Free Domain Hosting with Weebly - Find Domain Names Today

Free Domain Hosting and Management

Register, manage and host a domain with your website.

Features Computer
Domains Home Screen
Free Subdomain

Domain Names and Registration Made Easy

Buying your own domain name through Weebly is straightforward, no extra setup required. Your website will be visible at the new domain within minutes of publishing.

Domain Name Search

Domain Name Search

Use Weebly's Domain Name Search tool to check if your perfect domain is available. Find the domain that speaks to you and your online publishing goals.

Manage and ImportManage and Import Popout

Free Subdomain

Creating a free Weebly subdomain is simple. If you're not ready for a full domain purchase or import this option helps you get a website published quickly and hassle-free. If you decide to upgrade to a new domain later, all traffic will automatically forward to your new domain.

Domains and Registration

Import From Another Provider

If you purchased a domain elsewhere point it directly to your site with Weebly's domain import tool. Weebly offers detailed guides for domain import from other major domain name registrars.

Free Domain Hosting Options

Unleash Google Workspace For Your Domain

Get email @yourdomain with Weebly’s Google Workspace for Business integration. Manage your email and website all in one place while enjoying the full suite of collaboration and communication tools offered by Google Workspace for Business. A domain branded email address is vital for website promotion, and Weebly’s Google Workspace integration makes the setup process easy. In addition to full email functionality, you can also take advantage of the Google Workspace calendar, storage, and chat features.

Full Control When You Need It Most

Manage CNAME, A records, WHOIS information, and all vital domain management elements right from the Weebly dashboard. Manage your domain comfortably without leaving the Weebly environment.

Free Subdomain

Creating a free Weebly subdomain is simple. If you're not ready for a full domain purchase or import this option helps you get a website published quickly and hassle-free. If you decide to upgrade to a new domain later, all traffic will automatically forward to your new domain.