at times, and would probably be desired by most men between 14 and 70, comes to me ‘a balding, overweight man almost 60 years of age’ for this ‘other sex fun’. Yes the first few times I phoned and dared her to come over, not really expecting she would, but she always did. These days, it’s her who mostly calls me when she needs some rough stuff, as you know it’s been once a week for over 2 years now and that doesn’t include the parties we three have. As you know I occasionally have one or two rough and ready mates who are sometimes here when your wife needs to play and she enjoys that, I have been wondering how you’d feel about joining us as a sissy boy. You are now well used to sucking cock, eating arse, drinking cum and pee, taking cock up your bumhole and so on from me. Your wife is totally turned on by the idea when I put it to her, so what do you think?

She says you would like to watch her with me in one of our sessions and she wouldn’t mind, but I think you’d be dripping cum all over my carpets. I know it’s been 2 months since you have been over here and certainly her submission and humiliation have moved on a lot, and I really mean that for an attractive woman she has taken to my games like a duck to water, I can’t believe how submissive she can play and how aroused she gets at being humiliated and submissive.

I have offered her the opportunity to bring you over, she knows if she does, the next session, she’d have to do some a very special nasty task for me – full on K9 - did she tell you? Were you excited? I know deep down she was! is it nasty enough for a woman like her to contemplate, especially as she didn’t dismiss it outright, far from it, I think I caught a sly smile when I told her. I think within the next two months max, she’ll be taking the dog. I’m thinking that maybe she doesn’t realise just how nasty I could make her get with a dog!

As I understand it Lisa ‘bareback fucks’ virtually every guy who fucks her. But her Doc told her to come off her contraception pill in August for a while (about 6 months), and reckons she’ll be protected for maybe 6-8 weeks, so just about now, she is going to be unprotected for about 20 weeks. He has given her other stuff to use in place. I was wondering how ‘hot’ you would find it for her to be fucked by other men unprotected, I mean that last time she was only fucking you and Paul really and occasionally your Dad, now its several guys every week. As for me I am gagging to fuck her that way and I will demand that she uses none of those protective means when she comes to me, so you will have to lick her out well. At your wife’s age she is in her prime to conceive!!! When I found out that both Kate and her mother were impregnated by other men AND took them to full term I was well impressed, so it is time for her to take one. If we don’t do it this time we will have to wait till 2015.

I must thank you again for the introduction to Lisa’s sister, Kate - she is mind blowing, as is Lisa and Kate’s mother; those two have relished every nasty dirty trick I have asked of them and come back for more. Another thanks for introducing me to the other couples in your little swingers group. I know that normally none of those MILF’s would look at me sexually for a moment, but now I have them doing stuff, that they get off on. Of course Kate and your mother in law are on a whole different level of nasty games and I know you have seen some of those games and are keen to see your wife match them; well Lisa is getting there with time. However a couple of those other wives are getting ahead of your wife, so I’m pushing her harder.

Okay so bringing you up to speed on where we are:, obviously my sessions added to John’s are really building up now, but in the last 18 months, Lisa has progress so much.

1. I know that following my failed scene when we first met, that you have now had several real genuine caught by strangers and she had given full oral and in some cases fucked those lucky guys. This in turn has led to her being taken by Paul and John in the last few months to known ‘dogging; sites, where she has performed oral, taken anal and been fucked and pissed upon. Most times without condoms on.

2. It’s obvious that exhibitionism is a huge turn on and start up for her. John has the ideal situation for the summer fun and he has been taking her for those sessions into places with less foliage and you and I have both watched that. The obvious next step is for her to be caught or seen and for her to know!

3. I know about the sessions in Reading that she has done with her sister with the “Dropouts”, that sounded real nasty, dirty fun and Kate reports that Lisa is getting quite into that type of scene.

4. In the last 5 months I have invited a small bunch of mates over here in ones and two and threes to help out on Lisa and the other MILFs. 2 of them are well hung black guys, albeit in their 50’s and they are popular with our ladies. Again when she comes over here, I’m going to have those 2 black guys hammer her pussy with cum every opportunity.

