@blargberries on Tumblr


@blargberries /

emilie • 30 • they/she • carrd 💫

hey! 🌱 i've made a small update onto my ko-fi <':

i'm trialing out the review section since the website doesn't have one! ;; if you've gotten smth from me before you can leave a comment under the picture in the gallery ✨

and i've added an option to add tracked or express shipping to 0rders 🙏 i wanted to keep the lowest option still available cause shipping has gotten crazy :I

thanks anyone who has supported me so far!! i'm going to be able to start some new projects because of it soon!


I’ve added new charms to my k0-fi! 🌺🌈

I won’t be attending any cons this year so this will be the last batch of stock for a while until I make some new designs 🙏🏻

I’ve included some b-grades in there as well. If you’re not sure or want further info please reach out!

Thanks everyone who was able to support these at the beginning and make them happen ;o;/\ I want to do more again in the future! 💜

Anonymous asked:

yo you have like one of the coolest artstlyes I've freaking seen, and I love your art btw💯🔥

Ahhhhhh thank you anon!! 😭😭😭 you’re super sweet to send this 💜 I’ve been having doubts with my art lately so I really appreciate it ; v ;/\💜💝

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