#but not today ehehoho – @dappermouth on Tumblr

haunted by animals

@dappermouth /

hi, i'm jenna barton and i draw animals + mysteries. this is my art blog here on the internet™ //artwork //patreon //print shop //instagram //about/FAQ
Anonymous asked:

I'm soooo excited about the tapestries coming back! Me and my gf got one a while ago and it's like the centerpiece of our apartment. Everyone loves it and asks about it. Literally it feels like having a beautiful doorway to another world on our wall. Just wondering before we decide which one to get next: are you planning to make any of your other pieces available on tapestry or only the ones currently there?

Ah! So pleased that you've enjoyed it! Right now I've just put up the most popular designs + some personal favorites, but I'm more than happy to add others. If there's one in particular that you'd like to have and it isn't there yet, DM/email/send an ask and I'll try to get it up on the shop for ya.

(those of you who sent in asks yesterday requesting specific artworks — go check, they should be there now!)

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