@nibeul on Tumblr

what kinda girl are you into?

@nibeul /

east asian artist | no reposting

Caring for a baby on a daily basis is challenging enough even when you live in the comfort of your home with all basic necessities available and adequate healthcare at your disposal whenever you need it. Imagine being responsible for the safety and well-being of three newborns (and four other children) while a brutal relentless war is raging around you, displacing you from one hell to another that keeps getting worse each time. This is my family's struggle everyday since the beginning of this cruel onslaught on Gaza. The situation was already unbearably harsh when they were in the camp in Rafah. Now, that they have been displaced again to Khan Yunis,my family's suffering has only been intensified. Food, water and other basic needs are almost impossible to come by. In the sweltering heat, Our babies are surrounded by rubble, disease, garbage, insects and all sorts of dangers you can think of with no medical care whatsoever. The little baby formula they had has almost ran out and even if they were lucky to obtain more there is no water clean enough to prepare the bottles for three newborns. To say that these conditions are inhumane is an understatement but what's even more terrifying is that any promise of safety is nothing but a sham as the occupation keeps bombing supposedly "safe zones" since the beginning of this waking nightmare.

My family have lost everything they held dear, their home which they built after years of hard work and patience,loved ones and neighbours, their jobs and livelihoods,their memories, their dreams and any semblance of a normal life. These three little angels and their siblings are the only glimmer of hope they have left amidst all the darkness and despair. Please help them so they don't lose them too.

Your support is now needed more than ever. It's what keeps us from completely giving up.Thanks to your love and generosity we have reached 27,774 € out of 70,000 € in a matter of days but we still have a long way to go.

Every contribution truly makes a difference and brings us closer to saving our babies lives.

Please donate if you can and share our story widely as you're able to.

We are forever grateful 🙏


please please please help save these children


thank you Karol @innocentartery for matching me! I'm making a new match chain today. please match (or donate what you can!) at least one of the following:

  1. ($15 CAD for Mahmoud) Donate to Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza! Mahmoud is a 20 year old student trying to complete his college degree. Currently $5,777 CAD out of $10,000 raised. Progress has been slow. Donate here!
  2. (€15 for Wafaa) Donate to Wafaa @hebsnhel and her family, details here. Wafaa is trying to evacuate her family of 15, including 4 children and a newborn infant. Wafaa's daughter, who gave birth to the infant, is suffering from a chest wound caused by shrapnel from an iof attack and needs urgent care. €5,458 out of €35,000 goal. Donate here!
  3. (£13 for Renad) Donate to Renad @renadmagidnew and her family! Renad is a 24 year old midwife who worked at Al-Quds and Al-Shifa hospital to care for newborns and their mothers both before and during the iof invasion. Her mother, father, and brother are deeply sick with Hepatitis A, with her mother's case being extremely concerning. They need urgent medical treatment. Details here. £9,960 out of £25,000 goal. Progress has been extremely slow. Donate here!
  4. ($15 for Anas) Donate to Anas @anasgaza and his family! Details here. Anas is a computer engineer who is looking to evacuate with his family. $6,520 out of $20,000 goal. Donate here!

tagging @dykesbat @communistchilchuck @tsaricides @pikslasrce @daisies-on-a-cup @ear-motif @maryoliverdotcom @rillette @fithragaer @dandeeliion @petrowriting @allgremlinart to match me (if able!) and pass it on.

After matching please nominate 5-10 mutuals to match your amount!!


i just paid my bills so this is all i'm able to match at this time. @agapimenos @manicpixiedreamkiller @roobylavender @ahaura @aboutmercy @matchahater @derelictship @hineinihineini @hopeworth anything to spare?


thank you for tagging me! i’m able to match your donation and have done so by donating to anas @anasgaza (info to his gfm is on the original post and on his profile) — tagging: @cancel @roobylavender @lovesickbrat @ahaura @monstress @watermotif @tokophobe @allyriadayne. donate if you are able to and continue the chain, etc etc <3 😊


thank u for the tag!! i donated around 10$ to each fundraiser (receipts below)🌟🌟


thank you for tagging me ❤️ i was able to match donations to each fundraiser, receipts below:


thanks for tag 🙏🏽 I was able to match for Mahmoud and Renad, receipts below



[id: It’s a drawing of a Boku No Hero Academia oc sitting with her elbow propped up on her knee and her knuckles to her cheek. She has brown skin and black, shaggy hair that is cut to chin length. Her notable features are a scar curving from the base of her nose around her left eye and ptosis in her right eye. She wears a white, long sleeve t-shirt and grey sweatpants. /end id]


i tried not to change too much, but i fixed toya's face and redid the colors. i also made shoto a bit hesitant since this is an au where toya stays but the abuse happened and they're still a dysfunctional family. He's very close to fuyumi and natsuo but yeah shoto is a bit different, it takes some time :) fuyumi is grabbing bith because she rlly is the glue that keeps this familiy togetherrrrr

also there's some first traces of dabi there, it might happen who knows


hi so i decided to amplify the Abu Qumbuz family from operation olive branch initiative. Ibrahim the eldest son of the Abu Qumbuz family reached out to me to emphasis the urgency of this fund in order to evacuate from Rafah to Egypt, then take a flight to turkey. His Mother Suha, his younger siblings: Adam (19) , Noor (18) Saad (16) Basema (13) and Mohammed (10)

The Abu Qumbuz family rebuilt their home from the 2014 IOF attacks in the Shuja’yya neighbourhood and once again their home was destroyed in Oct 2023 and their family was displaced multiple times due to IOF threats; Zeitoun area, then to Nuserait, then to Khan Younis.

