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The Zadons launch a surprise attack in Alpha Quadrant
Galactic Date 5122.504

0500 The first feeble rays of light are starting to streak the sky over the village of Xenon. Named after the inert gas which is found in trace amounts in the mineral springs just outside the village, Xenon is only 10 miles away from the bustling metropolis of Xaron, but it might as well be a world away. Set in one of the more desolate portions of Alpha, it’s an outpost of human civilization on the extreme habitable edge of the quadrant, with a population of roughly 2,000 inhabitants. For the last hour or so, Tara, an 18 year old cadet, has been uneasy. Stationed in the watch tower on the outskirts of the village, she’s picked up an infrared signature with her nightscope but the quality of the optics is so poor, she can’t identify what the distant shapes are. Probably Xentiles, the lizard-like creatures commonly found in this arid part of Alpha, she reassures herself, but the shapes remain stationary, very unlike the reptilian creatures that usually scurry about so rapidly. The intelligent, pretty redhead makes another cup of strong Vizgarian brew coffee and ponders whether to call her lieutenant. Nah…I better not wake her up…probably just Xentiles or maybe even some geothermic anomaly from one of the mineral springs. As light spreads over the landscape, though, the shadowy shapes gradually resolve themselves and materialize into a nightmare too horrible to contemplate. Tara’s green eyes open wide in horror as she finally realizes what she’s been looking at in the early morning darkness…Zadons! Twelve of them, an entire quad, standing stationary within meters of the village. Without hesitation, she slams her hand down on the general alarm button, producing ear splitting klaxon like blasts that echo from one end of the village to the other. Getting on CommLink to the Alpha Quadrant Operations Center, she glances out the window again and watches as the Zadons slowly start advancing towards the village…

At the Operations Center in Xaron, the first reaction to the CommLink call from Xenon is skepticism. Is this a drill? the lieutenant on duty wonders. Or is the young cadet on CommLink playing some sort of a prank? The Zadons haven’t attacked a populated village in over 60 years and there’s no reason to think they would start doing it again now. The lieutenant, a 22 year old big boobed blonde, calls her captain; the captain, equally surprised, calls her colonel. Within minutes, the captain is back on CommLink with the lieutenant; this is no drill; scramble reinforcements to the village immediately! In response, the lieutenant checks the status screens at the Ops Center; there are over 2,000 space troopers who can be thrown into battle, but only three usable transports; all the rest are undergoing maintenance or are out on other missions. Knowing that she can send 6 platoons into battle, the lieutenant buzzes the sergeants in command of AP (Active Platoons) 1 through 6, ordering them to board the transports and proceed to Xenon; she also orders them to “take as many additional units as you can!” She then instructs the cadet at the main computer to remotely feed the village’s coordinates into the transports’ onboard navigation computers…

Rousted out of bed by the blaring klaxon, hundreds of groggy, yawning teenage boys stumble through the streets of Xenon, making their way to the barracks to put on their space trooper armor and mobilize for battle. Clad in a grab bag of jeans, sweatpants, sneakers and flipflops, their eyes bleary, their hair tousled, many of them bare chested and most of them nursing their morning wood, they answer the call of duty, not knowing what to expect. Quite a few of them are leaving the beds that they shared with their teen girlfriends or MILF partners, parting from their female companions with reassuring words that it’s probably all just a drill. Reaching the barracks, they hastily don their armor, locking their helmets into place in combat mode. None of the troopers is particularly worried; while the appearance of the Zadons is startling, nobody imagines that this could be a full scale attack by the cyborgs. “Don’t worry, dudes…they’re just doing a recon mission…the Zadons never attack villages with chicks in them!” one of the sergeants reassures his platoon. In full battle gear, the black armor clad warriors file out of the barracks and start marching toward their deployment positions at the outer edge of the village, their ears ringing with the repeated blaring announcements ordering the village’s female population to remain indoors until the emergency is over…

