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She asked the smart glass to switch to mirror view. Checked her hair and makeup for smudges. Then hit the auto lock on the Alarm key pad. Lilly was first through Followed by a very sour faced Anna then the man who had turned to help lift the huge flat object.
Authors Notes: This one isn't exactly a stand alone. It will be a three part.. But can be easily slid in as a next chapter for My Novella: The Way it is Now. that story has a basis in reality, but it has been heavily modified for artistic license. This story is pure fiction. it is a "what if" Type scenario at the request of a reader/fan Again, thanks for reading. PLEASE, Vote and Comment below. I would love to get comments from any women who may read my works. Registered users who leave comments here will get responses on their main account at



The Amish Incursion, Part 1

She woke with a start. The morning sun sending beaming through the half open vertical blinds and across her face. Startled for only a few seconds. Her memories flooding back. Not only for the levels of comfort and Love Philip has shown her from first meeting several days earlier. To thoughts of Rachael, her first naturally voluntary girls only sexual encounter; and the visit yesterday evening

After having dropped Rachael off. She used the Tablet information center in the Tesla’s dash to internet order pizza. They picked it up on the way home and ate. Recanting to each other all that happened during Rachael’s visit. Stopping once for a quickie lap sit and fuck to curb Philip’s obvious discomfort. They took a shower in his Italian style bath. Bathing each other slowly. Just enjoying the bodies, hot water and soap. Once clean and dry Philip carried her to the bed and they laughed at how it was still unmade. She went to swap the laundry. He got clean sheets. Snuggling close, they went to sleep.

She sent a couple lazy naked selfies. One to Philip. She laying on the bed. Just her upper body. Her smallish firm tits sticking up in all their three layered glory. The second to Rachael. She captioned it with “wish you were here” a picture of her splay open thighs. Her warm, wet labia blooming slightly from her cleft. She got up to pee. Leaving Philips leftovers from last night glistening on her body, she went in search of some food. She will shower after her workout.

Fixing a smoothie and finding a protein bar. Sarah found the remote and turned on her music.

She was just into her third pose when her phone message chimed. Bouncing off the walls through the house stereo speakers. The text from Philip read

“nice. God you are gorgeous. But you can’t stay naked all day. Your bedroom set will be there at 1”

She replied with

“Yes Daddy. I’m doing my yoga now”

For good measure. She sent a picture of her ass. Spine curved, feet wide so that her now dewy labia and her partially hidden back door could be seen

“Oh Fuck” was the only reply. It came seconds after she put her phone down.

It took Rachael almost the full hour to reply.

“Me Too Baby. Hold on. Let me run to the bathroom”

several minutes, a couple more yoga poses later. A series of pictures arrived.

Rachael in her full school uniform kit.

Blazer off. Three of the four blouse buttons open revealing her belly and cleavage.

“Fuck wearing bras” was added to the side of the pic

Blouse off. She biting the side of her lip teasingly, while pulling a nipple.

The last picture she obviously had help with. She was bent over. Skirt flipped up. Panties rolled part way down her thighs. Both her holes exposed beautifully because she was holding her ass open while looking with lust at the camera over her shoulder. The caption reading Ali says Hi.

Last, she received another simple text. “I have a game tonight. it’s out of town. So I won’t be able to CUM visit. I’m late for class. Gotta go XOXO”

Sarah finished her hours worth of stretching and tone work. Then down to the closet. Grabbing a fresh towel to mop her skin dry enough to put on some running shorts, socks and a sports bra. She headed out through the garage and ran. Exploring the neighborhood.

The pictures of her newest lover still floating around in her head as she. Only a slight pang of jealousy. Instead, she was getting more and more curious who this Ali person was.

Home. She lay out on floor of her closet on the less than fresh towel. Some self pleasure to help relieve the tension. She always enjoys touching herself. Slow and easy-teasy. Or Meat grinder quick if she just has to get off. She chose a mild pace. Rubbing her slick pussy while thumbing the sexy shots she got from Rachael. Wishing she had some of Philip, or both! She came after several moments. Kicking the still full ARMY bag. Sarah had almost forgotten she even had it. Let alone find a reason to unpack the sex toys and straps.

