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I massaged the cream over the insides of her thighs, along the sides of her smooth slit then to end the treatment, I smoothed my slicked fingers up the split of her body then eased between her cunt lips and coated the entrance to her vagina.
Fresh from the Epsom salts bath Sina laid back on the bed to let me attend to her rash. I pulled the towel apart so she was ready for me to apply the lotion given me by the doctor. The girl was bright red between her legs, her skin glowed angerly, her vagina was itchy and sore and I had to treat her with the antiseptic cream. The doctor gave the rash some Latin name but I couldn’t repeat it, I just knew she complained that it itched like hell and burned to the touch. It wasn’t a venereal disease, but a rare viral infection; nothing fatal, but we don’t know where she picked it up. Best guess was in Brazil where we had just come back from an Amazon tour. She wasn’t contagious, but still, my daughter was hurting and I felt sympathy and empathy for her. She got a vaccine shot at the clinic then we had to follow up with the cream twice a day until the affliction went away. Sina had a towel over her breasts but was nude at the afflicted area. She spread her legs wide to let me wipe her body with the salve. I put on a latex glove and daubed a generous blob on my fingers then set to work. I looked at her nudity then into her eyes, “God, this is so embarrassing, are you ready?”

My daughter Sina sighed, “It’s okay dad, right now I’d let a Catholic Priest see me like this.”

I smiled at her, I wasn’t really embarrassed, but needed her to think touching her naked body would be awkward and uncomfortable. The physician’s assistant had shaved my daughter’s pubic hair so it would not irritate her and she might heal faster. I massaged the cream over the insides of her thighs, along the sides of her smooth slit then to end the treatment, I smoothed my slicked fingers up the split of her body then eased between her cunt lips and coated the entrance to her vagina. As I fingered her, she closed her eyes, turned mortified pink, and shivered. When I pulled off the plastic glove I asked, “Feel better?”

“Not right now, you just did that the first time. The doctor said it would go away in a few days, I hope it does.”

“Yeah, it will take time. I’ll have to do this again when you go to bed tonight, or maybe we can talk your mother into doing this.”

“You know damn well she won’t touch me, she’s afraid she will catch whatever I have.” My wife was a hardcore narcissistic hypochondriac and already refused to come near the girl as long as she was sore. “Will I have to take another bath?”

“Not today, tomorrow, but don’t put on any panties, and wear a skirt, panties and pants would probably irritate you.” My fifteen-year-old daughter sighed and got off the bed. When she sat up the towel slid off her tits but she didn’t seem concerned as she walked to the closet to choose a dress to put on. As she moved away, I watched her firm, shapely teen female body and felt a sharp thrill of non-fatherly interest in the girl.

The next morning after Sina took another medicated bath I applied the cream; she didn’t look as uncomfortable as the night before. “Are you less itchy?”

She smirked, “I’ll be wearing another skirt today if that’s what you want to know. How many times do we have to do this?”

“Until the rash is gone, the doctor said it could take a few days.” I teased her with a smile, “And don’t do any twirling in the dress at school.”

“How many is a few?”

“Don’t know sweetheart, we’ll just have to wait until you don’t itch anymore.”

Sina grumbled, “I hope you won’t hate me by then, like mom does.” As I watched her get off the bed to get dressed, hate was not what I was feeling. That evening when I greased my daughter she wasn’t as timid as before, we were both getting used to her lying on the bed naked while I massaged the medicine onto and into her intimate anatomy.

On the third morning, after a quick bath Sina got onto her bed, she didn’t bother to cover her tits, “I’m ready.”

“Hey girl, why don’t you put this junk on yourself, save me the trouble.” I offered her a latex glove. She slipped it over her hand then squeezed a bit of medication on the fingers. After two swipes on the insides of her thighs, she shifted her legs, looked me in the eyes then said with a bit of tension in her voice, “You do it daddy, you know where and how to put the cream on me.”

“Are you sure?”

