#anonymous – @arnaerr on Tumblr

art is hard

@arnaerr /

Vlada ✦ digital artist, hiker, fantasy enjoyer ✦ BG3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, TES, The Witcher ✦ commissions closed ✦

Hey there, As someone who was also recently laid off from a job in the games industry I just wanted to reach out to you and say that I'm out here rooting for you. You're an amazing artist and that studio doesn't know what they're losing. Their rejection could never be an accurate reflection of your artistic talent. I don't know what it was like at your studio, but I know there can be a lot to miss aside from just the job itself. I hope that the people in your life who are in the industry rally around you while you try to find a new path.


Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it 🥺❤️ and the same wishes to you!! 💕💕🫂

Anonymous asked:

I’m so sorry you got laid off :( I really hope you can find a better alternative and I wish you all the luck🩷 your art is great btw!!

Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️

Anonymous asked:

I am sorry to hear you got laid off. The industry sucks rn but you are so cool and talented I am sure you'll find your way into something beautiful and good very soon!

I hope so too 🤞😔 thank you for the kind words! 💕

Anonymous asked:

Wait, you got laid off? Now I wonder who they kept. Michelangelo? Leonardo? God?? Cause damn, who wouldn't be lucky to have you on their team??

I also saw somebody mention that you'll open commissions next month, if that's true I'll try to find the money and courage to reach out and introduce my OCs to you :)

I was surprised too :')

Yes, I plan to open commissions in the middle of June and take as many of them as I can to keep my sanity from more damage and keep my bills being paid. Thank you for the support, I'm very excited to get to know your OC! <3

Anonymous asked:

I’m so sorry you go laid off, ngl hearing that you (a senior artist with such beautiful art) got laid off is scary, do you have any advice for a games art student? Literally shitting my pants :)

Thank you 🫂💗

I don't have mental resources rn to give advices 🥲 just keep going out of spite.

Anonymous asked:

I know you're probably looking for a long term role rather than going into freelance work, but since you still have bills to pay and the industry is rough right now - there's an independent studio in New Zealand that commissions freelance artists, if you send some work to [email protected] your art style does line up with the kind of thing they look for, and I've heard good things from artists they've commissioned before for their card game Flesh and Blood - I know eleonorpiteira from the Dragon Age fandom has done work for them in the past

I will check it out, thank you!

Anonymous asked:

Sorry to hear that :/ I'd say more online jobs from other countries, but even those they don't pay well. Perhaps animation studios? They still need concept artists not just the animators, and since you make beautiful backgrounds you can work on that?

For now, I can't work for foreign countries, so I'm tied to my area 😔 I'd happy to be a concept artist for animation studios, tho. But the animation industry is in a deep shit rn as well lol

Anonymous asked:

It's horrible to hear about your lay off, so sorry. I know the pain to look for an art job in game studios so I'd like to ask, have you thought about working in other fields as well? While I still search in the game world, I've also searching in places like art for food places and books, sometimes even medical field. It sucks to change your area, but sometimes there's something better elsewhere? I ask because Idk if you thought about it.

Well, I was considering it, but so far all art related jobs suck in my area. I have lots of friends who have different jobs in a creative field, and it's a shitshow for all of them. Plus, I'm senior concept artist by now, and my gamedev artstyle is too specific already for me to want to change it tbh; to draw something else I'd have to learn a new skillset and I don't have it in me rn; I'm burned out 100%.

What I am considering is working part time in something not related to art at all until the things get better (if).

Anonymous asked:

I am so so sorry you've been laid off. You're an incredibly talented artist who clearly worked hard for their skills, I hate to see industry not treating your hard work with respect. I'll be making an order from your shop soon, I love love your art!!

Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot 🥲❤️

It's a difficult thing to cope with, for sure. Despite knowing it's not my fault, I still feel like my artistic self-esteem is damaged, and the fact that I was actively looking for a job for the last 6 months with no avail is not helping :( not even mentioning all the stress this job has caused me. I've been working in the industry for 6 years and all projects I've been working on were cancelled or some other shit happened. Just ugh

I just hope that my life will stabilize soon.

Thank you so much for the support <3

Anonymous asked:

you are so incredibly talented!!!!!!!!!! i need you to know that

ohhh thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️💗💖

Anonymous asked:

Ppl trying to get you a job is so cute lmao… that real dedication

I really appreciate my followers letting me know about opportunities and see nothing wrong with that :) it's all about connections anyway, especially now, when the whole game dev industry is in crisis

Anonymous asked:

Larian has just announced opening a studio in Poland. Is that something/somewhere you would be interested in working? They seem to be very pro-people and not drunk on AI.

It is my dream to work for them since the moment I've played the older Divinity games years ago 😭 they don't hire artists there yet tho :(( so I continue working on my portfolio in hopes that they will need concept artists someday 🫡

Anonymous asked:

im buying your podhale art to put on my wall and im super excited for it to deliver!! beautiful work

Ahh thank you so much for the support! Hope it arrives safely 💗🥰

Anonymous asked:

Vlada: *is a beautiful person inside and out, graciously shares their incredible artwork with us, continues to create said art despite complications with their hands, and cultivates an incredible community that encapsulates many fandoms and interests*

Some Rando on Tumblr: 😡🤬😤

Seriously, what is wrong with some people? Your chance of existing was slim to none and you choose to spend your time tearing people down, and for what? Grow up and touch some grass.

Vlada, you were one of the first artists I ever discovered on Tumblr way back in the early days of my (perhaps unhealthy) obsession with Oblivion. My respect for and awe of you knows no bounds. Thank you for being you ❤️

Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate your support 💗💗💗

Ngl years of having an active online presence taught me not to care much about those people and this kind of asks is genuinely funny to me. I ignore the majority of them, tho sometimes I'm in the mood to post them so people can roast the anon which is kinda fun, too.

I will never understand why people choose to be mean on the internet, but sucks to be them I guess

Anonymous asked:

ANGRY AND HATEFUL PERSON AWARD! ❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you hate! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're shit inside and out <3

not gonna participate in this unemployed behavior lmao

Anonymous asked:

No question. Just wanted to say : I love you, I love your art and your artistic obsessions. You help me to hold on, to keep fighting and dreaming. Thank you so much. Mille fois mercis.

CRYING?? This is the sweetest message EVER. You made my day with your kind words. Thank you so so much, it means a lot to be able to inspire, truly 🥹💖💖 keep going!!

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