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~It's For You~

@ricksmarlene /

Andrew Lincoln / Rick Grimes appreciation blog. Best actor ever in my book. :) Hands down.

It seems there are still some people out there who wish to belittle, disregard and reject Michonne's importance to Rick. So for those who seem to have such a problem with Rick and Michonne let me just say:

This is Michonne Grimes

She is everything to Rick Grimes. His partner, his lover, his confidant, his best friend, his saviour, the mother of his children, his sun, moon and stars, she is his wife, his soulmate and the love of his life. She is his entire universe, his reason for everything and he would choose her in any life and any universe.

Contrary to what I've seen some people say, Rick would not walk away from Michonne if Lori miraculously returned from the dead, he would not do so if Jessie came back either. Had Lori or Jessie lived, Rick and Michonne still would have found their way to each other because they are meant to be, in any lifetime and in any and all versions of reality.

Rick is the man who didn't think of moving on even after 8 years, who wrote love letters and dreamt about her to keep himself going, and lets not forget what he had to do just to be able to go on without her. And for Michonne, she couldn't truly believe he was gone despite the fact she saw the bridge he was stood on literally explode, she kept believing and searching for years, never moved on and went through hell to find him again.

The Walking Dead and especially The Ones Who Live have made it exceptionally clear what their relationship is, how important they are to each other, how deep and unbreakable their love is and how they would go to the ends of the earth for each other. Not everyone is going to feel a connection to Richonne, I get that and I'm not trying to say otherwise (despite the fact I don't think I'll ever understand how anyone can watch their love story and not fall completely in love with their love!) but canon is canon, you can not feel a connection to them and still respect their story and acknowledge that they are 'it' for each other. To disregard that is to ignore their whole story.

Michonne Grimes is Rick Grimes one true love, she is his whole world, she and their children are his priority, he will put them before anyone else, and yes, even above Daryl. So, while we are all entitled to an opinion no one can really deny that Rick and Michonne are completely and utterly head over heels in love, someone's personal view of them as a couple does not change that fact.

This is THE couple of The Walking Dead and IMO the best couple to have ever graced the screen. They are everything to me and they are everything to each other

Anonymous asked:

What do you love most about Rick as a character?

So much to love about him! And thank you for not assuming that my criticism about the writing of white men on the show means I don’t like Rick.

He’s one of the best fictional characters of all time, second only to Michonne lol.

Of course, all the praise goes to Andrew Lincoln’s exquisite talent. Rick Grimes is nothing without him.

A few things that make him compelling:

His profound vulnerability; he feels deeply

His tender-heartedness

His keenness; he’s exceptionally perceptive

His ferocity; he will do what he has to for his people

His disdain for leadership — this is a key part of his character and he never sheds it.

He’s a loner (like Michonne); this isn’t a bad thing. There’s a reason Farmer Rick REALLY does it for me lmao. By loners, I don’t mean they can’t form attachments and have relationships. What’s funny about them is they attract people to themselves without even meaning or wanting to. They’re surrounded by people and yet seem to be most at ease alone and now, with each other.

It seems to me Rick was always a loner, always quiet and introspective, wanting something inexplicable from the world and never finding it until he the world ended and he met the love of his life and because himself for the first time. THAT is endlessly interesting to me. A writer from Vulture sums this up well:

One thing that links Rick and Michonne is that even though they’re often forced into leadership positions, both are outdoor cats. They bristle when told what to do, often stray away when they feel emotionally encumbered, and have a tough time fitting in when they don’t feel useful.

As a sort of western hero, Rick Grimes is a unique one.

Andrew Lincoln brings so much to that role and his ability to emote and go there is why Rick Grimes stands out as an exceptional character.

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