Sina nodded, “It’s okay, it feels better when you do it.” She took the glove off her hand then dropped it to the floor. I paused, I didn’t have another just then, they were in the bathroom and I didn’t want to use the one she dropped. Without saying anything I smeared some goop on my fingers then touched her between the legs. Sina jerked slightly at the touch of my uncovered fingers then relaxed onto the bed and offered me a self-conscious grin. My daughter turned her head to the wall and closed her eyes while I finished the treatment. As I took care to apply the medicine, carefully feeling her vagina and legs, I was reacting physically to the girl -- I was getting a fucking hard-on. When we were done, she got off the bed, pulled a pair of cotton briefs up her legs, “I think I can wear panties now,” she told me needlessly. The sight of her sweet tight ass covered in snug briefs was even more appealing than seeing her nude. She was pulling a bra up her arms as I left the room unsettled, both mentally and physically.

That night as we got ready to treat her again, I picked up a glove but Sina offered softly, “Don’t use that, it was better when you didn’t use it this morning.” I asked her if she was sure and she nodded somberly, “It felt better.”

That morning I’d used two finger tips to oil her up, that evening I used three and took extra care to caress her legs and pussy. Applying medicine to my daughter was becoming more personal, less clinical and I took extra time to care for her, she took extra care to let me take my time. When I was done coating her skin Sina put a hand over mine and whispered, “I still itch inside dad, put some in me.” With very little hesitation I pushed my fuck finger into my daughter then stroked her, making sure I got the medicine where it was needed. Sina sucked her lower lip, turned her head and her entire body shivered. My prick swelled with heated blood and inappropriate attention for the sexy teen lying naked on the bed with my hand between her legs.

After Sina’s treatment that night her mother asked me, “Is she getting better?”

“I think so, the redness is gone but she has some kind of scabbed looking crust on her. She says she doesn’t itch as much, but we should keep up the treatment.”

“Well make damn sure she is totally healed; it makes me crazy to think some fucking bug is hanging around waiting to infect me.” My wife was afraid more for herself than of her daughter’s welfare. Selfish bitch.

The next time I smeared the goop over my daughter’s legs, I told her what her mother had said, that she didn’t want ‘some fucking bug’ infecting her. Sina frowned, her eyes showed irritation with her mother and I pushed a finger deep into her vagina. I sensed the girl liked the deep insertion so I pulled out of her then daubed a tiny bubble of medicine on two fingers then slipped both fingers into Sina. Her eyes went wide and locked on mine then she eased her legs a bit wider, giving me better access to her pussy. My cock exploded in size as I began to stroke the girl in a most non-clinical way. Sina rolled her head to the left, closed her eyes, and her ass quivered while I fingered her. “Does that still itch?” I had to ask.

She faced me again and encouraged me with an intimate whisper, “Not right now.”

“You think you are better; we don’t have to use the cream anymore?” My daughter paused, put a hand over mine between her legs, “I don’t want the rash to come back, we should use the cream until it’s gone,” she proposed. I finger fucked my naked daughter a few more moments then had to get the hell out off the bed. My nuts were crying for relief so I tried to seduce my wife but she turned me down cold.

The next day I took Sina to the clinic where she got a full exam, she was clean, no more infection. We were both relieved but just as I pulled into the garage the girl put her hand on my arm, “Dad, don’t tell mom I’m all better, not yet.”


“Let her think you still have to put medicine on me.”

Holy fucking Christ, what did the girl just say, what kind of hint did she give me? She wanted more intimate attention? “Okay Sina, you want me to come to your room like I need to smear you up?”

She blushed slightly and confirmed, “Yeah, we have to be sure,” then quickly got out of the car. I spent the rest of the day avoiding my wife, the half tent in my pants was a telltale reaction to my daughter’s invitation.

Sina lied boldly to her mother, “It’s almost gone mom, I feel better but the doctor told us we need to be certain and gave us a new tube of antiseptic.”

“That’s good, make goddamn certain I’m not gonna get your condition, I hate being sick,” my wife said without compassion.

Sina tossed me a look loaded with exasperation for her mother as she went to her room. I followed her a few minutes later and found her standing in front of the full-length mirror, she was admiring her naked adolescent body. My daughter said when she saw me in the mirror, “Mom is such a fucking bitch, how in hell do you put up with her?” Sina turned to face me, completely at ease, “Dad, do you like me, I mean like this, with no cloths on?”