Showering took longer than expected. But that’s okay. She wasn’t rushing. Collecting her dirty things and heading for the laundry. She then made the bed in Philip’s room and headed back to her own. Closing the door behind her. She stepped through the portals and into her closet. She chose something more modern. A below the knee pencil skirt and matching blazer of rich lavender color. The only “business casual” outfit she has to date. Sheer black stockings with tiny polka dots. Garter and matching bra. She chose a white knit top with a respectfully plunging neckline. Hair in a messy bun. A little eye liner and some dark lip stain. She had just stepped into the kitchen to pour another cup of coffee when the doorbell rang.

Multi-view front entry, please. She commanded. The LCD mounted in the smart glass counter space showing the Amish man, Who’s name she should know but never got. Book ended by Lilly and Anna. Dressed in more fancy black bib dresses and colorful but solid blue blouses. The older brother Stephen holding up a more than heavy item wrapped in a movers blanket. She slipped into her Play Roll “Victoria” with a cough and a couple practice verbs. She Pressed the icon on the smart glass. Enabling the intercom as Lilly’s hand was reaching for the bell again.

“Don’t touch that please. It’s rather loud above my head.” She giggled before adding. “You are early. I wasn’t expecting you till One. But if you can wait a moment I will buzz you in. Just push the door open when you hear it.”

She asked the smart glass to switch to mirror view. Checked her hair and makeup for smudges. Then hit the auto lock on the Alarm key pad. Lilly was first through Followed by a very sour faced Anna then the man who had turned to help lift the huge flat object.

“Lilly Darling!” Sarah not quite rushed down the hall to greet her guests. Hard to move rapidly in the skirt she had chosen. Taking both hands in hers. She leaned in for a fake kiss at her cheeks. Then Stepping past to do the same with Anna, who’s face was a mask of smug contempt. Sarah ushered the girls into the great room. While standing in the vacated door sill.

“Sit Ladies. I was just arranging some snacks and drinks when you rang” and to the men.

“There’s a gap hall on your right. And the room you need is the next door. That’s the headboard I assume? If you would, set it against the interior wall as middle as you can. We’ll set the Armoire outside the closet. Beside the file cab. Or did you bring the new desk with you as well?”

The girls father looking at her as if for the first time. Her business attire making her mid 20’s Much older than the out of time young girls flashy dress from Sunday confusing him slightly

“No Miss”. The man responded. “The desk is a custom build I’ve yet to start on it.”

“No matter. I’m sure it will be marvelous” as Stephen passed her. She caught his gaze. Straight into her daintily bulging cleavage. She pretended not to notice as she puffed out her chest. Giving him a little better look at the black lacy bits her top didn’t quite hide. Boys will be boys.

“I’ll leave you to it then Sir.” Propping the door open with a velvet strap. It’s obvious intended use where it hung on the wall, so it wouldn’t keep closing and locking. “I’ll be in here with my guests while you work if you need me.” He being grateful for the wide corridor responded stoically with a muffled “Yes Miss” as he entered her room. His displeasure at Sarah being alone to greet them. Obviously. He doesn’t like dealing with women directly.

Returning to the twins. Anna still holding her dower expression. Sat on the edge of a recliner seat. Not even willing to get or try to look comfortable. Lilly, her angelic face marveling at the things in the kitchen alone. Smart system fridge, blender, toaster oven. Even the three phase stove with pizza/pie baker. Sarah took a moment to explain each. What it does. How it works.

Before Lilly asked. “How did you know who was at the door?” Sarah pointed at the shiny opaque glass counter top. She swiped her hand over the surface in the dead center slowly and the display woke up. Still showing the security camera feed from the two cameras in the outside foyer and the control button app for the security system.

