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This old story series of mine, I redid with better grammar.
Feed me honey -Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T
Comissioned lemon from a guy named Lord Patamon. It goes into this paralel digimon universe, which I just came up with two seconds ago. I may make this a new series and call it D.I.G.I series.

Alarm bell began ringing 7:30 am. Patamon yawned and pulled the sheet over his head, trying to fall back into sleep. Gatomons eyes twitched, the clock still was ringing and it was getting harder and harder. Gatomon growled and punched the clock and it broke down, when it hit the floor.

Two hours later…

"Mmmm…. What time is it?" Patamon said, giving a yawn.
"I don't know…" Gatomon mumbled, half asleep.
"Oh! My work must be starting soon! Why didn't the alarm bell ring??" he exclaimed.

Gatomon blushed a little.

"Forget it, I have no time. I have to miss the breakfast now…" Patamon groaned.



"Sir? You asked me to come here?" Patamon spoke to his superior, Ken.
"Ah, yes. You overslept again? Or was you just missing your work intentionally?" Ken questioned him.
"I don't know why, but the bell didn't ring!" Patamon tried defend himself.
"I understand. Maybe I have mistreated you. Go and report to Co. Manager for your new assigment." Ken told, with a stern tone of voice.
"Ungh… Not again? It's only been couple of days, since I had to fight against a Weregarumon!" Patamon groaned.
"Maybe, but I have received calls from this wealthy family wanting to get rid of this Agumon which is scaring their dogs." Ken told to Patamon.
"Ungh… Ok." Patamon replied with a painful groan.

Patamon walked from his manager's office. He was a digimon hunter or Digi assasin or part of D.I.G.I, you pick the one you like to use. His rank was one and half stars so faar. And he got the whole star from Ken, just because he had accidentaly stumbled against this horrible hag who had been trying to flirt with Ken during one party, making her angry and slap Patamon and leave the party, thus saving Ken's ass. Giving a sigh, he put on his visor and looked at his radar for the location of the Agumon who was causing all the trouble.



The Agumon was looking at a dog kennel. Such a beautiful species, such great meal they would make. Agumon gave a grin, revealing his white teeth. Opening the cage, he took one dog out of it and was just about to take a bite, when he was hit into his belly by Patamon who was performing a headbutt. Agumon groaned and dropped the dog to ground, who ran away.

"Son of a bitch… Why did you do that?!" Agumon cursed.
"Because what you are doing is wrong. Also, because I'm getting paid from doing so." Patamon told.
"For money??" Agumon said with despiseful tone.
"Can you think of a better reason?" Patamon asked.

Saying this, Patamon shot a green wind towards Agumon, hitting against his chest, making the dinosaur collapse to ground. Tying him up with a piano wire, Patamon carried him off to the Prison section.



Patamon was in the "award room", getting his awards, with several other Digimon.

"Gah, todays job… Half a star. That means, I have massive amount of two stars." Patamon groaned.
"Hah, that's not nearly as great as my score." a Renamon said.
"Shut up, bitch. I have not been in this business as long as you have. Besides, we both know why Ken does give you so many stars…" Patamon told her, with a cocky smile on his face, during the last part.
"How dare you! I have only slept with him four times this week!" Renamon exclaimed.
"………It's tuesday." Patamon said.

Renamon poked his tongue out.

"So, what's your star amount anyway?" Patamon asked.
"Ummmm, about 295?" Renamon pondered out loud.
"Wow!! Five more and you will receive a new rank!" Patamon said in amazement.
"Yeah, then I will be major, just like Deathromon was." Renamon agreed.
"The great Deathromon…" Patamon muttered.


"Uuhh, well boost your stars. I may give you some tips if you need them." Renamon finally said.
"Thanks, I guess… But I really need to go back home. Gatomon is probably waiting for me." he replied.

Just as Patamon was about to leave, he stumbled against Terriermon, who was acompianed by Biyomon twins.

"Oh look. They do have low level candidates open door days today?" Terriermon joked.
"Just shut up." Patamon muttered.
"Why don't you make yourself useful and make me a cup of coffee, ok?" Terriermon mocked him.
"Ooh, Terriermon! You are so dominating!" Both of the twins giggled.
"Make your own coffee. I'm not your servant." Patamon said.
"Maybe not yet, but someday I will literally own this whole company and then you will be sorry you disobeyed me." Terriermon mocked Patamon more.
"I'd rather be cleaning the streets than be licking your ass." Patamon replied.
"Just the kind of response I would expect from you. You do have courage, I admit. It's such a shame you must be so damn stubborn." Terriermon stated, giving a sigh.
"I'll stop it the moment you stop acting like a 12 years old brat." Patamon told.

Forcefully pushing himself some way, Patamon was finally able to leave the HQ and return home after long day at work. (Patamon never gets long missions due to his low rank. Ironically, without getting long missions, your rank will never increase much. It's a never ending cycle.) There, the moment he stepped inside, Gatomon jumped at him, hugging him strongly. It was hard, but he managed not to fall to his back.