At the Xaron Operations Center, the space troopers in the designated Active Platoons lock their helmets into place in combat mode and quickly file aboard the transports in orderly ranks. Once the transports are loaded to full capacity, the platoon sergeants, following the lieutenant’s instructions, call for additional volunteers from the other Active Platoons. There’s no shortage of boys who answer the call; enraged by the Zadons’ raid on a village full of women and girls, dozens of additional 14 and 15 year old troopers swarm forward and squeeze themselves onto the transports. Each one of the X-3000 craft is designed to carry 210 troopers; one is now crammed with 232 boys, the second is packed with 243 and the third is stuffed with 245. The armored teens are wedged so tightly together, they can’t even move and can barely breathe; unable to take on any more bodies, the overloaded transports finally take off, their engines laboring...

Reaching the outskirts of the village, sweaty from their march in full armor, the boys of the Xenon garrison deploy into battle formation, standing shoulder to shoulder, laser rifles at the ready, as they watch the Zadons approach with their steady, reverberating tread. Every military aged male in the village has been mobilized to meet the emergency; among their ranks are 68 virgin 14 year olds, boys who have received their basic military training but haven’t had a chance to dip their wicks yet. With a mixture of excitement and dread, they watch the cyborgs get closer and closer, but even now, none of them really expects an actual battle to ensue. Using his helmet mic, one of the sergeants informs the Operations Center that the Zadons are in sight and that the space troopers are deployed for action. In response, the Operations Center informs him that reinforcements are on the way; moments later, the teenage warriors hear the discrete beep in their ears as their neuron transmitters jolt all 700 of them into rock hard erections. Adrenaline and testosterone now coursing through their systems and overriding their instincts for self-preservation, they can feel a mounting eagerness for battle, a growing hope that this isn’t a drill after all…

The three transports, packed with the hastily mobilized reinforcements, glide to a landing in a desolate clearing northwest of Xenon. Like their fellow troopers in the village’s garrison, the teens on the transports are jolted into a state of arousal and then the exit bays of the landing craft open and squads of armored troopers begin spilling out of the overheated, overcrowded craft. It’s a relief to be out in the open again, free from the suffocating transports; eager for combat, they’re rewarded with the sight of two Zadons standing there, waiting for them. “Assault Wave formation…assault wave formation…” Kaylee orders them and they obediently comply, forming dense, compact formations as they disgorge from the transports and start to advance towards the Zadons. One of the cyborgs carefully trains its weapon on a tall 17 year old sergeant carrying a rocket launcher at the extreme right of the advancing line while the other one aims at the 16 year old corporal anchoring the extreme left, but they hold their fire. In between the two noncoms are a long line of troopers, 14 and 15 year olds, packed together, shoulder to shoulder. The cyborgs let the boys continue their advance, the teens sweating into their armor under the already blazing morning sun, the reflected sunlight glinting off the mirrored face plates of their helmets. The Zadons’ red eyes gleam hungrily as the transports belch out more armor clad figures, more eager teens who make the surging formation even denser with human bodies; the cyborgs listen to the adolescent shouts of encouragement that the boys call out to each other as they advance. Starting with their two targets at either end of the front rank, the Zadons start a rapid fire salvo of their shock wave weapons, each of them working their way down the line of armor clad bodies until they meet in the middle, delivering a killing thump to the chest of each boy, scything down the entire first line of advancing teens. Without hesitation the second rank bravely steps forward. The Zadons drop the second rank and then the third. Boys topple in heaps, one rank stepping forward to take the place of the preceding one and then going down in turn. The bodies quickly pile up, the agonized death groans of the teens drowned out by the concussive sound of the shock weapons. “Maintain assault wave formation…maintain assault wave formation…” Kaylee drones in the boys’ ears and they bravely comply until finally, the heap of bodies is piled so high that they can’t even step over them anymore. Showing unbelievable courage and discipline, the teens deploy into a firing line, blasting away with their laser rifles, their dead and dying fellow troopers forming a rampart in front of them. The Zadons now slow their rate of fire, taking careful, deliberate aim at each target in turn, savoring every kill, completely dominating their adolescent opponents in the unequal firefight and still the teens don’t flinch. “Hold your position…maintain formation…hold your position…” Kaylee murmurs soothingly in their ears, reminding them of their duty; her voice is the last sound that most of them will ever hear. The clamor of combat ends abruptly; suddenly the Zadons realize that they don’t have any more targets to shoot at. All is now quiet, except for a few groans of agony coming from the heaps of armored bodies piled up in front of the transports. The Zadons train their scanners on the eerily silent transports; there’s no sign of life on any of the empty craft; the death groans from the piled up bodies gradually fall silent and the flickering life readings on the Zadons’ sensors vanish…