His Ma, Suha continued to do her best to provide for her family by selling Gazan sweets but the last displacement to Rafah stopped all that. Right now their hope is to evacuate and start a life in Turkey.

as of May 23rd they are very close to their evacuation goal but they need more to go to sustain renting and education in turkey.

So please take the time to read the details of Ibrahim’s story, watch the video of their situation and donate what you can 1-5 dollars goes a long way especially if you reside in the imperial core.

And always ALWAYS share.

Abu Qumbuz family: gofundme


Donate your few cents dollars and keep sharing!

The Abu Qumboz family went from 11,000 to 16,000 just in the few last hours alone. Your sharing brought this much traction. Please continue to do so in the coming days and weeks. If you cannot donate now, donate the next time when you have some space for it and continue to share. 🪔

Incredible, we are at 20,556/42,000

keep sharing, donating, sharing!! 🪔

yall the way this is so so close!!! we can do this!!!!! 🪔


Hey everyone just a reminder, Firas Salem's previous account got suspended and he is now at @firassalemnewacccount - he is still in need of funds for his family to escape Gaza and is getting close to meeting the halfway point for his goal. Any donation, no matter how small, is a step forward to helping him and his family make it to safety. Please help!

€25,578/€65,000 (5/30/2024)


Hello everyone, I will begin by introducing myself. I am Shahad Abu Musa, a third-year dentistry student. I have dreams and ambitions in the field like everyone else. As you know, we are now in Gaza in a war. I had many ideas before creating my campaign, but I saw them as the only solution to raise money. And getting out of the war... and I would like to ask for your help in this regard!

I have a family of 7 members, and I try to help them by collecting money to get out of the war and live a little safer! And this picture is of us: my father (Hatem Abu Musa), 50 years old, my mother (Maysoon Abu Musa), 46 years old, my older brother (Firas Abu Musa), 19 years old, my middle sister (Batoul Abu Musa), 17 years old, my sister (Lyan Abu Musa), 16 years old. And my younger sister (Joud Abu Musa), 12 years old, and other than that, I (Shahd Abu Musa), 21 years old.... We want your support and humanity to donate to us and share our donation link to reach the largest number of people!

As you know, we live a lot of fear and fleeing from death every single minute, hunger, killing, siege, lack of hospitals and many more!! These pictures illustrate a little of the suffering we experience daily...

I work during these times of war, as a volunteer dentist. We try to relieve people's pain as much as we can, help them, we want them to be fine in the midst of all this destruction, killing, and lack of life... It is enough that we just try!

Therefore, I am writing this post, and I hope that you will help me escape the war and continue my life for me and my family where I left off. Please help us, even if just a little, by donating and sharing. Thank you from the bottom of my h and thank you for your precious time. Thar from the heart of Gaza.

Thank you for your time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️!
I do not know how many times I should write a new update in one day. The occupation is still following the worst methods and all methods of violence. It is still bombing us around the clock. We are still gradually losing everything we have: people, places, memories, everything we own. There is nothing left. Something, stop this hatred. We do not deserve this bad life. We deserve a safe life like everyone else. Help us so we can get out and escape from this fierce war.



[id: It's a bust, side profile drawing of Aizawa Shouta. He is depicted with tan skin that has a few sunspots, dark eye bags, and patchy stubble. His black hair is tied into a lazy bun. He is wearing a black shirt and black stud earrings. He is drawn with his usual scar under his eye. /end id]


she wanted their hair to match

[id: It’s a drawing of Aizawa holding Eri in his arms. Aizawa is depicted with tan skin that has a few sunspots, dark eye bags, and patchy stubble. His black hair is tied into a lazy bun. He is wearing a black shirt and black stud earrings. He is drawn with his usual scar under his eye. Eri is wearing the outfit he bought her—a blue Neko sweater and red leggings with a built in tutu that is purple, pink, and yellow—and has her arms wrapped around his neck. She is drawn with pale skin, white hair, and reddish eyes. Her hair is also tied into a lazy bun to match Aizawa’s. They are smiling at each other. /end id]


supporting palestinian armed resistance is a must. absolutely imperative. theres no halfway about being for a free palestine and freedom of palestinians. not fighting back is a death sentence and not supporting them fighting back is you siding with the oppressor but quietly & hoping you can wait it out until theyre all killed and displaced by israel so you can go back to not caring again. fuck all that. fuck everyone who condemns people fighting back against usamerican imperialism and its rotten settler colonial extensions in the world. fascism will fail and palestine will be free inshAllah


can we all push for more traction on this fundraiser? i've been spreading it around and donating to it when i can, but donations are still slow and they are far from their goal. this fundraiser in particular has been vetted by Ottawa4Palestine. can we start a $5 donation chain (or however much you'd like to donate)? here is my proof of donation:


STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.

(may 27th)

Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.

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