"How was your day?" Gatomon asked.
"It was great, but I'm really starved now." Patamon whimpered.
"Would you like if I would make you a dinner in bed?" Gatomon purred.
"Would you?" Patamon asked, smile apearing on his face.
"Of course, you're my favourite mon." Gatomon giggled.
"Awww, thank you. That's so sweet. Yes, I would love it." Patamon said.
"Go there, take off all your work clothes and just relax. I'll do everything." she told to him.
"I'm the worlds most luckiest digimon." he said.
"It's funny…" she replied.
"What is?" he asked.
"I was thinking about the samething." she replied, with a smile.

Smiling, Patamon ascended the stairs to their bedroom and entered into there. Jumping to their big comfy bed, he began taking off his work clothes and placed them beside his bed. He put his hands (Paws? Claws? Whatever.) over his head and gave a yawn. He should train a lot more if he would want some respect from his colleges. But he never went to the gym or the training facility. That is a thing Patamon would regret very soon in his life…

Gatomon came, carrying a plate filled with honey.

"Honey? That's uhhh… It will leave us hungry if we eat only that. Not to mention it being too really sweet…" Patamon protested.
"Don't worry. I have great idea how to eat it, without getting sick of it's taste." Gatomon told to him.

Saying this, Gatomon reached her paw into the plate and took some honey, rubbing it over her tits and her nipples, covering them with the golden shining honey. Patamon licked his lips, as Gatomon came closer and brought her boobs closer to his face. Taking hold of her back, Patamon began licking her boobs, cleaning the honey and sucking it off from her nipples. Gatomon moaned and bit her finger, looking at Patamon with dreamy eyes.

"Mmm, now… Some more…" she purred.

Gatomon reached hand into plate again, now taking handful of honey, pouring it over her tummy, inner thighs and her pussy. Patamon's wings began flapping from excitement, as he descended, licking honey from her belly button and her genital area.

"Come give some of it to me too" Gatomon murmurred.

Patamon brought his face close to hers and gave her a deep kiss, which ended in a trail of honey coming down from both of their mouths.

"It tastes so good…" Gatomon whimpered, licking her lips.
"Yes… Thank you, this is the greatest meal I have ever had." Patamon said, smiling.
"No, thank YOU for eating it." Gatomon giggled.

They both laughed a little and then, Patamon reached down taking some honey himself. Rubbing some over his shaft, which was coming to sight from his pouch, he made it shine in a mixture of honey and precum.

"Would you like to taste some too?" he asked.
"Oh yes…" Gatomon purred.

Reaching down, she licked the whole length of Patamon's erect cock, while rubbing it. She took the tip in her mouth, sucking off the precum and honey drops. Being careful not to miss even a drop of it, she licked around his balls and the pouch too.

"Aaah… Gatomon….Gatomon…. Mmm…." Patamon murmured.
"Patamon… My dear… Come…" Gatomon moaned.
"Yes… Let us become one..." he replied.

Gatomon layed on her back, spreading her legs at him, smiling at him. She gave complete control of herself to him, but it was because she was able to trust him, just as much as she loved him. Patamon crawled on top of her, inserting his dick into her waiting cunt, making her gasp from it's size. This wasn't their first time, but maybe the excitement had made Patamon become even more erect than usual? If so, she would do this everyday for the rest of their lifes.

Moaning as her pussy was filled from her lovers hot cock, she arched her back in a pleasure. Patamon took hold of her feet and pushed them to the sides, making more of him enter into her. She looked at the ceiling, cumming against his hot dick. But she was not alone, as Patamon gave a huge scream of joy as he came into Gatomon's wet pussy, filling her womb with his hot semen.

Later, as they were going back to the bed, they had a conversation, which would change the lifes of both of them forever…

"You were great." he finally said.
"Yeah, you were too." Gatomon purred.
"Really? I'm glad." Patamon replied.


"Ummm… Did you see Renamon today?" Gatomon asked.
"Yeah. We are getting along better than before." Patamon happily replied.
"I see…" Gatomon said.

Another moment of silence.

"Gatomon, wh-" Patamon was about to ask, when he was cut short.
"Do you ever fantasize about other digimons than me?" Gatomon asked.
"What? Why do you ask?" Patamon pondered out loud, suprised.
"Please… Just answer me." Gatomon kept asking.
"…………………………………………………………………No." he finally replied.
"I see…." she said, looking down.
"Do you?" he asked.
"Yes." Gatomon instantly answered.
"What?? Uhhh, I mean… It must be normal. Who are you dreaming of?" Patamon questioned.
"You don't want to know…" Gatomon said with a sad tone in her voice.
"Yes, I do. I want to know who is lucky enough to have some of your attention. Tell me. Maybe I can be like he is." Patamon joked.
"Terriermon." she confessed.

There was a silence. The silence was broken with ear splitting Patamon scream, which echoed long into the night….

To be continued?


2007-12-30 12:32:53
loved it and great lemons mister big t on digi domain - red rover


2005-09-18 22:37:52
This wasn't as funny or erotic, but it does Entertain none the less!

I give it a 10/10


2005-08-31 07:23:19
Gatomon and Patamon are playing with honey just for fun. Not for ucutness...Well....Another censored story.


2004-11-03 10:41:22
Series with sex relief. The sex ain't the point, so maybe this isn't the correct site in giving these series out?


2004-11-02 11:30:13
Is this meant to be a sex series or just a comic series with sex relief?

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