“Of course, you’re my daughter, I like you in any condition or situation.”

Sina stuttered slightly, “Ah, uh, my hair is growing back, should I shave it, leave it, or trim it like Shelia does?” Sheila was her bestie.

My cock began the transition as I watched her, when she mentioned her pussy hair my eyes drifted lower to take in the lovely vision. My daughter was developing nicely, she was close to sixteen and puberty was reforming her into a very appealing young female. She had firm c-cup tits, long shapely legs, a tight pear-shaped ass, rounded hips, slim waist, compact body, and a shade of light brown pubic hair. I had to deflect the conversation, my thoughts, so even though we didn’t need to, I asked, “Are you ready for another application?”

Sina went to the bed, laid on her back and asked, “Dad, when you put your fingers in me, did you ruin my virginity?”

The question sent my balls on a flight of visions and fantasy, “I don’t think so, I didn’t put them in that far, I haven’t caused you to bleed.”

My daughter picked up a pillow then just before she covered her bright red face she told me, “I want you to do that, all the way.” She pulled the pillow over her face and angled her legs wide.

My heart started slamming, I got dizzy, Sina just asked me to make her a woman with my fingers and I fucking near bolted from her room, “I don’t know girl, that’s pretty radical, doing something like that could cause a lot of problems for us.”

She moved the pillow, “Daddy, I’m not going to tell anyone, fuck me with your fingers, I want to feel it.”

I was operating in a stupor, the wording of her wish and slammed into my ears, overcoming any reluctance, “Would it be okay to take my pants off, I can tell you, I will get very uncomfortable very quickly if I don’t.”

She looked up at me, a sly grin slipped onto her lips, “It’s only fair.”

I shot a quick nervous glance at the bedroom door, “You know, if your mother came in and we are both nude, it would be a very unhealthy family scene.”

Sina also looked to her closed door, “The bitch won’t come in, you know goddamn well she thinks I’m fucking viral,” again her expression surprised me, but also inspired me, “take everything off,” she urged.

I stood next to my daughter and stripped to bare skin. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and when I dropped my boxers Sina got her first look, I am close to eight inches and thickly round and was pointed at an angle toward the ceiling. My balls were packed tight against the base of my cock. I was curious, “Have you seen a hard-on before?”

She lifted her eyes to my face, she’d didn’t look uncomfortable, “No.”

I sat on the bed next to her and picked up the tube of antiseptic, Sina uttered, “I don’t need that.”

“What do you need?”

She bloomed light red from cheeks to tits and stuttered her true wish, “Ah, um, I can get off with my hands but, uh, can you to do that for me?”

My cock pulsed a stream of lube which dribbled to the bed, I got crude, “You want me to finger fuck you, give you an orgasm with my hand?” The blush deepened but her eyes remained on mine as she nodded silently. I slipped my right hand between her legs and started caressing her pussy.

Sina’s eye lids fluttered slightly then she turned her head and picked out a spot on the wall to focus on while I petted her cunt. Her fingers curled into a loose fist and she arched her back then widened her legs. I was caressing her slit and felt how her pussy was getting wet, warmer, the girl was experiencing a strong flareup of sexual sensations. She opened her mouth, licked her lips then turned to look at me again. As I slipped two fingers into her, she moved her right hand to my leg then graced my erection with her fingers, “Touch it Sina, hold it.”

Without words the girl wrapped her fingers around my stone hard cock and began to tug on it lightly. I sat on the bed next to my daughter and masturbated her while she got more aggressive about pulling on my hard-on. As the minutes passed the girl’s pussy became wet enough my fingers were slipping into her with no friction, she was vibrating as if she had an electrical current running through her. I put my second hand over her stomach then pressured her clit with two fingertips while I fucked her with my fingers. Sina put a strangle hold on me then started groaning as her body shook and vibrated. When her orgasm overloaded her nerves, my erection overloaded and I shot four surges of semen on her hand and across her stomach. When I was done convulsing, I got off the bed and retreated to her bathroom to clean up, get dressed, and grapple with the iniquity what the hell I had just done. I didn’t want to go back into her room, I was ashamed of what I did with my daughter but had to. When I came back into the bedroom Sina had drawn a blanket over her nudity and watched me with cautious eyes, “Don’t tell mom what we did.”

