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Comments from TonyMichaels

Date Story title Comment
2022-11-18 06:49:59 TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 7 It’s always so frustrating to find a series that is both unique and well written, get drawn in, and then discover that it was left unfinished. This is t my typical genre of choice, but the story and the written are extremely well done. Killing me that it is over.
2022-11-28 17:20:14 Sarah's Submission: Ch 25 - Dominant or Submissive? Ahh, the dreaded typo! I know you are right WSCLG, and I am would probably benefit from having a separate pair of eyes read before publishing. I proofread that chapter at least ten times, but it doesn't seem to matter how many times I go through, some always get through. The brain sometimes overrides the eyes. Much thanks for the comment though and I will try to do better with the last few chapters. Glad you are enjoying the story.
2022-12-07 16:41:54 I Can Not Believe I Cheated I had read WaDaSM and loved it. I am not sure why I didn't read this one at the same time, but just noticed it when I checked to see if you had posted anything new. Really well done! You tell a hell of a story. But it feels like you left this one undone. It needs a second chapter to finish out Bobby's stay and his continued domination of his new slut. I hope you will revisit and give us a second chapter.