At the edge of the village, another squad of teenage troopers goes down with a clatter, tumbled into a heap of sprawling bodies by the rapid fire of the advancing Zadons. Xenon’s defenders are being slaughtered; the idea that this is merely a Zadon reconnaissance mission quickly vanishes and the space troopers slowly start falling back into the village. Taking up position in the shadow of one of the buildings, a sergeant crouches down and manages to lock onto the back plate of one of the cyborgs with his rocket launcher; he squeezes the trigger and then curses loudly as the rocket makes a loud popping sound and fails to launch, obviously a round that’s been kept in storage for far too long. Ejecting the defective, smoking missile, the 17 year old absentmindedly stands up and reaches into his ammo pouch for a fresh rocket. Just then, another advancing Zadon turns the corner, spots the tall teenager and locks onto him; aiming high, the cyborg delivers a pulsating shock wave blast to the sergeant’s head. His brains instantaneously liquefied, the sergeant has already spiraled off into another dimension even before his armored husk hits the ground. Their casualties mounting steadily, the depleted ranks of troopers continue to fall back slowly, towards the village’s main square, firing their laser rifles all the way. Their goal now is to delay the Zadons as long as possible until the expected reinforcements arrive; they have no way of knowing that the relief force is being slaughtered to the last man at that very moment. Small teams of troopers detach themselves from the main body, ducking into buildings along the village’s main street, turning them into miniature strong points. From the windows they snipe away at the advancing Zadons, trying to harass and divert them from their inexorable advance into the heart of the village…

As the battle swirls through the streets of Xenon, the pretty blonde 16 year old peeks out her window. Out on the street, she sees one of the armored troopers blazing away with his laser rifle at the advancing Zadons and she lets out a gasp. That morning, as her 15 year old brother left the house to report to the barracks, she gave him a purple plastic wristband for good luck; the trooper that she can see from her window has a slim purple band encircling his left wrist. Glancing down the street, she can see a steadily advancing Zadon, impervious to the laser fire being directed at him. She bursts out of the house and sprints barefoot out into the street, somehow not being hit by the laser and shock wave fire being exchanged by the opposing sides. She throws herself in front of the armored trooper, her arms stretched out. “No! Don’t kill him!” she shouts at the Zadon, who surprisingly stops in its tracks. “Get out of the way, Erika!” her brother shouts through the mirrored face mask of his helmet, trying to get a clear field of fire. Utilizing its scanners, the Zadon confirms that the target directly in front of it is a human female. The cyborg scrolls down in its weapons menu to the Neuron Disrupter, locks in on the target and fires a burst. Erika lets out a shriek, drops to the ground and lies still. “You fucking bastard!” her brother screams in a voice choking with rage as he unleashes a fusillade of laser fire at the cyborg. The Zadon methodically scans the remaining target and confirms identification as a human male, toggles back to its shock wave cannon, locks on to the target’s chest and fires a burst. The trooper is knocked off his feet and sent sprawling onto his back, his laser rifle flying out of his hands. The Zadon impassively moves on past the two prone forms, the still, silent girl and the armor clad figure emitting broken gasps and wheezes. As the Zadon lumbers further down the street, looking for more males to kill, a trio of girls scurry out into the street and pick up their friend. They glance over quickly at the armor clad body and hear a slow, agonized death rattle; they carry Erika back into the house where she will be revived within a few minutes…