Was that her only worry? “You know fucking well I won’t.” No more was said, I left her room.

I stopped using the cream as an excuse to be alone with Sina. We had gone way too far and I was terrified of what I was thinking, of how the world would react if she even hinted to anyone about that night. My wife was again relaxed enough to associate with Sina without concern, but I noticed our daughter was more diffident toward her mother, the room chilled whenever the two were close. Her relationship with me returned to a routine daddy/daughter bond, nothing was said about that last night in her room.

Shortly after Sina’s sixteenth birthday she asked me, “Dad, I’m starting to itch down there again, do we still have some of that ointment?”

“Ah, yeah, what happened, are you having a relapse?”

“I think so, maybe I put on some infected panties or something.” She glanced around to see her mother was listening, “After I take a bath, I think I should use some of the ointment again.”

My wife spoke up, “What the hell girl, did you fuck another infected prick?”

Sina fought back with words, “No mom, I don’t do shit like that, I’m not a high school boy-toy like you must have been!”

Rather than being upset with her daughter’s remarks, my wife simply said, “Make damn sure to use it all, and throw your fucking filthy panties away, I don’t even want them in the laundry, and maybe you should sanitize the bedding after you sanitize your cunt.” Sina threw her a disgusted look then stomped from the room.

I turned to my wife, “What the hell is the matter with you, can’t you show a little care or compassion for your daughter’s health?”

She growled at me, “Not if she’s infectious,” then went to the kitchen. Our contentious marriage just got more contentious.

I went to check on Sina, she looked hurt when she left the front room and I needed to assure her she was still loved by someone in the house. When I came to her room she was readying for a bath, “You need the Epsom Salts?” I asked.

She turned to me, “No, I just want to rinse off her words, but can you be here when I get out, I want to talk to you about something.”

“Yeah, sure, what’s on your mind?”

She stepped past me, “Give me a half-hour.” Cryptic.

While Sina was in the tub, I went to tell the woman I’d married I was going to smear up our daughter. She acknowledged my doctor role, “I bet she got that bug from some dirty cock, I don’t believe the little slut hasn’t kept it to herself,” then turned on her favorite nighttime Kardashian crap and proceeded to ignore me.

She came from adjoining bathroom wearing just a towel wrap, it barely covered her crotch, her long shapely legs looked silky smooth and glistened with drops of water. Sina sat on the edge of her bed then told me outright, “I want to have sex.”

My head snapped back from the force of the words, my mind fogged for a moment, “You have a boyfriend, is some kid hitting on you?”

She was scorching red again but didn’t avert her eyes, “No dad, not with Mason, with you.”

I lurched from the bed and stood away from her, “Fuck Sina, we can’t do that, I can’t do that. What the hell is going on in your head?”

Sina stood up, closed the space between us and looked up into my face boldly, “Take me to bed, I want this, I like how it felt what we did last time, I want to do it for real.” She put a hand on my cheek and smiled softly, “Mom thinks I’m already fucking my ass off, I’m not, but I’m ready.” As her words burned into my ears my cock began grow.

I started to protest again, “Your mother –”

“To hell with my mother, she doesn’t give a rotten damn what happens to me as long as she feels safe. She wants to be sure I can’t infect her and will avoid me forever if she thinks I’m sick, but the only thing she is doing is pissing me off and giving us opportunities to be alone. Come to bed with me, I want you to.” Sina put her hands into the waist band of my pants and levered open the button.

I didn’t need a lot of convincing, as the girl was pulling my zipper to its stop, I tugged my shirt off then finished stripping my pants. In moments I was standing naked with Sina, she was again glowing red but determined to get laid. “You haven’t done this before?” I wanted to be sure.