Sarah explained. “I can control the cameras and sensors from here. And I can open, close or lock doors and windows individually or, all at once.” She took Lilly’s hand and guided her to use a finger. Pressing the North Side main key. The slider on the big room wall unlatched. Another guided button and the door slid open on a silent motor. She then pressed Lilly’s full hand on the camera feed windows and swiped hard. The images went black appearing again on the Smart glass panel on the refrigerator. Lilly marveled with obvious glee. Anna then spoke

“parlor tricks and Tom Foolery for lazy people.”

To Anna’s surprise and further discomfort. She, being used to controlling the narrative, was loosing it. Sarah ignored the comment. Opted instead to open the fridge. She grabbed the big pitcher of sweet Iced tea Philip had mixed and the tub of pasta salad they bought yesterday. Grapes, figs and Cheese cubes from pressure packs were added to the serving tray. Grabbing a sleeve of club crackers from the cabinet.. She ringed the cold foods with ease. Stepping away to guide Lilly out onto the deck.

“Please Anna, you are my guest. I invited you here. Try to enjoy yourself.”

“Stephen!” she projected as she saw him move past the kitchen entry. “Please tell your father refreshments are set out on the table.” Sarah made a show of pulling a glass from the rack on the glass topped island and handed it to Anna before pulling Lilly out onto the deck. She showed off the view, hot tub and conversation area. Several moments later. Back inside, the two found Father and siblings sitting at he table munching and talking quietly.

“Are you finished then?”

The senior man spoke. This time almost at ease. “Yes Miss. Your Bedroom is set up. If you care to look. We can move things as necessary. We must be going soon.”

Sarah moved swiftly through the room and down the hall. Lilly, not quite sure what to do, followed. “this is Marvelous!” her voice traveling through. “Oh Lilly, come. Feel.” the trio at the table heard.

Lilly found Sarah laying cross the bed. Her feet dangling off the side at the knee. Lilly paused just for a moment to look at them. The sheer black material of her stockings unable to hide the bright pink nail polish Sarah had applied earlier in the day. Sarah bid her over with the one hand, while patting the new mattress with the other. She had to turn. With a little hop as the bed stood just that high. She sat on the bed beside her new friend. Then she lay. Her arms above her head.

“Isn’t it wonderful Lilly? Your father did an amazing job. They put everything out the way it looks best. and this mattress Sooo comfortable. Mmmmmh” Lilly giggled.

“No Miss. Father didn’t build the Mattress. He’s a carpenter. I believe he has a deal with another local company to sell their product with his. But it’s all made locally.” Sarah responded with

“I Understand” that’s when it happened. Lilly had managed to get turned on her side facing her new friend. She was close. Almost touching body to body. Sarah had turned her head to see why the bed was caving and she was slipping sideways just a little. Lilly pressed her lips to Sarah. It was gentle, but confident. Sarah responded. Pushing her face into the lip caress. Mouths opened. Tongues began to dance. Sarah’s brain was an explosion of delight, fear, and animal lust all at once. The kiss was not a long one. Less than a minute. But everything was in place when Lilly pulled away and lay back. Her breasts heaving. She was breathing hard. “WoW” escaped her lips in a harsh whisper. Sarah had to ask. “Where on earth did you learn to kiss like that?” Lilly didn’t really answer the question directly. The reply was. “We should go back to the others. Anna will not like me being alone with you”

They rose together. Feet hitting the floor equally. Lilly’s heavy heeled Mary Jane’s making no sound on the thick carpet. Sarah straightened her blazer. Then reached over to shift Lilly’s dress bib.

She caressed Lilly’s breasts gently. Lilly leaned into the touch. Pressing hard enough that Sarah could feel the hardness of her nipples in her palms as a very low moan escaped Lilly’s breath. A harsh noise signified someone crossing the River rock tile hall. Sarah stepped back and turned with just enough time to get her hands into her hair, fussing her bun as Anna appeared in the door.

“Is everything satisfactory Miss Victoria?” her words were professional. But held an acid tone.