The Zadons begin going house to house, eliminating the strong points one by one; their mission is to exterminate every human male in the village. Their sensors tell them exactly where the boys are, but the space troopers make no attempt to hide, sniping at the cyborgs from doors and windows with their laser rifles; the boys’ goal is to bring down the wrath of the Zadons on themselves, thus steering the cyborgs clear of the village’s female population. From one house, a 16 year old corporal and two 15 year old troopers are making their final stand, blazing away through the windows with their laser rifles when a Zadon smashes down the door; before they know it, the killer cyborg is on top of them and swinging its heavy, but incredibly agile limbs. There’s a sickening crack as the Zadon’s arm connects with the corporal’s helmet; remarkably the helmet remains undented by the impact, it’s the boy’s head that absorbs all the kinetic energy of the sledgehammer blow. The teen’s skull is completely disintegrated, splattering the inside of his helmet with blood, pulverized clumps of brain and shards of fragmented cranium. Flung halfway across the room, the corporal’s body drops limply, like a rag doll, to the floor. The Zadon swings again, catching one of the 15s in the torso on the right side; the boy lets out an agonized cry as his rib cage is shattered, driving the ribs like sharply pointed daggers into his lung. Thrown halfway across the room, he finds himself facedown on the floor gasping loudly in agony. The third trooper, a tall, long legged 15 year old, frantically scrambles to get in position behind the cyborg in the slim hope of delivering a disabling shot to its back with his laser rifle, but the agile Zadon reaches out with both arms and grabs the teen around the waist. Lifting him off the floor, the cyborg squeezes with a crushing grip, a bear hug that pulverizes the boy’s pelvis with a loud cracking sound. Kicking his legs out convulsively, the teen lets out a howl of agony and then goes limp; the Zadon opens its arms and lets the armored body drop to the floor with a clatter. The cyborg pauses for a moment to survey its handiwork. One boy, the corporal, lies completely still, sprawled out on his back; another lies face down, letting out agonized gasps as the blood from his punctured lung comes surging out through his mouth and nose, splattering the inside face plate of his helmet with every broken breath that he takes. The third, the tall, long legged teen, lies curled up on his side, writhing and twisting in agony, bravely trying not to cry out again as he starts to lapse into unconsciousness. The Zadon hesitates for a moment, calculating whether or not to deliver finishing blows to the two dying troopers; the life indicators on the Zadon’s sensors are dropping so rapidly for both of the prone figures that the cyborg decides not to waste further time or effort on them. Lumbering out of the building to rejoin the battle, the Zadon leaves the two boys to gasp out their last breaths in unspeakable agony…