She stepped back to look at my erection and smiled slightly, “I let Mason feel me up, but no, but we haven’t done it, not all the way.” A thought flashed through my mind, poor Mason, his nuts must be stone hard. She turned to the bed then went to lie on her side facing me. I blocked out the last of my fatherly objections and got onto the bed with the beautiful young woman. With no more words, with no more trepidation as to who she was, I lifted her leg then put the end of my swollen cock against the entrance to paradise. I eased gently against her cunt, sliding the crown of my erection on her, letting the pre-cum gushing from it coat her. Sina sipped her breath then held it as I flexed my hips then pressed into her. She closed her eyes, sighed out the deep breath then opened them again, “Fuck me dad, I want to feel it,” she encouraged needlessly. I pushed into her; she was tight but didn’t call out in pain. I thrust against Sina until our groins collided. She put her hands on my cheeks, smiled then rolled to her back, holding my arms, pulling on me to keep me in place. I pushed up on my arms and looked down at my daughter, my cock swelled even further as we began to fuck.

She lay quiet under me, her body was still but I felt her pussy warming, softening, and in a minute, I was slipping in and out of her easily because she was wet with lust. I had to be careful, to fuck Sina softly because my wife was just three rooms away and I sure as hell didn’t want fucking bedroom noises to alert her. The beautiful young piece of ass quickly lost any hesitancy for what we were doing and put her hands on my shoulders, adjusted her body then began to huff deeper breaths of cooling air.

I fucked my girl about six minutes then the overwhelming thrill of sex with her overloaded my balls so I pulled from her and shot my load onto her stomach. My daughter gave me a million-dollar smile, pulled me down to lie fully on her and murmured into my ear, “God, that felt good, love you dad. Is it always like that?”

I pushed up, “It can be better, a lot better with practice.”

Sina took a deep breath, stared into my eyes, “When can we practice again?”

As much as I wanted to stay between her legs, I forced myself to remind her, “If I stay much longer your mom will begin to wonder, I have to go.”

“Yeah, I know, but can we do this again?”

My cock was still half hard again so I pressed it deep, “I every fucking day if you want.”

Sina pushed me to get off her but teased, “Every fucking day?”

I dressed quickly then returned to my wife who looked at me, “How is she doing?”

“I think she’s feeling better, one or two more coats of cream should keep her in remission.”

“Good, keep at it until you’re sure she is squeaky clean.” Not a problem.

The next morning Sina was as normal as always, she didn’t seem shy, afraid, nervous or in any way wary of me, when she was ready for school she asked, “Dad, can you drive me today, I don’t want to ride the bus.”


She looked around for her mother and didn’t see her, “Because I want to talk about last night.” Taking her to school meant I would be late for work, but that wasn’t a problem, not that morning. Sina was wearing a skirt that hemmed just above her knees but when she got into the car, it rode much higher, most of her long thighs were on display. As I admired her legs my prick gained weight.

After I was on the street I asked, “What’s on your mind Sina?”

She twisted in the seat to face me, folded her legs so she was sitting on them, “Can you ditch work today?”


She flickered her eyes aside for a moment and blushed slightly, “I want to be alone with you, longer than a few minutes. Can we go somewhere?”

My mind slipped into high gear; it was racing with thoughts; My daughter wanted me to take her somewhere private! Sina wanted to spend more intimate time with me! My Daughter wanted me to fuck her! It took a few moments of stunned silence before I suggested a solution, “Chuck is in Canada right now, I have a key to his condo.” Chuck is my younger brother.

Sina’s cheek color deepened to scarlet but she put a hand on my arm, “Let’s go there.”

We didn’t act like young lovers, we weren’t flirting, making passes at each other, or talking intimately, Sina was silent with her head leaning on the window as I drove but my body was preparing, I was again so hard I hurt in the tight constriction of my pants. At the condo building Sina walked in front of me so anyone near would not see the effect my daughter had on me. I watched the swish of her skirt across her legs as she moved to the elevator and fucking near came in my shorts. After the door of my brother’s condo closed my daughter turned to me then put her arms around my neck and clutched me tight, she said nothing but rubbed her crotch against the bulge of my erection. I held her butt in my hands and pulled her closer, dry fucking her through our clothes.

