@mirrorhouse on Tumblr

@mirrorhouse /

i need you. you can keep me on this earth. be vigilant. i love you.

you masc and moaning like that when he drinks your blood…..? :\

everybody masc till the fangs come out. go in. What the fuck ever. it’s friday


i forgot to watch but aw2 dlc tomorrow ???????? yipeee


i decided im actually most interested in finding out if louis and armand went to sleep in the same bed after that huge argument. did they just go to bed angry without resolving anything. did one of them sleep in a guest room or on the couch instead. i need details


need to find that "cracking open a boy with the cold ones" post in honor of daniel molloy getting sucked off this sunday


dragon age would be so good if it was good


Dragon age is coming back so you know what that means. Logging into your dash each day and seeing callouts because someone sided with the magical wizard rumpus club over the warlock circlejerk in their playthrough. Getting messages calling you problematic for following someone who has mixed feelings about the gnome independence movement. Seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs about how slorpity porpity the esteemed magical elf was actually justified in signing the pixie exclusion act. Get ready.

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