#my edit – @coolpartytimefan on Tumblr

@coolpartytimefan /


Rick and Michonne - TOWL // s1.5 (💍)

Rick: Michonne, wait. I’ve been wanting to say something. It’s a broken world, Michonne, and you’re the only thing that puts it back together. 'Til my last breath, I’m yours. Michonne: I could never have imagined this. But it could only ever have been you. ……I’m yours.

Rick and Michonne - TOWL // s1.4

Michonne: .....We, your family are real. I'm real. Our love, this, it doesn't get denied. No matter what you keep trying to tell me or yourself..... What did they do to you Rick? ....What did they take from you? Rick: ....but then you were gone too. I couldn't see your face anymore just as I couldn't see Carl's. I can't live without you. Without you I die......

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