The sound of laser rifle fire echoes through the cavernous interior of the village’s natatorium, answered by the thump of the Zadon’s shock wave cannon. A community hot spot during better times, the deck around the pool, usually populated by busty women in skimpy thong bikinis and muscular teen boys in banana hammocks, is now strewn with dozens of armored corpses. A sizable force of almost 100 boys had chosen to make their final stand here and now all of them are dead, all except for three. “Holy shit! He could’ve finished us off by now!” the blond 15 calls out, taking a shot at the Zadon lurking around the entrance to the pool. “He’s toying with us, dude…this is just a game to him…” the redheaded 15 replies. “Too bad we don’t have a rocket launcher!” the third boy, a blond 14, exclaims. “Yeah, dude, and too bad we don’t have 3 chicks here, down on their knees, blowin’ us…” the redhead replies in a cynical tone. “The kid’s right…we need a rocket launcher…one of those dude’s was a corporal…maybe he was carrying one…” the blond 15 replies, raising his head to see if he can spot the corporal’s corpse amidst the heaps of bodies. “Nah, dude…I was right next to him when he got it…he didn’t have one…” the redhead replies. “We can charge him!” the 14 bravely suggests, but the two older boys ignore him; the redhead is staring out at the pool through his mirrored face plate and the blond 15 follows his expressionless gaze. “Dude, how deep do you think that pool is…?” the redhead asks his fellow 15 year old. “I dunno…must be at least 50, 60 feet…” is the reply. “It’s deep…that motherless bastard will never get us down there…” the redhead agrees. “Yo, I don’t think our breathing gear works underwater…” the 14 observes in a hesitant voice. “I dunno…maybe it does, maybe it don’t…only one way to find out…” the redhead replies in a casual tone. “Why does it matter…? You’re not scared, are you…?” the blond 15 now asks the younger boy in a taunting voice. “Hell no! I’m not scared!” the 14 blurts out defiantly, giving the only answer that a teen boy could possibly give. “We’re wasting time…c’mon!” the redhead now exclaims. Dropping their laser rifles, the three teens dash to the pool, foiling the Zadon’s attempt to lock in on them as they run. Lining up at the deep end, temporarily out of sight of the cyborg, the trio clasp hands, forming a 3 link human chain. The pool has been partially drained for cleaning and maintenance purposes, but still has a depth of 30 to 40 feet at the deep end; there’s also a sheer drop, 20 feet straight down from the edge of the pool into the water. “You dudes ready…?” the redhead asks. “Fuck yeah!” the blond 15 exclaims; “Let’s do it!” the 14 readily agrees. Their time is rapidly running out; they can feel the heavy, reverberating tread of the Zadon as it starts to lumber forward in search of them. “On three…one…two…” the redhead starts the countdown in a steady voice; the three boys look straight ahead, averting their gaze from the vertiginous drop just beneath their feet. The mirrored face masks of their helmets conceal the varying degrees of hesitation, doubt and fear that all three of them are now experiencing, emotions etched onto their faces and burned into their eyes, emotions that none of them dare to verbalize. Standing in the middle, the 14 can hear his heart pounding in his chest. His mind is racing; he’s still a virgin and he reflects for a fleeting moment how he’ll never know what it’s like to bang a chick. He tightens his grip on the gloved hands of his two older friends and they respond in kind as the trio lock each other into the next step that they’re about to take. “Three!” the redhead shouts and the teens step off the deck. They plunge precipitously, their armored bodies picking up velocity that rockets them into the drink and throws up a cascading fountain of water high into the air. Massive air bubbles start breaking the surface and the waters of the pool are frantically roiled for several long minutes as far below, the water does its work, forcing the oxygen out of three young pairs of lungs and filling them with its surging, killing wetness. A few final bubbles rise to the surface and then the waters are still and serene once again…

Making loud gurgling sounds, the 14 year old space trooper kicks his legs out and squirms fruitlessly, trying to wriggle himself free from the Zadon’s grasp as it slowly, inexorably tightens around his throat; the boy’s thickly gloved hands push against the cyborg’s pitiless metal frame in a futile gesture of resistance to the inevitable. Behind the opaque face plate of his helmet, the teen’s face is turning a darker and darker shade of red. A cute, slightly built blond, only 5’3, barely over 100 pounds, he keeps his gaze fixed on the merciless cyborg who’s choking the life out of him. The image of the Zadon is starting to blur and he can feel his bright blue eyes starting to bulge in their sockets; he can’t believe that the loud choking noises filling his ears are coming from his own body. Sprawled out on the ground at the Zadon’s feet are two other armor clad bodies, both 15 year olds; they were lucky; the cyborg snapped their necks quickly. He could easily do the same with the 14, but he’s taking his time with the unlucky youngster, slowly tightening his grip, savoring the sheer brutality of the kill. The boy continues to squirm and struggle even though he knows how useless it is; he can feel the pressure building behind his eyeballs and almost feels like his head is going to explode, but even as the life is being slowly crushed out of him, he’s conscious that his erect 5 inch pecker is throbbing insistently. As his brain starts to shut down, the memory of losing his virginity only last week flashes vividly…the pretty, busty 16 year old blonde…how he groaned as he blew his load inside her in less than 5 minutes…her smiling face telling him how “cute” and “adorable” he was…A loud, rattling sound fills his ears; his face is turning purple now and he can feel his tongue forcing itself out of his mouth. Just as the light flashes out, his balls convulse forcefully, splattering the inside of his armor with a thick, slimy load of DNA; he experiences his final orgasm as the Zadon throttles the last breath out of his body…