Piss:- I know that we accept that being pissed on and drinking was a kink that Lisa was already versed in when I met her, but now she can drink my whole and very full bladder, and not spill a drop provided I can release slowly. I have almost let rip my pee when fully embedded in her pussy which drives her insane. It not so easy when in her rectum, but last time she was here with Paul I managed it, Paul was licking her pussy at the time and knew what was happening and clamped his mouth right over her arsehole as soon as I was out. She was in raptures as he licked and sucked, when we all calmed down, no-body said it but I knew she’d loosened her anus and Paul got more than just dirty urine, I could tell by his cock. Your wife’s demeanour after she came down was embarrassment, she knew she’d moved some poop out and that it had turned her on at that moment. I knew that Paul has frequently taken full scat, from his wife and a few other females, and in keen to do so with Lisa and when I asked him later, he said your wife had initially held tight, but then she just suddenly let the flow go and was actually squeezing out and she must have felt a poo lump drop out of her.

Anal:- She was very experienced in taking anal when I first met her, but now its second nature and she never asks me to use any lube these days. She did ‘ass to mouth’ right from the start of anal sex with me, she admitted she didn’t realise it was a kinky thing, till later. These days I can get my cock quite dirty by heavy thrusting and a bit of spunk loosens thing up inside her, but she always cleans up. I’m pretty certain she never rimmed an arse out till she met me, from a hesitant start of licking around the rim in those early days, she now does a good tongue penetration, I recently taken to putting in my arse at good couple of hours before she arrives a butt plug or anal beads, this not only loosens my hole better for her tongue, but I also make her pull out the butt plug or beads and suck them clean. On the first few occasions, she definitely was hesitant, now she does it without even a command. I will soon be getting her to piss in a pot and then enema my arse with her pee and I will hold it for a while with the butt plug in me and after say 30 minutes get her to fasten her mouth to my arse and await the out pouring.

I haven’t anal fisted her as yet, but am getting there, of course I regularly fist her pussy and she takes that quite easy these days. I have used a huge variety of dildos and vibrators in both her holes with a view to her taking bigger and bigger ones in her arse.

Whips and Canes:- Again from a hesitant start, Lisa now knows there is pain and pleasure from my canes and whips. She doesn’t come here for sex with me, I know that, the exhibitionism and degradation add to things for her, but I honestly think she comes here just to get that pain climax from the whippings I give her, a couple of times each visit. Her sister and mother I have to whip really hard, sometimes cutting the skin, but Lisa cums off quite easily, yes the strikes are hard and mark, but like the other two, she is crying out for me to go harder or faster.

Pins and needles:- Again progress has been made, having started with very thin gauge surgical needles, we have progressed to think diameter needles still surgical but I am increasing the gauge. With her breasts bound tight enough to turn colour a bit, I have dotted them with those needles and especially her nipples, at first she squealed somewhat especially on her breasts, but now even with the heavier gauge, there is a bare whimper. Same applies to her labia lips, some reactions. For her last two visits I produced a packet of baby’s diaper pins, I put one into each nipple and three into her labia holding it closed. Each time she saw what I was about to do and nodded her acceptance, she did whimper and tears came out, but she allowed it each time. She bled quite a bit when I pulled them out later that night, but she didn’t seem overly concerned. I haven’t touched her clit at all as yet; that might be too much right now. I will soon move to sewing her labia together with a darning needle and gut. There is a long way to go in this area, with the ultimate being heavy nails in breast, nipples and labia, we are probably 2 years off her being ready to take that at the moment, but also I don’t want to ruin her tits, so it would only be done once or twice a year.

Ice, cigarettes, cigars and wax:- These last few months with her tits bound I have used these on her breasts, nipples and outer labia. This is an alternative to using the pins and needles tortures. She was horrified by the use of cigar on her body to start with, and at present I am only doing it mildly, so no stubbing out slowly say on her nipple. I have also started making her open her mouth to receive the ash.

Bondage:- For me is an early part of the games, but not in itself, yes bound breasts are better to torture, but just having tied a woman up and leaving her is boring except – In the last weeks I have tied Lisa up in your bedroom virtually naked and bound to the bed. She has protested but not strongly and she could use the mutually agreed safeword. I’ve done this with a view to leaving her like that and trying to time it so I leave before your sons get home. So far I have closed the bedroom door and left her a chance to get free by just using ropes. The next steps are to make it much more difficult to free herself and eventually impossible and also to leave your bedroom door open. I will also use clamps and such on her nipples and labia and hang weights from both to induce a bit of discomfort. I had a set of heavy bells which I may also use; each is about half a kilo and will pull and tug even more and ring out as she struggles to free herself. I also want to tie her to the big tree near the bottom of the garden. Again initially I want to leave her in a way that she can just about free herself and get back inside the house, but of course I really want her to be found like that, I hope I can get your support on this.

