@codenameivi on Tumblr

Je ne suis pas celle que vous croyez

@codenameivi /

“I will follow you to hell if you ask me to.” - Riza Hawkeye to Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist

Loyalty and Royalty: The King and the Queen Color Inverted GIF Collage July 4, 2016 Photoscape Original sketches by Hiromu Arakawa


Damn, look at this!

source: xx


Drawing by Arakawa to commemorate Monthly Shonen Gangan’s 25th anniversary.


“25 years since the first issue of Shonen Gangan!” “25 years old!”

I don't mean to be too personal, however, Thank you very much for joining us at our wedding today. I hope you enjoy yourself. - Sajou Rihito
Thank you for coming to our wedding! I hope the weather will be nice... we'll see! But even if it does rain, "After rain comes sunshine.*" Or something like that. I hope you enjoy yourself today. - Kusakabe Hikaru
"Wanna practice the kiss?" "I don't think it's necessary." "Yeah, you're right. We kiss all the time, anyways." "I didn't mean that..." (They practiced in the end)

* he's actually using a proverb that's more akin to "from adversity comes strength", and it's generally used in the context of relationships going through a rough patch but coming out stronger from it.


Masterpost: Yana Toboso’s twitter/blog post translations (2008-2018)

aka my achievements of the past 3 years.

(Last update: May 2018)

IMPORTANT: Yana recently deleted both of her blogs. Luckily, her d-6th blog had been completely archived before it got deleted, but there’s no proper archive of her blog. Due to this reason, some of the links in my translations are not working anymore :(

If you don’t know where to start reading, here are some tips: The posts in bold are the ones that got over 1000 notes and the ones in italic are my faves that I 100% recommend reading! :)

Have fun reading Yana’s posts<3

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler:

Yana’s comment on the latest chapters

Yana Toboso:

Sebastian Michaelis:

Ciel and the Phantomhive household:

Lizzy and the Midfords:

Grim reapers:

Other characters:


Live action movie:

Drama CD:

“Nijishitsuji2” scanlations in cooperation with frederickabblerline:

Other translation-related posts:


[FMA Chronicle] Don’t Forget

When FMA ended in Japan, they asked fans to send messages to the characters. Arakawa choose some and made various illustrations for each group of characters (you can find the pictures on the Internet in better quality).

Here’s the links to my translations of the fans’ messages:

Btw, if you want more pictures of the French version of the databook, here’s some links:


So in case people are curious about what is in FMA Chronicle, @fma-facts and @intoxicatedeuphoria have translated a lot of information already.

Here’s the summary of the book (Arakawa added notes on some characters/elements too)

  • All FMA covers of Shonen Gangan
  • Fans comments on Team Mustang, Lin’s team, Elric brothers, Scar/Olivier’s team/Kimblee, Homonculus/Father, Winry/May/Hohenheim/Pinako
  • Characters profiles (see the tumblrs I linked above)
  • Important words (we already now most of them lol)
  • Interview of Arakawa followed by cross interviews with other mangakas and VAs (including Soul Eater’s and Jojo’s authors)
  • 4 koma theaters and other bonuses (can be found in english on the internet)
  • Book in figure Red and Blue (can be found in english on the internet)
  • Various illustrations (a lot can be found on the internet)
  • Prototype (can be found in english on the internet)
  • Messages and illustrations of FMA characters from various mangakas

[FMA Chronicle] Don’t forget - Brave men of Armestris army

Because they are like a family and fought together, a bound has been created between superior and subordinates.
However, we can still see the colonel’s popularity. I would like Ed to give him back his 520 cenz as quick as possible

(Messages sent by fans to characters. Those in bold are bigger than the others on the pages. Please notify me if you find a mistake or bad spelling!)


“Woaw! You are so cool!”
“The Flame Alchemist, the hottest man who pretends to be coolheaded!!”
“To you, who are useless: I like you a lot!” (Note: “Impuissant” → lit “powerless”/”helpless”, I prefer “useless”)
“This womanizer really is too funny! He is cool!”
“His order “don’t die” was cool”
“Meeting Roy made me the happiest person”
“Colonel, you are so talented!”
“We want a serie on the Flame Alchemist!”
“Roy! Please change the world with your burning ambitions!”
“Goal: president!“ (“Objectif président” → lit “Objective president” in the sense “Aim to be president”)


“His death was so sad. It was the first time I cried reading a manga!” (“C’est la première fois que j’ai pleuré pour un manga” → lit “It is the first time I cried for a manga”)
“When I grow up, I will be a doting father like him!” (“Plus tard, je serai un papa poule comme lui” → lit “Later, I will be a doting father like him”)
“He understood love was PRIMORDIAL”
“Even if he is an ordinary [man/character], I love his humanity”
We can only respect such a good father!” “Your smile made me smile too” “I want to become a man as strong as Hugues” “I wanted to see a future with you!” “We won’t forget your smiling face” “A man who shaked the life of many”