“Quite, thank you” Sarah brushed past the sister and came to the kitchen. Leaving the twins

“Sir, a word please.” the fake English accent holding. “I would like the girls to stay please.

If they don’t have school tomorrow or the next. I understand. You have a business to run. Your being here to deliver my things might even be highly irregular.”

She stopped moving long enough to hit the catch for the hidden drawer Philip had shown her a couple days ago. She pulled out from under a very big chrome Colt revolver a small stack of hundred dollar bills. She counted off six and stepped closer to the sitting man.

“I have some Ideas for a few projects here; I trust they know about your craftsmanship

to help me formulate some rough sketches. I promise I will make sure they are returned to you safely.

Either Philip, or by hired livery.” She held out the cash. Stephen sat dumbfounded, mid chew of a very big bite of cheese and cracker. She winked at him as his father was distracted by the bills.

“Of course, this is a bonus for services rendered Flawless. But it’s also a promise. Call it a retainer for more work I absolutely plan to give you. But please accept my token of appreciation.

He started to protest. “This is all very irregular Miss. I’m not sure that it’s wise.” She peeled off three more bills from the remaining stack. Handing them to Stephen. “For you. Thank you for being so very gentle with my new bedroom.” She turned back to the man. “Rest assured Sir. They are safe here. I will have their things Laundered properly so they will remain presentable. And they can use some of my things for sleep cloths when it’s time” He made a cough like noise. As if he were about to speak. Somehow regain control of the situation. Sarah held out the remaining four bills. And passed them to the man.

Half a weeks pay now in his son and apprentice’s hand and a moderate sum, tax free

in his own. “What about your man Philip. I thought I was dealing with him” Sarah stepped up maintaining control trying to look menacing. “Philip is my friend. Also my driver. He is attending other things. I assure you. It’s just me here.” It enhanced the picture of Philip being a paid servant. And the way she was dressed. She did look like a capable adult rather than the barely 15 she truly is

The craftsman nodded. “My daughters will be safe here?” he had previously peeked into Sarah’s closet and had concluded it as just her. He had also unsuccessfully, tried to sneak a look behind the door at the end of the hall. Sarah had locked it whens he was showing Lilly how things worked from the touch station expecting attempted snooping. However this attractive smallish girl is waving a goodly amount of cash at him. With the promise of commission work. Possibly even on sight contract. Hewas thinking it over.

“Yes Sir. I have a state of the art security system.” She also stepped around the island. Woke the smart glass and called up the full view. All 16 Exterior camera shots appeared in small boxes. Also dropping her hand down into the recessed hide. She placed the Colt on the glass top pointing safely away from anyone. She then stepped close to the man, slipping his simple cellphone off his belt. She opened it and dialed her number. Her phone on the counter started to ring. She ended the call and added her name as “Victoria Bigglesworth-Hayse” Hit SAVE and Showed him, then handed his phone back. “I have you business line. And you have my direct. Call and check on them as often as you wish”

He merely nodded. “I accept. Come Stephen we have to get back to the workshop” He put down the glass of cold tea He had been holding and left for the front door. He was thinking to himself What could this one girl do to my taller and stronger twins. His sexist values prohibited him from even saying goodbye to Anna and Lilly. They had in fact heard the conversation from the hall entry. Being used to his gruff personality, They waved at Stephen who kept looking over his shoulder at the now three of them, confused. He exited anyway.

Anna, now furious started on Sarah. “What did you do? WHY are we here?”

Sarah stepped to within inches of the taller broader girl. Head tilted up to challenge her. Her tone soft still Anna hit like a right cross from Cris Cyborg. Sarah spoke in her normal American Midwest voice

“I know who you think you are. I know What you have been doing. Lilly and I are going to break you.”

She then grabbed Anna by the back of her bonneted head with one hand and her other roughly pawing her breast. Pulling Anna’s face down, they kissed. It was rough. Forced to start with. But Anna could not help herself. She responded, opening her mouth. Their tongues started to dance, hands were pawing, groping, pinching each others bodies unashamed.