There are a couple of ideas I have for our enjoyment:-

First one:- So when Lisa came to me the other night, when I opened my front door there she was, in just those black high stilettos with the 5½” heels she can barely walk in and black stockings with suspender belt and that black neck choker with the silver words ‘sex slut’ on it; dangling from a clamp on each swollen nipple was the 200gm lead weights pulling slight at her tits; all exactly as I commanded her 30 minutes earlier, when she phoned me! I was thinking maybe she ought to start wearing that outfit (minus the weights) around your house maybe one day a week; now that would be fun.

She told me once, how when you were first married, she would undress to heels and stockings at some point in the evening and you wouldn’t allow her to draw the curtains and even had her put the trash out in the street like that. Lovely.

100% I think she will do it, when I did suggest it to her; her only objection wasn’t strong, only saying if other people dropped by it would be a problem (no mention of your boys). Both she and you know both your sons know about her walks to me and watch from their bedroom window. I can see them there, she knows they watch her get ready for me in her bedroom and walk down the stairs and out across to me in just her heels and stockings, they must have seen that at least 30+ times by now, because although initially I asked her to come over like that, later in the evening, it was only about 30% of the time, whereas these days it’s near 90% of her visits. I have told her that should she come ‘face to face’ with either boy as she leaves the bedroom and house on the way to me, she must act as if it’s perfectly normal. She told me that it has happened a couple of times with each boy this summer, and I can almost tell when she gets here.

If you are cool with it, my next step will be to call her to get ready earlier in the evening while you and the boys are watching football or whatever on the TV, then when she comes down she must walk fully into the lounge and tell you she has to go out and that she must stay in full view until you acknowledge her.

After that point, a day in heels and stockings this would just be a little step further. I was thinking that you could write on 30 pieces of small paper, number 1 through to 30, put them in a jar and she has to pull one out and that will be the day, or you could make her pick as many as you like. Of course, not the first time she does it, but maybe when she’s done it 3 or 4 times without incident, you could suggest to each son he bring a friend home that day, or ask her Dad to pop over.

If the ‘day’ falls on an office day you will get choice of heels, skirt and jacket- that she will wear in, but “No blouse, no bra, no panties”; I know she has a couple of real short mini-skirts in her wardrobe and of course she must travel into work on public transport that day.

Next step after that once she has done that a few times and is getting used to it, I suggest we have her put in a Butt plug ‘for the day’. I have told her to get a couple, and to get used to wearing one for a prolonged time i.e. a whole day at work. Then I’ll get her to buy one with a tail, you can get them in varying lengths, at home with that dangling down will be fun, maybe add nipple clamps as well or have variations of that.

Second one:- I showed her 4 kings from a card pack plus 2 jacks - a red and a black one, the Kings are for you and the jack is each of your sons; all she has to do is shuffle them as much as she likes and let me choose one of the 6 cards. If I pull a king you get to come and watch, if I pull a jack it’s whichever son is on the card.

I’ve challenged her on this, every 3rd visit over the last months

The first time I explained it she just held the cards and after a few moments said no;

The next time she actually shuffled them for maybe a minute or so, before putting them down.

The 3rd time, she asked me if she did this, what would the session be, how rough and nasty? I asked her if whoever was ***********ed; would she really want me to hold back, not to do the things already done? She looked right at me, shook her head and said no. There was clear sexual tension in her; I think she was so close to holding those cards out to me. I told her to throw one card away, a moment’s hesitation she did, she didn’t look but I did. It was a king, I showed it to her. Her odds had just dropped. I waited to see if she’d proffer the remaining cards, she shuffled them again, oh she was so close, but she just put them down, but she was trembling.

Then last week, I gave her the five cards (3 kings, 2 jacks); she shuffled them for ages, then without prompting she threw one away and shuffled again. Again I looked and it was another king, I felt a twang. I showed her, she looked at me straight in the eye, I felt she almost knew it was another king, there was a glint in her eyes, and I think she was shaking a bit. Maybe next time she will actually do it. I do know her well enough to know that whoever is chosen, she will follow through with it. She’s never looked at the faces of the cards, just accepts that I have what I said, maybe I could put out 4 jacks! Would that excite you?


2022-07-28 23:28:16
Excellent Peter - most enjoyable. I hope that you follow it up with the story of the encounters with her sons. I'm sure that they will be 'interesting'.

Either way, thankyou

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