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The clown show on twitter rn: people shocked and upset that J. Sawyer, a director of Fallout New Vegas and creator of characters such as Arcade Gannon, supports socialism.

@destroyhorse I can vividly picture them all on his twitter with IRL horse-blinders on, only selectively viewing his posts about video games like


Does anyone have that meme that goes "don't fuck with us Fallout fans, we blindly worship the concepts our game criticizes"

Yeah, I gotchu.


this one too


yeah no biden is going to go down as one of the most evil pieces of shit we had as president for absolute sure

he caused a great deal of our current problems including the inability to declare bankruptcy on student loans, but pretending he cared about fixing those problems. he wiggled his way into presidency by pure happenstance of having been a VP pick by a better(albeit still evil) president to satisfy conservatives, and managed to accordingly trick people in later years that he'd always been left-leaning and not famously so conservative he was barely even a democrat, and even with that he was going to lose so they had to convince almost all the democratic candidates ahead of him to drop out. he was no one's first choice. and then he became president and proceeded to not do anything he ever promised to do (par for the course) but made sure that the thing he would be known for, is genocide. boots on the ground genocide now. even nixon had attempted to force israel's hand to declare a ceasefire on a non-genocidal, actual war that he deemed was going too far with the yom kippur war, by refusing to help - and that was only stopped when israel threatened nuclear weapons if they did not comply. even nixon tried to get israel under control, and for lesser reasons, than biden. biden has not only let genocide in israel continue unabated, but as of now, and the reason why i made this post- is that the stupid fucking pier they decided to make brought "aid" that had US soldiers hidden inside it, and they helped massacre 200 palestinians in a refugee camp.

i cannot comprehend this 'lesser evil' people still spout. this man is going to go down in the history books as one of our most evil, most inept, most damaging presidents.


as careless as it is to share unverified fundraisers, it is equally careless to callously say "this is probably a scam" without even doing so much as message the owner of the account or check the reblogs to try to verify it. it is cruel to the people in need, and it is cruel to the palestinian bloggers putting all the effort to make sure nobody is taking advantage of their genocide to steal funds from those truly in need, who work tirelessly just for you to walk all over their struggle. if you can't put in the work yourself, and listening to palestinians is oh too much for you, then the least you can do is be quiet. every day i see my friends stepping away from their account because the climate that people have created for palestinians here has become too much to bear and i don't know what to say to them because as hurtful it is to not have this connection to them anymore is, i know they're right and i can't ask them to stay in this rancid place. develop an ounce of compassion for the love of god.

also reconsider some of the "signs" that an account is a scam. a blog being new doesn't mean it's a scam. a blog sending several asks and DMs doesn't mean it's a scam. lots of gazans have only recently just made accounts to try to seek out help. of course their blogs will look different from people who have been blogging regularly for years. also consider the fact that tumblr isn't as intuitive as you think it is - you only see it that way because you've been here for a while, but this website is easily clunky and confusing if you're not used to it. i spoke to a gazan woman who told me she had up to 10 of her first attempts to make an account banned instantly before she finally got an account going steady because she didn't understand the website.

unless you have something DEFINITIVE to go from, like the text from the fundraiser being plagiarised, or if you reverse-image search the photos from the fundraiser and find duplicates under a different name, or if you speak arabic and recognize that the arabic used is obviously machine translates (trust me it is obvious when it is) then do everybody a favor and keep your skepticism to yourself and be quiet. it's not like your only two options are "immediately trust this account with your life" or "declare them a thief and a liar". there's also the option of holding your horses until you know better.


Biden administration: I swear to god on my life on every thing that pier we built in Gaza is to bring in humanitarian aid only because Israel has shut off every alternative, conventional route to do so and the idea that you would think it would be used for anything else but aid is insulting and lowkey bigoted

Biden administration:…anyway

Nour, a young mother from Gaza, and her family narrowly escaped this attack. Donate to her go fund me so they can evacuate.


people see news of 200+ palestinians being killed in one attack and scroll or think about it for about a minute then move on. but if 200+ people died in an attack in the west it would be mainstream news and all people spoke about for weeks. i know the numbers of palestinians being killed are astronomical and its impossible to keep up (which is absolutely sickeningly horrifying, there are no words), but the lack of value placed in palestinians lives and disregard shown is insane


people aren't exactly fucking subtle with hating the black and brown strips on the progress flag huh?

like the point is to explicitly include people of colour in pride because of like you know...the massive fucking exclusion of people of colour in pride???

"they were already included" is really mixing up "should be" and"are" like it's the same shit as people acting like trans women have "always" been welcome in various spaces like it's just demonstrably not true. you can complain about not liking how it looks but bitching about the explicit inclusion of trans people and people of colour (two communities very much cast out of mainstream queer society) on a pride flag just makes you look like a massive cunt.


There were people alive as recently as last year who witnessed the 1948 massacre of tantura and buried their village members in a mass grave per orders of terrorist "israeli" militia. They give first hand accounts of witnessing the massacre, and many family members who resided in Palestinian refugee camps throughout SWANA insist on visitation rights to the mass Graves, which of course "Israel" would never allow because their precious beach resort is more valuable.


literally so fucking telling seeing people here lament the loss of the middle class in such a way that it's clear as day that they don't realize homelessness wasn't like, invented in the early 2000s. like I'm sorry you're only Just Now getting on the same page as "the poors" but for some of us this shit has Always been unobtainable.

like for as much as yall recognize the "American Gothic horror of the suburbs" you really don't skip a beat fuckin fetishizing it as something you lost and need to reclaim.

and it's just fascist rhetoric at a certain point! "We used to have affordable housing in this country but it was taken from us" like who is us. Some of us actually grew up poor. I've seen people post shit like "yeah poor people used to be able to afford homes too" and it's like. No???? Lower middle class families used to be able to afford homes. The actual lower class has always been here. Homelessness has always been a necessity under capitalism. There is no golden glorious past of America that we need to Return to.

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