Sarah had managed to unfasten the Loop from Anna’s Dress bib. The front now dangling down the skirts. Also managing to get the buttons from her blouse reversed. Anna’s demure unflattering bra was fully exposed and one of her heavy breasts was pulled free of the cup. Sarah was manipulating the rubbery nipple by the time Lilly was able to separate them. She started to kiss Sarah while her hands pushed her blazer off. Sarah’s blouse only had the three buttons. That easily hit the floor. Piled against the wall on top of the coat. Sarah helped with the bra. A front closure hasp, she had doubted either of her newest lovers had ever seen. Her skirt also hit the tiles. Her Garter belt, straps and Stocking tops framing her smooth vaginal mound like a picture of a tan-ish peach colored waterfall. Her excited labia dewy and distended from the crack.

Sarah now mostly nude, Lilly still fully clothed broke apart and both turned to Anna who was panting heavily pulling her only exposed nipple, and rubbing her crotch from the outside of her skirts

The look Anna had in her eves confused Sarah somewhat. Fear? Shame? Lust? All three maybe?

Anna spoke first. She had let her hands fall then brought them up to cross her chest. The standard defensive posture. Her words tumbled out. “How did you know that..” Sarah cut her off sternly,

“That your a Lesbian? Or that you’ve been molesting you sister for long enough that she likes it?”

“The first part is easy. You never took your eyes off of me in your father’s shop. You had been undressing me every way you could imagine. But that turned to Jealousy as soon as I chose Lilly over you. I had done that on purpose. Not because she’s prettier. It was because you’re a bitch. I had you pegged as gay even before you opened your mouth to introduce yourself. If you were nicer. I probably would have asked you to show me where the restroom was and let you have a taste. I wanted you to. I was so Fucking horny after meeting the two of you. I didn’t know Lilly was into girls until after your father and Stephen had finished with my bedroom and we started making out. But you. I wanted you from the start. Too”

Anna’s expression turned from unreadable into sadness. She openly dropped several tears she was ashamed of her actions as Sarah then continued.

“The second part. How did I know you and Lilly are lovers? I didn’t. Lilly is friendly and outgoing.” she turned to her fully covered friend. “I’m Sorry Gorgeous.” Lilly’s turn to be confused

“I was using you as a prop to get under Anna’s skin. I really wanted to hurt her. I wanted to seduce you and make her watch. But then you kissed me on my bed. I had to improvise. So, here we are.”

Sarah kissed Lilly first. A sweet apologetic lingering peck. And then turned to Anna. Wiping the tears from her cheeks with her thumbs and kissing her more deeply. The way she started to hold Anna; the body language was something between I forgive you and please don’t be mad at me. Anna’s arms enfolded Sarah. Everything was falling into place. They kissed and caressed each others bare skin for several moments while Lilly stood watching. Smiling.

The lovers separated. Both turning to Lilly who knew she was in trouble now. All three started to giggle as they stepped closer and closer. Sarah spoke first. “Lets get you both out of those heavy clothes. You have to wear this shit every day? I would roast alive.” Both the sisters laughed. Lilly replied as Anna expertly started to undress her. “Father told us to dress in our Church best. We wear cotton stuff too. But even that’s itchy because it’s not as soft as the things you wear. Your dress from the other day? I felt it. I swear you were wearing something made from butter.”

“You can try it on if you want! I love that dress.” Hefting one of Lilly’s now exposed breasts. “It’s going to be tight. These things are huge!” She bent in. starting to suckle the one. She pulled Anna down at the same time. Who latched onto the other side. Together, they pulled the way out of date fashioned panties down below her knees. As the garment hit the floor both girls lifted a hand into Lilly’s wool patch and had to finger fight each other to find her slick folds. The Duo fought playfully using Lilly’s cunt as the battlefield. All while still sucking the girls nipples. They both slipped a finger inside her. Sawing opposites, pushing, pulling, twisting around in the tight cavern. It wasn’t long before she came. HARD. The girls declared a silent truce as the minutes younger sister crumpled down the wall slowly to the floor twitching. The standing two offered each other their wet fingers to celebrate.

