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darko_yolo (588532)
Joined 2018-08-20
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Take the IQ Test in politics
0 ups,
84% of who? How?

President Joe Biden is basically the same old man he was in 2020.

+ millions of student loans forgiven
+ largest permanent increase in food stamps
+ record level oil production beating trumps
+ record high stock market beating trumps
+ record low unemployment beating trumps

The donald is basically the same old man he was in 2020.

+ found liable for sexual abuse (rape)
+ convicted felon
+ his supreme court flipped Roe v Wade and the aftermath of that

But idk. Maybe the BDS is actually more prevalent than it seems. I guess we'll see in November.
Take the IQ Test in politics
0 ups,

Hate to burst your bubble but we (or at least I) don't see or fantasize President Joe Biden as Superman, Batman, the Hulk, a giant, a guy with enormous lions standing around him for no reason, a guy standing on tanks firing machine guns, a Clint Eastwood character, or anything else the right has ridiculously used to portray their innocent until (and even after) proven guilty leader.

Joe Biden is just a guy in the democrat party who I'll be voting for this November.

He might lose but if he does, well.. at least it was a pretty good 4 year break from the donald.
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 1h
Me? No.

Biden clearly isn't hitler nor even a dictator.

If he was, trump would be finding good things to say about him.
They're Cheaters: Lawfare & 2000 Mules of Election Fraud 2024 in politics
0 ups, 16h
"Nah, bro, they turned over the proof, except the names of the whistle blowers"

Or as I literally just said:
"The court: Ok who are the individuals?

Anonymous sources might work elsewhere but idk about in court.....

I hope that Mark Andrews and anyone else who may have been falsely portrayed as committing voter fraud in that scam end up with every last dime that came from it and then some.