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The Lover of Flowery Names

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Anonymous asked:

What do you think about Vorona stabbed Izaya in the end? Izaya, I mean... he is IZAYA! And the spoilers say that Shizuo calmed down thanks to her. ... I can't believe. Shizuo ignores a possibly-dead Izaya? Shizuo is not that kind of person to me. My heart is broken. What do you think?

I fear I am quite the opposite here, anon dear!

For you see I am quite elated that Shizuo has developed as much as he has to ignore an almost dead Izaya and here are my reasons for it. 

[Beware of alot of background/context/spoilers posted under the cut]


Do you think that the reason why Narita stated that Shizuo likes older women was b/c he just wanted to avoid Shizuo ending up w/ someone (& be in the wrath of Shizaya shippers)? The only woman I could think of that's older than Shizuo is Celty, but she's in a relationship w/ Shinra; the females that are currently attracted to him are either a few years younger (Vorona), moderately younger (Orihara twins & MAYBE Anri), or REALLY younger (Akane).


Mmm well first lemme state for the record that I don’t really agree with that translation of Shizuo liking just ‘older women’.

This is the tweet in question. Narita tweeted it during episode 5’s airing at the time that Shizuo was discussing with Tom the subject of getting a girlfriend. When the first translations of it came out I already felt very iffy about it but since I can’t read Japanese and I rely on manual translating I didn’t say anything (which I kind of regret now). Later I asked other’s though and they confirmed my suspicions.

Here is basically what it says: First season anime recap point.  Shizuo’s first love (the word used is adoration) was when he was in elementary schoolHe was indebt to a bakery onee-san. So Shizuo’s type of women (again used as in adoration/all encompassing), is basically an older sister type. This is important.(he actually says ‘this is important’)

So it isn’t that Shizuo likes OLDER WOMEN it’s that he likes the Onee-san type of woman. Someone who is caring and affectionate and patient/gentle with him like an older sister. In this case Celty is the epitome of the Onee-san type. (Walker and Erika even debate this during the Hot Pot party if she’s more tsun or Onee-san). But in another tweet (that I can’t find right now) Narita even mentioned that Shizuo and Celty wouldn’t work out because Celty has Shinra and so he never considered her in that way. So this means ofc for Shizuo/Celty shippers you can take this as a means to help the ship to work or not. 

Now to get back to your question I in no way think Narita said this just to appease his Shizaya fans. Yes, Narita likes to play with us. He will write us Shizaya as an April fools joke or he will let them include Shizaya in the Durarara!! games (which are in no way related to canon) but for him to say Shizuo likes one type of woman and then not give him that love interest in the novels just to keep his yaoi fans happy? No way. Read Narita’s interviews or read his author’s note on the fanfic. He doesn’t understand Shizaya. He doesn’t understand why anyone would even support that ship. He would never let a ship like that affect his development of his characters.

Narita says Shizuo likes the Onee-san type because shizuo likes the onee-san type.

Can you even imagine him preferring any other type?? From the milk lady to celty, all women he has been close to have been the onee-san type. The Onee-san type encourage him, help him, take care of him. It’d be only natural for him to then grow an inclination towards that type of woman. 

But just because he likes the onee-san type of woman the most does not invalidate every other ship. Have you only ever liked ONE TYPE of person and NEVER EVER LOOKED AT ANY OTHER TYPE? No way. People are diverse for a reason. Shizuo has a bias for Onee-san’s but that does not mean he would not or will not also like other personality types if the person is right for him.

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