The remainder of Anna’s clothes came off next. To Sarah’s surprise she wasn’t wearing panties. More so; where Lilly left her fleece wiled and bushy. Anna’s was trimmed out. Not well. It was patchy thick and thin. But at least if she were to wear an under garment. It wouldn’t look as if it were fighting to be free. Her hand glided over the rough curls. Sarah’s middle finger dipping into Anna’s sopping wet

crease. Anna dropped to her knees before Sarah could do anything else.

She got in real close to Sarah’s waxed monz. Her fingers gently sliding over the smooth pubic bump while she breathed hotly on the dripping exposed lips. Causing goosebumps to brake out over Sarah’s entire body. “Lilly! You have to see this. She’s bald!! I’ve never seen a hairless cunt before. Not up close. Only in pictures from them books.”

She dove in hungrily. Lips teeth and tongue. All Sarah could do at this point is lean Back arched severely to connect with the wall. She lifted one leg and draped it over Anna’s back giving her invader more access and increasing the pleasure to herself. Sarah began to roll her hips fucking her new lover’s face and spurting out gasps and groans. She started to whisper things horsely. That’s it and deeper. Yes. More and Oh God. The mumbles encouraged Anna giving her inspiration. Sarah’s anus was exposed because of the angle. Anna, having one hand up close already trying to steady her friend so she could suck deeply got an idea. she’d been wondering about it for a while now. But not really sure if Lilly would have let her. She moved her fingers and slid her thumb right into the star pucker.

“That’s it!! Fuck my ass you Dirty Amish slut” She screamed. Her voice echoing down the hall and back. She started to saw her crotch back and fourth between the invading thumb and tongue.

By this time Lilly had composed herself enough to have worked her head up under Anna’s body from behind. She was licking for all she was worth at her sisters fuck hole. She had one hand on each of Anna’s thick ass cheeks. Trying to hold her still long enough to get Anna’s fat, longish clit in her mouth. She knew of she could get the tiny girl-cock in her mouth and bite it a few times. “The Cum Cow” Lilly liked to tease her sister with that name. Would flood her mouth with nectar. Anna’s free hand grabbing at her own tit flesh. Her nails digging in, causing a slight burning sensation. Adding Lilly’s nail tips pocking her ass flesh. Sarah having the back of Anna’s head in both hands was adding pressure by slamming her head into her crotch with every forward thrust. This was crushing her nose each time. But it also added a new level of intensity with that pain. She was loving this new process.

Nobody is sure who climaxed first. Sarah squirted hard pretty much the same time Anna flooded Lilly’s face, neck and chest with girl cream. As Anna fell to the side Sarah started to quiver sending a shower of her own secretions onto the prone wide hipped beauty. Lilly was now coated crotch to forehead with love sauce. Her body erupted with her own powerful cum, completely unmolested. All three girls lay on the cold River rock tile floor. Each one panting heavily and trying to recover. It was Lilly who spoke first. “I thought you were English, English. Like, from England. Not from America. Where did your accent go?”

Sarah shrugged sheepishly. Then stretched and reported

“I’m Sorry. I wasn’t trying to trick you. My dress I was wearing the other day. I bought it as a costume to emulate my favorite podcast and book character. She is English. A London aristocrat’s child. Aged somewhere between 9 and 12. But I love her look, so when I put on that dress. I pretend to be Victoria. My actual name is Sarah Thomas. I’s my pleasure to meet you both”

Anna’s turn, she laughed wickedly and slapped Sarah as hard as she could manage on her still lust hardened right tit. The sound reverberated down the hall, and left a red hand print.

“You Lieing Bitch” she laughed some more to show she wasn’t really mad.