“Marry the colonel!”
“I salute this lieutenant who supported the colonel TO THE END!”
You always were behind the one who looked at the future”
“It was wonderful to always see her standing next to the colonel!”
“I like her since junior high. I would like to get close to her age”


“His involvement in the second part was great!”
“His manliness and consideration were great!”
“If someone limited the chaos in this fight, it is you!”
Hang on, Bureko!” (no idea what “bureko” is. EDIT: It seems it could be short for “Breda-kun”: ブレダ  -> “Bureda” written in Japanese + “-kun” which used to adress a male friend (in this case at least))
“He is smart! I also like his friendship with Havoc!!” (“C’est une vraie tête” → He is smart)


I love little darlings with firm flesh!”
“His brain was useful many times” (“Son cerveau lui a été utile maintes fois” → “His brain was usefull to him many times”)
“I burst into tears before this man’s tears”
“An unknown hero. Bravo to him”


I will be his wife”
“He is the first person I found handsome with a cigarette at mouth”
Long live those who are helpful! A model subordinate!”
“I love you, you who doesn’t give up on his comrades”
“He moved forward with this hardware store opened for 80 years”


He has evolved and came back: I love him!”
“The kindest man”
“You are so kind! And it is a strength!”
“His consideration for his comrades really moved me”
“Black Hayatte wouldn’t have been here without Fuery. Thank you!”


“A strong man with a gentle heart! Long live the muscles!” (“Vive les muscles” → “Vive les” is used in a lot of expressions like “Long live the king”, “Long live France/Vive la France” but also “Here’s to the bride and groom!”, here it’s like “Hooray to the muscles!”)
“Thank you for crying for all the others”
“He is not afraid of anything. I would like to be like him”
“We will always have a part of the major in our muscles!”
“He has explosive muscles!”

“When we turn 20, ー                                        ー Let’s get married.”



A bespectacled honor student with black hair. Shortsighted in both eyes. Upturned, angular eyes. Best subjects are mathematics and physics. Worst subject is music. Doesn’t particularly like or dislike any food. If he had to pick, he would say he likes squid.

Born on October 28 as the first-born to a father from Kyoto and a mother from Yokohama. He was named by his paternal grandfather, a Christian and former university professor who currently resides in New Zealand. Since his cousin Ritsuko already has the family nickname of “Ricchan”, his family nickname is “Hii-chan”.

His eyesight has deteriorated since his last year of kindergarten, so he’s been wearing glasses from then on. Opts for wearing shorts in elementary school. Takes penmanship, abacus, and piano lessons. Hates piano lessons to the point of crying and quits after the second lesson.

Has his first love in his first year of elementary school. The object of his affections is a sixth grader boy at his local youth organisation. Rarely catches a cold. Is on the school library student council for all six years of elementary school. Starts going to cram school from third grade.

Is confessed to by a girl from his class during the sixth graders’ graduation school trip. He rejects her, making her cry. From the next day on, all the girls in his class start giving him the cold shoulder.

Wears a gakuran in middle school. Joins the literary club, but since most of the members are girls, he quickly becomes a no-show.

Takes a fall while biking to school in seventh grade, breaking his right hand. He hasn’t been good with bicycles ever since. Takes the train to the prep school a little distance away from his middle school.

His father works abroad, so he goes to stay with him for about 1-2 weeks during long term breaks. However, since he is shy and not very good at English, from summer vacation of 8th grade onwards, he chooses to remain home alone in Japan. Despite this, he cannot cook at all.

Encounters a molester on the train, making his original aversion to public transport worsen.

Is again on the school library’s student council for all three years of middle school. Collapses on the train on the day of his high school entrance exams due to severe train sickness. Fails the exams for all the schools he wants.

Gets accepted into Toufu First High School with a perfect score on all subjects. No one from his middle school goes there.

In his second year of high school, he becomes classmates with Kusakabe Hikaru.

Doukyuusei 10th Anniversary “10 Years Later” Kusakabe x Sajou Love Letter Set (Translation)
(First released as a kuji prize in 2018 as part of the Doukyuusei series’s 10th Anniversary)
Text version under the cut!
Sorano Aoto looking at Hara Manabu looking at Sajō Rihito marrying Kusakabe Hikaru

Futarigurashi / post Blanc by Nakamura Asumiko (x) (x) ● Edit/clean/sakura texture (x)


Megumi and Toji

Megumi knows almost nothing about his father, his early memories are of being abandoned. His only family is Tsumiki as far as he’s concerned. It’s clear he doesn’t regard himself as a Zenin, or Toji’s son. He doesn’t even recognize Toji when they meet again briefly. However, though Megumi’s not even aware of it there’s a lot of story parallels between father and son. Toji serves as a cautionary tale of what Megumi could become if he does not grow up and learn to handle his emotions properly. MORE UNDER THE CUT. 

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