@onemagpie on Tumblr


@onemagpie /

Hello! I'm Misia (she/her), tumblr old
I draw sometimes
I don’t do commissions, sorry
Anonymous asked:

i keep reading your url as omegamagpie 😩 im sry for forcibly assigning your blog an a/b/o gender 😔

lmfao thats ok anon, everyone has associations they deserve 👼

Anonymous asked:

We're in the same discord together, but we haven't spoken directly BUT I've seen your art in there and I LOVE IT!!!! You've definitely made me more of a tedbeard lover for sure!!!

Hi fellow discord server user! Happy to know you like them! ☺️ thanks!!

To old men yaoi anon whose message I accidentally deleted 🙈 thank you sm!

Anonymous asked:

Currently writing a Ted lasso fic - very Tedbeard centric - and can I just say your art gives me life!! You’re my FAVORITE Tedbeard artist in the fandom by far. Keep up the amazing work!! 🥰

Ohh!! Exciting news anon, good luck on your fic!! And thank you so much :') Means a lot ❤

Anonymous asked:

i hope you take this as the grand compliment i mean it as: i love how bald you make coach beard in your art. i see his receded hairline and i go: there he is! your likeness of ted and beard is remarkable and every day i am grateful that you use your skills to let them kiss <3 hope your day is going well!

Thank you!!! Capturing likeness is always challenging, so I’m happy to hear you like the way I draw them. Coach Beard is my fave and I love all of him, esp his balding head 🥹 Seriously this message made my day thanks anon mwaah


After the frequent sightings of Spider-Woman near fast food haunt, "The Dollar Dog", the business becomes too popular for its own good, going from local favorite to buzzing nightlife hotspot. But it turns out that Gwen isn't the only one upset by the change.

WHAT'S UP- Here's my fic from "The Devil You Know" the Murderdock Zine put together by the most wonderful and talented Avocados I know. This was such a fun fic to write and it has BEAUTIFUL art by none other than @onemagpie so I'd be much obliged if you checked it out. Or go crazy and check out the zine and maybe pick one up for yourself!

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