“It was your accent that turned me on. The way you got out of that guy’s car. I thought you were some kind of Royal Princess. Turns out your just a common slut.” another playful but still painful slap, and she finished with “Like ME.”

Lilly got upon her elbow and leaned over from the side. So, Who was the guy then? And why did he act like your butler if you aren’t rich?” She was upset now. Maybe not. Emotionally hurt is a better description. Sarah picked up on the pain in her friend’s voice.

“Oh Sweetheart. No! We were play acting for each other. We didn’t mean to trick you. I’m So Sorry!” She rolled to Lilly and kissed her cheeks. “It’s called Role Play. It can be a sex game or just for fun. Sunday. I was trying to Make Philip happy. Give him something fun to remember. Honestly.

I didn’t expect your father to bring you. I had hoped. But I wasn’t sure he would. And when he did. I couldn’t just drop the accent. I didn’t want to ruin the business deal. Once he left keeping the play act going didn’t seem like a good idea” She kissed Lilly again. Then again. Hoping she would not stay mad.

“Philip is my benefactor. This is his house. He takes care of me now. And Yes we are lovers. But he is a good man. With a generous heart. If you both hate me now. I understand. I can call you a livery to deliver you home. Or you can wait for him. It’s getting late. He should be texting me soon to ask what to do about dinner. And he will escort you.”

Anna laughed harshly. “You better fucking NOT! We love our father. But he’s a sexist jerk. This is the first time either one of us has been given the chance to be naked and have sex openly. EVER! If he knew I liked girls. He would kick me out of the house. I would have to leave the community. I don’t know about Lilly. It’s not like we ever really get free to talk so we sneak in our little sex time when we can. We just don’t talk about it.”

Lilly spoke next. “I like boys. I let Stephen fuck me sometimes. It’s not as good as when Anna fingers me. But it’s better than nothing. I had a boyfriend. But he wouldn’t even let me see his dick. Because we weren’t married. At that. She went quiet. Anna then admitted she wanted to try boy sex. So she had made Stephen do it. It was his first time. She had wondered why he never asked for more.

Lilly laughed. She said she knew that happened. But he didn’t like it because Anna was too bossy, and that’s how it started between them. All three girls laughed at the turn of events.

Sarah got up first. She started picking up all the dark colored garments and opened the laundry. She added her garter belt but threw the now ruined stockings in the trash bin. Anna helped get the things into the washer but suddenly panicked. “This is wool! We wash our clothes by hand. I hope your contraption doesn’t ruin our things” Sarah assured her that she had the proper settings and started the washer. Lilly remained on the floor. playing with her juice covered skin parts.

She looked up at both girls as they looked down at her. “Scratch sex for money off the list Anna. Sarah paid Father to fuck us.” That brought another fit of giggles from the sisters. Helping Lilly up. She was still a bit wobbly. “Shower, now! Go.” Sarah pointed and the girls lumbered into her room. She piled the whites and on the way through turned the water on in the bath for the girls and handed them both soap and new loofas. Then grabbed whatever whites she needed washed and headed back to the laundry to add to the small pile.

Getting some clean Queen sized sheets from the linen closet. She was grateful Philip had a queen bed and several sets of bed clothes. Her phone chirped announcing a text. It was Rachael. She had won her game but was sad that Sarah wasn’t there to watch. They were on their way back from the rival school. Not wanting to cause any issues she didn’t say anything about the twins. She simply said Congrats and sorry she missed it too. And to call her as soon as she was able. She then sent a text to Philip. I have a surprise for you when you get home. Bring Italian please. Setting for 4! and headed for the bath to help get the girls clean.


2023-01-19 00:09:22
Hot hot hot! Loved your writing. Also, a very unique kink. Amish sisters. Very sexy.


2019-06-09 14:01:35
Hello! Thanks for reading. I appreciate all the votes. I'm very glad for them. positive and negative. Please! comment. tell me what you like especially what made you vote NO if that's how you chose. Help me make the next one better

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