The village is now silent. Twisted, heaped up armored bodies lie everywhere, their contorted, agonized faces mercifully hidden from view behind their opaque helmet visors. With no space troopers left to kill, utility bots now swarm the village under the vigilant eyes of their Zadon masters. Some of them proceed to the transports’ landing site and start disentangling the huge heaps of corpses there, grappling hold of the armored bodies one by one and heaving them, like loads of trash, onto waiting dozers. Other bots start collecting the human refuse at the village natatorium; the corpses of the three boys who jumped into the pool are easily winched to the surface, foiling their plans to deny their bodies to the cyborgs. More bots scour the village, dragging the scattered bodies littering the streets to centralized collection locations; they also thoroughly search the buildings for human remains which are tossed or rolled out onto the street. The armored corpses are left to lie there on the sidewalk until the dozers come by to pick them up like garbage collection day. The tall, long legged trooper with the shattered pelvis is unceremoniously dumped onto the street; his two friends, tossed out alongside him, are already dead, but he’s still clinging to life, lying sprawled out on his back and groaning as he drifts in and out of consciousness. One of the utility bots hovers over him for a brief moment, its sensor blinking; the boy will die, but he’s taking just a little bit too long to do so. The bot points one of its long, tentacle-like arms at the prone figure and with a whooshing sound, it fires a high velocity, wire guided lancet that penetrates the joint where the trooper’s helmet joins his upper body armor. A thin shafted, sharp pointed rod, the lancet punches through the armor’s weak spot at a steep, downward angle and thrusts its way through the boy’s throat; two razor sharp blades spring out from the head of the lancet like the wings of a malignant butterfly, brutally severing the teen’s trachea and spine and putting an abrupt, savage end to his suffering. The lancet’s momentum spent, the blades automatically retract, allowing the bot to pull the lethal tool back out, leaving a discreet ½ inch hole in the slain trooper’s armor. All together, 32 of the village’s fatally injured teenage warriors need to be finished off using the brutally efficient lancets…

The women and girls of Xenon cautiously emerge from their hiding places and step out into the streets to survey the devastation. They beg the Zadons to at least allow them to give the dead boys a decent burial, but their entreaties are ignored; the cyborgs don’t even bother to look at them. The women’s pleas quite frankly puzzle the Zadons. The cyborgs created the mess in the village and now they’re cleaning it up; they’re doing the work of hauling away and disposing of the refuse strewn all over the place, so why are these silly human females complaining? Do they want to recover the armor so that it can be recycled and reused in the human war effort? That would be understandable, but it quickly becomes clear that the females’ only concern is for the lifeless husks contained in the suits of armor. These are the brutalized remains of their sons, brothers and boyfriends, as well as hundreds of other boys who bravely tried to come to their rescue. The women are motivated by human emotions and the Zadons have no time or patience for such nonsense. Each contorted, sprawled out armored form is a Zadon battle trophy and must be added to the mountain of rotting meat that the cyborgs are building ever higher. All 697 of the village’s male inhabitants of military age (14-17) were slain in battle, along with the 720 reinforcements that were scrambled to assist them; 1,417 teenagers slaughtered in a half an hour of mind boggling carnage, averaging out to 47 boys killed every minute. Aside from Erika’s temporary bout of unconsciousness, no girls or women have been harmed. Once they’ve double checked and triple checked to make sure that all the bodies have been loaded on the dozers, the Zadon convoy lumbers away, leaving the distraught females behind. At the dump site, load after load of armored corpses are tumbled into the burial pit to begin the long, slow process of decay; the pile of broken bodies grows higher and higher until finally the last dozer dumps the last load of human detritus on top with a clatter. Sprawled out at the apex of this pyramid of corpses is one body identical to all the others, except for the little purple plastic band on the left wrist…


1,417 space troopers killed in battle at Xenon, Alpha Quadrant. 332 killed in skirmishing elsewhere on Xares-27. Total death toll: 1,751.

(to be continued...)
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