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♠️🪽 breathe 🫧 you’ll pull through

@black-quadrant /

multifandom ✰ writer & cosplayer 30+ ✰ nsfw at times ✰ see about page for more

apologizing for making a mistake, including admitting to it, is the core of healing a situation where you've hurt someone. don't make excuses. taking responsibility shows you understand the impact of your actions. just acknowledge you'll do better.

this goes for people who have deliberately done harm. no one is beyond redemption, so long as you earnestly want to change. apologize to acknowledge the past, validate the emotions of those you hurt, and let your words and actions show your commitment to growth.

Anonymous asked:

I heard Trigun and Trigun Maximum are getting deluxe edition hardcovers from Dark Horse recently and immediately thought of you

🥺 thank you!! and speaking of, I’m so looking forward to the second half of stampede… really hoping it’ll live up to my expectations of at least following the pivotal manga plot points

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