Standing in with Sina plastered against me got me started seducing her. I pushed her away, smacked her on the ass and turned her toward the bedroom, “Back there girl, you need more practice.” She laughed lightly then took my hand and led me to bed. I pulled her to a stop next to the king-sized bed then began to unbutton her blouse. I stripped her of her clothes, one piece at a time, making sure I touched and felt her in most un-fatherly ways. She was no longer timid or embarrassed to be nude with me so after her clothes were piled into a corner, she smiled broadly then pirouetted, giving me a hormone producing 360-degree view of her body. When she was done showing off, she helped me strip naked. I pulled her tight, slipped my erection between her legs then as we bonded with arms around each other I stroked her cunt, slicking her up with the lube from my hard-on. We were male and female in an increasing intense mating rut, our kinship didn’t matter or bother us.

Sina groped between us to grip the man between her legs then moved back to the bed. I went to my back then pulled her to lie on me, stomach to stomach, my cock was lodged between her legs, pressed against her soft warm cunt. She smiled down at me then began to roll her back, caressing my cock with her pussy and I spit another quart of pre-cum on her. I lifted my daughter’s hips then centered between her legs and pulled her onto her desire. I began fucking Sina as she rested her head on my shoulder and moaned her growing passion. She was hot, wet, and smooth, and took every inch I could push into her.

Sina was acquiescent, she let me move, bend, and twist her into any position I wanted. Her passion was growing, she began to puff quick breaths, squeaking and moaning each time I thrust my big erection into her. I fucked her for a few minutes then had to get out. When my cock slipped from Sina, she gripped my ass and tried to pull me back in, “No girl, wait,” I told her, “I have to get a condom.” My brother was a wild assed bachelor and I assumed he had a good supply of rubbers. I searched two drawers before I found them then returned to the naked, panting sixteen-year-old on the big bed.

With the condom in place, I started screwing the girl as if we wanted to knock her up. I was way past being gentle, she was way past the caution of her first real lay. We bounced and bonded for maybe 10 more minutes before l lost control and filled the latex with my lust. When Sina realized I was cuming in her, her body responded, she fell off the mountain of passion and cramped almost in half with a climax. My daughter yelped and seized with contractions as we finished her introduction to uninhibited, hot fucking adult sized sex.

I collapsed to the bed while she put a hand between her legs and cupped her pussy, feeling the last echoes of her orgasm. Sina rolled to her side, laid her head on my shoulder, and murmured in my ear, “I need more fucking practice.” Shit! I could barely breathe but she was still quivering and was ready to another round of screwing? What the hell was driving her?

I pushed her away then started feeling her tits. That was the first time I fondled her and she relaxed to her back then let me explore her body with my hands. I manhandled the intoxicating teen for a few minutes, being sure to caress and massage every fucking inch of her silken skin. The first time I kissed a nipple she damn near ripped a handful of hair off my head. Once I was done heating her up with my mouth and hands, I rolled her to her back then put my mouth on her cunt. Sina yelped sharply when I licked her clit then spread her legs damn near horizontal as I licked, kissed, slathered, and fingered her pussy. I ate my daughter maybe five minutes before she exploded with a series of body wrenching contractions while singing a song of vowels. She was still quivering when I spooned behind her then fucked Sina into a third bed shaking onslaught of cramps and cries of passion. My daughter was quickly becoming a full-grown woman.

I went to the kitchen to find something to drink and brought back two beers. Sina and I relaxed on the bed and talked about what we had done. She wasn’t a bit hesitant to tell me how she felt, how she liked what I did and that she was glad she got payback on her mother, “If the fucking cunt thinks I’m a slut, so what, she’s missing out, not me, not anymore.”

I ate and fucked my daughter four times that day, I was amazed that I had so much stamina, so much energy but by the time we got home that afternoon, we were both sexually sated. Just before we went into the house, I asked Sina, “Do you know what a blowjob is?”

My daughter looked at me and smiled with interest, “I hear rumors, will you teach me?”
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