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Date Story title Comment
2015-01-24 07:26:39 A Sibling Love Story My heart warmed at his sincerity and his cute nervousness as he tried to break the awkwardness we were both feeling. I reached down for his impressively still pretty firm cock and said, “I don’t want this to be a onetime thing either, big brother.”

“Aaaaah, you are insatiable,” he groaned from my touch, seemingly relieved.

A beautiful Christmas love story.
2015-01-25 06:43:11 Delicious Sister-in-Law " Jack tried to make me fuck his Goddamn cousin again, once. I called my brothers. They came over and beat the shit out of both of them. Kenny never came around again, and Jack never tried to pimp me again.” This part has the ring of truth. Some places and some families in the real world Jack would be dead.
2015-01-25 07:21:08 One Rainy Evening, Part 2 I told the girl to stay put until the approaching police cars and ambulance arrived.

You are a good one and can wear a white hat. Peace
2015-01-25 08:23:09 nightmare_(1) The captain's response was. “I don't know for sure, but I would say it was the Angel of Death. Because anyone she has to fire upon will be meeting him very soon.” I am surprised a central message is the battle between Good (Angels) and Evil, here on a sex stories website. I did not expect this well written story.
2015-01-26 22:28:12 Don't Change - Chapter 1 Joshua and Phil look over to see a young lady dressed in a grey sweatshirt and jeans. Her hair is brown and cut short, and her eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. She has a backpack on her back.

“I’m sorry, the nurse said you were awake and that it’d be okay to come in and visit you.” The young lady says.

“And you are?” Joshua asks.

“I’m Amy. I was the one who sent the flowers.” She says.

“So… I saved you the other day?” Joshua asks. Great start the Hero saved Amy.