@girltwinkskye on Tumblr



Hi :3. My name is Skye! 21 years old. Im a girl and sometimes a boy. She/he/it. Sapphic :3. I have personally transed multiple peoples' gender just by talking to them and i will do so again. Conservatives, terfs, tankies etc will be blocked on sight

Fuck it. Im a girl. None of that "passing" shit. I will go by she/her pronouns and i will make sure that people know it. My name is Skye now. Im done with worrying about how other people perceive me. If i say im a girl im a girl. Not after a year of estrogen. Not when i feel like its acceptable for others. Now. Im so done with everything you have no idea. None of that "gender" stuff is real. So why is everything influenced by it? And why do people care about that so much? Why shouldnt i call myself a girl? Because some people decided that im not a girl 21 years ago? Fuck all of that. What if i decide for myself what i want to be? Im a girl. I want to be cute, i want to be pretty, i want to be a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend. I just want to finally be myself. Whatever that actually means


Do we have any conclusive evidence on the existence of "cis" people? Its probably just a phase for most of them


idk those alien trade drone guys from the phantom menace were pretty cis

Erm, actually they weren't officialy the Confederacy of Independent Systems until Attack of the Clones, in the Phantom Menace they were just the Trade Federation, who were blockading naboo because they didn't want to pay their taxes.

They became the Confederacy of Independent Systems after joining up with a number of systems in the outer rim that wanted to secede from the republic, as well as various other shady corporations, such as the Commerce Guild, the Techno Union, the intergalactic Banking Clan, and the Corporate Alliance.

Its why the Confederacy of Independent Systems has such varied troops in their droid armies, because they're a mixture of the security forces of all the corporations that joined.

lore aside, they were pretty cis.



Do we have any conclusive evidence on the existence of "cis" people? Its probably just a phase for most of them


I’ll choose cold pressed OJ over Tropicanas “from concentrate” fucking BS.

I’ll choose a perfect medium rare wagyu ribeye over a cold mcdouble i picked up off the ground in a gas station


lovely story from a friend today.


Look, this post has been wildly more popular than I thought it deserved, apparently at least in part because "don't burden others; be independent" is far more ingrained in people than I realized. So here's the thing: society works when people help each other. Helping others gives people a chance to know each other, and gives them an investment in the people they help. Helping creates bonds. People enjoy helping, and you are doing a good by letting them help you if they so wish.

Offer help; accept help. You will be a part of creating a helping culture. Which, incidentally, weakens capitalism and the fractionation between people that benefits those who would use us.


The difference between being gay and being straight is your sexuality


There should be a limit to how cool and swag you can be because im starting to scare the hoes

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