#varona – @flowerynameslover on Tumblr

The Lover of Flowery Names

@flowerynameslover /

Writer. Gifmaker. Requests are always welcome.
Hakuoki, Code Realize, Collar x Malice, Cinderella Phenomenon, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dead or Alive, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, House of the Dragon, The Witcher, Galavant, Merlin, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, The Dragon Prince, Nikita, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, Marvel, DC, Disney, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Durarara, Uncharted, Psycho Pass, Resident Evil, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Seraph of the End, Bungou Stray Dogs, Death Note, Code Geass, Shrek, Yuri on Ice, The Shape of Water, Criminal Minds, Ready or Not, The Queen’s Gambit, StarCraft, Loonatics Unleashed, Scooby-Doo, Assassin’s Creed, Overwatch, Barbie Movies
Anonymous asked:

What do you think about Vorona stabbed Izaya in the end? Izaya, I mean... he is IZAYA! And the spoilers say that Shizuo calmed down thanks to her. ... I can't believe. Shizuo ignores a possibly-dead Izaya? Shizuo is not that kind of person to me. My heart is broken. What do you think?

I fear I am quite the opposite here, anon dear!

For you see I am quite elated that Shizuo has developed as much as he has to ignore an almost dead Izaya and here are my reasons for it. 

[Beware of alot of background/context/spoilers posted under the cut]


I’d like to get this straight.

Vorona is a codename, meaning crow. It’s not a given name. Nor a surname.

Douglanikov is Lingerin’s last name. He’s her father’s employer. Not her father. The only way Douglanikov could be her and her father’s surname, is if Lingerin was part of their family, but there hasn’t been any kind of information like that.

Nowhere in the books has Vorona been called by any kind of surname.

Therefore, Vorona’s last name is not Douglanikov.

Also, since we don’t even know her given name, it’s unlikely she’d have only her surname revealed.

and on that note, her partner’s code name, Slon, means elephant and his real name is also never revealed.


disliking Vorona because she “takes Shizuo away from Izaya” is not a valid reason

disliking Vorona because she “takes Shizuo away from Izaya” is not a valid reason

disliking Vorona because she “takes Shizuo away from Izaya” is not a valid reason

disliking Vorona because she “takes Shizuo away from Izaya” is not a valid reason

If you hate on a female character for “getting in the way” of a male slash ship, especially when said ship has zero chance of becoming of canon because both men hate each other so much they don’t consider one another human, then you are kindly invited to fuck off 🖕🏻

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